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Loss of an Adult Child


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glad that you are back and safe adn sound, LOST IN SPACE can be scary. SO nice that you and the quilt women went out, and donating the money to the fund is so RIGHT ON. All good things today.

Rhonda, I am glad that you were able to hook up with your friend, I think that the amazing circumstances of your boys' lives and the loss you both suffered so close in time with one another, makes you soul sisters in many ways. Blessings to you both.

Dan, I read the article, wow, what a traumatic time this woman has had, dealing with murder and making sure that it would be seen as such. Strength to her as she now faces the days that are not filled by the court dates and the lawyers, the erie quiet after the storm. I hope in that quiet, she will hear her Daughter saying, THANKS MOM< I AM SO PROUD OF YOU.

Bonnie Dearest, the flags have begun their journey to you and should arrive by

Wednesday. Please let me know when they arrive so that we can be sure on this end, adn thanks, you are the one that started this tribute to our Babies. Let them fly high and shine the way for others, and shine for us as we find our way each day into the light. Into the light where our Children hope we will spend most of our days, breathing in the new day and breathing out all that has been dark.

Any word from Elaine?

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Happy Heavenly Birthday Sweetie, dance and sing with our angels. Laugh and be joyous in our love. May your Momma and Family feel your touch today and each, knowing that the day you were born will remain a joy-filled day.

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Ta-Da ! ((((Hugs Everyone )))) Boy, I missed you all so much. I have a lot of reading to do! thanks Eric, Bonnie and Lynn.

I'll write more after I read/catch up. I found a picture of Rich at a party of friends sliding down the staircase.


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Rhonda----So nice that you had your visit with Susan, and I, too, believe that Andrew and

Westley are friends in heaven.

Betty----Thanks for the story about your niece's starlings.....what an animal lover she is, and

the bird actually spoke....amazing, and so cute. Thanks for the tips on getting a gallery together.

Leah----I know that this must be so frightening and frustrating for you with your daughter's

situation. Unbelievable that they would destroy the evidence like that. I agree that sometimes

it seems that they care more for the perpatrator's rights than for innocent people, including

helpless children. I am continuing to pray for you, your daughter, and her sweet children.

Lorrie----Sorry about Kody's car mishap, but I am glad that he was not injured. So nice you are

going to Texas to meet the quilt lady and have dinner. Also, its great that you mom is going too.

Dee---Thanks for the tips on the gallery setup. Not sure how I'll do, but I will give it a try sometime.

Wish me luck.....I'll need it. :(


Davey&Lisasmom, Sherry

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Betsy-----YAY ! So good to see you back. :D:):D

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Hi Indigos

I am OH SO GLAD that our two lost Indigos are back Betsy I loved the picture of Rich. He certainly looked as if he was having a great time. It must have been some party :unsure:

LOrrie Being lost in the abyss after posting in the Gallery must have been so hard. Glad you are back. I love seeing beautiful Kourtney when I sign on

Eric :rolleyes: Thanks for adding the angel dates for our profiles That is a great additional information After finding our lost Indigos You are certainly a wonderful asset

Rhonda I understand how you feel about the Holiday Traditions. I found that some how a new tradition formed. It was certainly not like my former Holiday but it is workable and there is always a place set for Stephen

Dan That lady that you know from the cemetery has a difficult path to travel. She has one bright light as she shared part of her grief journey with you You are s special person

Leah Continuing my prayers that Wednesday will bring peace to you family

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Adam, Adam, Adam...saying his name...surround your mom and family with peaceful reminders of your sweet self.

love and peace, carol mikesmomrs

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Lorri and Betsy: So glad to see you back... and so sorry that you fell into outer space for a bit. Lorri, I loved all the pics on Kourt's gallery...and Betsy, I love the new pic of Rich sliding down the banister...he looks like he was having a heck of a time!.

Leah: continuing to pray for you and your family, holding you all close i prayers and thoughts.

Rhonda: I am so very happy for you for your visit with Susan...glad that you talked and shared...it is good to have someone close to you that you can share with...I hope you have many more such visits.

Dan: The woman you mow for..such a tragic story. sending prayers for strength for her and her family.

On Saturday, they were having a Navy Air Show out at what used to be Pease Air Force Base, but is now only a national guard base, though all the land and building have been recycled into private enterprises. Anyway, the air shows used to be such a big thing at the bases where we were stationed, and we were stationed at Pease three different times. This is the first full blown air show they've had in quite a few years. Mike always loved to go, enthralled with the jets, helicopters, etc. We took the boys to a modified show the year after Mike died, but they didn't have the Blue Angels that day. When Chandler was just under two, Mike took him to a show, and it was the first time he was able to take Chandler out by himself, without Chandler's mom. He just loved showing him part of his life. We didn't get to go to this one, though, for a variety of reasons...but, on Saturday afternoon, we had to drive into town and were close to the base when the air show started. There was a stunt plane doing his thing as we drove nearer...we could see him twisting, rising and falling, etc. He left this in the sky, as we watched...

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and this is a pic of Mike, with Chandler at an air show, 13 years ago...

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and with Ralph---post-269798-057120200 1283223205_thumb.j

memories are what gives us breath...I am glad there is such a thing...

love and peace, carol mikesmomrs

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Still reading....yes. I guess it was a good time for Rich. i was always "friends" with my brother and sisters while the ex with his, not so much.this is a picture of a trip on the train, spending the night at his sister's when she was in college. Though he was of legal age Sarah is the big sister, so he was in good hands. I know he took a couple of his friends with him.

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I have put up a new album that isn't full of pictures of Micheal. They are of the ocean, the place I have just spenta week at. It has pictures of the ocean, the pink and purple sunsets, the brilliant coastline but most of all its where I now feel closer to Micheal. The energy, the brilliance of mother nature. My memories of Mike are mine to keep, he is with me in my heart - I believe while his physical being is no longer here, his creative energy is in the wind, the sun as it sets, the waves as they crash and the rain as it falls....Trudi

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love the photos Trudi, so absolutely gorgeous and yes, he is with you in all you partake, love the photo of Rich Betsy, and welcome back, and love the heart shaped plane move Carol, along with the Mike of his early Dad years.

Love you all as I start the day under the sunrise on a walk.

Peace out

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Just got baCK from a walk, where acorns are spiling down from the trees and squirrels are 'nuts' for them, burying them here, digging them up there...anyhow, while walking a thought and a picture emerged from my thinking of a little-kid book idea I have, and I was thinking about grief, (how odd) and how in that first year, we are like horses with blinders on. The blinders that keep a horse from peripheral vision. We are those as we carefully take one step at a time, just to learn to breathe adn walk is tricky, and the blinders are there for our protection. We cannot handle any other stimuli, we are over stimulated as it is, but very slowly, sometime in the second year for many of us, our blinders widen and we can take more in, and eventually, more and one day, we take them off, we are able to let the world in. Not that we are not pained by much of it, we are, but we are ready to see and feel things again.

Anyhow, that was my morning walk, shower time.

Betty, are the acorns falling like rain in NYC? If so, you are getting quite a squirrel show.

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Good morning everyone, Carol, Rich’s first road trip at age 4 months was to NH to visit my brother before he left for Edwards. My brother lived on base at Pease. From there we headed to Conway to visit friends. I love the pic of Mike with Chandler and the surprise of the heart in the sky.

Sus, you were right. This pretty much is my support. It sounds like you have a very busy school year ahead. And I missed what it is you are doing to your yard.

Betty, I have read back but must have missed details on the squirrels. So I’ll read again! I saw 4 dear in the yard yesterday and have a pic of the fawn, 2 actually. With the dry weather there are no apples to pick and we aren’t supposed to feed the dear. They look ok though. The heat will be a dozy today; I’m staying inside this afternoon.

I have more to say but with someone else in the house I feel that I now must talk, converse. Which isn’t a bad thing so I will leave you with a pic of an area that is not far from here. This is where I scattered some of Rich’s ashes, to the right out of view is the Delaware River, a couple miles south of where George Washington crossed. Me, Rich and Sarah would walk our dog Cole here. Cole loved to swim in the river and play fetch, swimming to catch a stick we threw in.

On Richs 21st birthday I visited and walked and felt Rich near.

This isn’t my pic; I can’t find the cord for my camera. Its here somewhere, or not.

Lorri, good to hear you are feeling better.

Sherry, your talk of daily life brings back memories of my mom. Her tomatoe sauce canning, pickles, crocks, hot steam, frozen peaches. My grandmother made ketchup and rootbeer. I wish I had known to pay attention. Love Daveys new picture.


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Hello Indigos

Lorri - That quilt sounds so cool. Your daughter must have a real strong spirit to come through so vivid to those that think about her. I am ALWAYS praying for the safety of your loved ones that race.

Betsy - Welcome back. Glad you had someone to "converse" with. It is tough carrying on a conversation sometimes. Especially when those listening just do not get it. I sure hope your friend allowed you to talk about your Rich. If not, please tell us all about him, even more than we already know.!!!

Dee - I think my blinders have come off and I see the world without Brian. I do not like it, but I am here. In this new world, I have found friends that I would never have found otherwise. These friends get it - they have to - they are right here with me in this grief - we will survive.

Trudi - Beautiful sunset. How was your mini-vacation with hubby? Hope the friendship blooms and out of that friendship will come a rose. I am praying for you - always my friend

Rhonda - I sure hope your visit with Susan went well - Visiting the cemetery must have been tought, but that is our life now. I hope you can spend more time with her, she sounds like a person that could help you get through this. Lord knows we need those people in our lives.

Leah - I am praying for your daughter. But most, I am praying for her children. They have no choice but to stay there - in that environment. I hope you do go to the authorities. And I hope they help those kids and get your daughter to safety. I am praying for you.

Sherry - The new avatar you have of Davey is really something. I can see the man develop from the last photo you had. Handsome young man.

Betty - Thinking of HOTROD and enjoyed your photo album. Gives us a glimpse into your son's life. Thanks

Susannah - Sure hope the start of school went well for you? Your grandchildren are younger than my kids. Lots of work at that age. I am sending you strength and energy - something that is very precious to all of us.

Konnie - I too read the article Dan posted. I hope that mother can find some sort of peace knowing this monster is off the street. I loved that he got more jail time the second time around. Poetic Justice.

Indigos, Our family is doing well. A little stressed with school starting.

I have a story to tell you. Taking in Trevor has surely limited what our family can do budget wise. I was praying for God to assist. I do not want to cut out our entertainment. No sooner did I sit down at my desk, and I received an e-mail from my friend Bob. Bob has season tickets to that Badger (UWM) Pack 10. He offered us 4 tickets to the Badger game on Sat, Sept 11. I asked how much he wanted for them - he said nothing, they are yours. WOW, So Scott, Aaron, Trevor and I will go. It will be really fun. We will make this work with the help of my Indigo friends and God.

Colleen, Brian's Mother Forever

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Hey everybody, I am not good at waiting, but I will try :-) I have so many hopes for my daughter and her children, and I thank everyone for their prayers and well wishes.

I have been trying to keep a normal life going on here, I get the kids up in the morning, get them their breakfast, and wait with them for the bus. It is so good to see them smiling and not having any cares in the world.

Mom isn't feeling very good yet. My siblings are frustrating me, especially the ones that haven't seen her for awhile. They want to know if they should come visit her now cause they want to see her before she dies. I get upset with them.. I don't have a date.. I can't make them understand that she bounces back and forth. It could go on like this for years or end tomorrow, it is up to them if they want to make the trek here to see her. I can't advise them, I have enough on my plate.

I love the gallery.. I have been looking at them.. even with my dialup.. the pictures of our angels are such a joy. I try to imagine how they are.. and the friendships I think that they have formed, the bigger ones taking care of the little ones.. it gets me through some sad times. My little guy told me he wants to see JaBoa again, that he wouldn't mind dying. It cut me like a knife, I think it is harmless thoughts of a 6 year old. He just wants to see his papa, and JaBoa.. and Granma O.. and the people he didn't meet. I try so hard to tell him that if he goes to see them, I can't see him anymore, but so strongly tells me that it is ok, I will see him one day just like JaBoa. It is just a hard time to have this conversation with him. Somedays it just hurts.

Dee, I think your book idea is really wonderful. I remember dealing with the little ones here, and trying to help them through the everyday life that still goes on around them.

Carol, i love the picture from the plane, I have never seen an air show.. I think it would be interesting. Memories are so very precious, somedays mine aren't so good, I want them preserved forever.

Well I have to run, mom just woke up.. I want you all to know I am thinking of you.. and forever grateful for you.

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Good Morning Indigos

Leah and Colleen, I agree I love looking at he Gallery and our angels and reflecting on the joy and happiness they all had and knew .

Leah prayers continuing for you. I know what you are going thru with Mom. My mom lived with my sister for 6 years before she passed. I decided that it would be best for me to visit once a month just to make sure the connection was maintained regardless of when she passed. I felt good about that She died in her sleep one quiet evening when no one was there.

Colleen I loved the story of the free Tickets that will enable you all to have some fun You are right You will manage well with God and your Indigo family near.

Carol I loved the Heart in the sky and the wonderful pictures of Mike as a young Dad.

Dee Yes your book idea is special Of coarse all your insights and thoughts are so very creative .A book could easily form when you are ready We do not have acorn trees around here but my little squirrels are busy burying anything they get for the winter :blink:

Trudi loved the picture of vacation. Absolutely spectacular spot.!!! I know what you and Betsy mean when you say Michael and Rich are felt with you everywhere His spirit is part of you. I experience the same

Lorrie loved all your albums Little Lost Pet, Your Lost Sibling and or coarse Lovely Kourtney

Betsy Glad that you can connect with someone in the AM Your picture was beautiful and I know that the wonderful memories of Rich and your family pets and all flooded your heart with warmth I do believe this was a good move for you. My little hurt squirrel is a GIRL and a MOMMY . I saw her with her babies the other day Made me happy She is obviously not too injured :unsure:

Have a Blessed Day Indigos

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Glad to see you back, Betsy!!

Not much to report today. Busy cleaning house and doing laundry.....never ending.

Yesterday it hit me that there isn't any new news to discuss with my friends and family about Stephanie. It's not that they don't want to hear it, it's that I realize I've said it all before, so, for the the most part, I've chosen to shut up about her. It's more intimate, now, anyway. They are my feelings, my memories, tucked into the deepest, safest part of my soul.

Last night I dreamed I ran into some old friends whom I haven't seen in several years and I burst into tears telling them that Stephanie died. My friend said, "oh" and continued talking about their upcoming vacation. In my dream, I stopped my tears and excused myself. As I walked away, she made the comment, she just resents anyone else who is happy and still has all their kids.

If that's the way I feel, it is subconscious, because consciously, I don't think that at all. Certainly, no friend or family member has ever said that to my face....they would be stupid to say it to my face....I'm not THAT spiritual!

Anyway, this morning, I was grateful, once again, that I can come here--to you--and talk about stephanie all I want. I can repeat myself over and over. I can get mad, cry or talk about the new sprinkler system. No judgement. Thank you all from the deepest part of my soul.........the same part I've tucked away my daughter. "The background noise of my life." (Was it Bonnie who said that?)

Love to you all!

Susannah/Stephanie's mom

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Hi Susannah

I am so sorry about your dream. Your love and compassion is so evident here and with your little grand children there is no need to worry about that. I do believe that in the first year after Stephen's passing , I had a real difficult time being around families who were happy and "in tact" I do not think I was jealous just that the missing of Stephen became so intense that I could not be sociable!!! When you mentioned your dream I became aware that I am now able to be with friends and family with happy intact families and not feel lost That is progress I did not even know I made ;).

Lynn and Susannah and Carol i loved your albums in the Gallery That is a great feature here. Glad they are all showing up now!!!Such sweet happy times!!! :rolleyes:

Indigos a new member, Suzy posted last night. She started a new separate subject about the loss of her 21 years old son. I suggested she come here and post but I have not seen her yet. Thought maybe a few could post to her topic and make her feel welcome

I am off to clean too

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Hello Indigos:

I am Cory’s mom. I used to post on the Loss of a Teenager thread a few years ago. I found this site about 6 months after my son, Cory, died in a car accident on February 22, 2006. He was 16 years old, a passenger in a car driven by his best friend. This site was very helpful in the beginning. I remember Claudia and Kathy (Anthony’s mom). My world since then has never been the same, as I’m sure you all understand.

I’ve gone through many things since that horrible February day. I was in a bad marriage and it got so much worse after Cory died. I was finally able to break free in April of 2007 and start a new life for me and my daughter. She was in her first year of college when we lost Cory. She has since graduated and is doing fine. We moved into a new house and started a new peaceful life in August of 2007. I had a very good counselor who helped me work through the separation and divorce and dealing with losing my son.

I’ve been feeling very anxious lately. After doctors appointments and tests, I’m told it’s menopause.

I thought menopause was only hot flashes. I didn’t realize anxiety also comes with it. Just what I need!

I think I could really use some friends who understand. I have one very close friend from my old neighborhood who lost her 3 year old son 24 years ago. She is the only one who truly “gets it”. If you all don’t mind, I’d like to get to know you. I’ve been reading in the background for a while now and thought it would be a good time to re-introduce myself.

I had problems getting the web site to come up for weeks and was finally able to get on tonight.


Cory’s Mom

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Ginger, I welcome you back to the site, since you been reading in the background under cover (lol) you must know these people are awesome and we welcome you into there fold. I lost my son Richie 10/5/09 he was killed by a drunk driver on his way home. I am coming up on the yuear mark and still don't know how I made it this far- The people on this site have deffinetly been a part of it. I still do not remember much the first 4-5 months after losing him, was in a fog now the fog is lifting and the pain and sorrow can make me wish the fog would return.

I have been absent for almost a week had a hard time connecting last 4-5 days. We did put Bear down last Thursday- It was clear sunny evening till it was over then the sky opened up and it poured, once we had him covered I came in house and husband said I missed the most colorful rainbow. I guess Richie was greeting his dog and welcoming him.

I do feel better about letting him go I know we needed to do it and he is with both his masters God and Richie.

I will need to do some reading to catch up on your ups and downs the last week, I hope they have not been to bad.

Lolynbo- a very cute baby- I know that must be bitter sweet. It should be Kourtneys little one. It is so hard to see some people move on and forward with thier lives. Your happy for them and yet sad.

Richie did leave me with my little granddaughter but she is starting to call her moms boyfriend Daddie and it hurts to hear her call someone else that, so not fair.

Susannah- I realized the same thing a few days/week ago- I have nothing new to discuss about my Richie- there are no new memories just old ones and I do not want to repeat them to often as to alienate myself from others. But I want to say his name out loud so I have to talk outloud to myself alot and to him. I am happy for others aqnd thier families but deep down when I hear there stories I remember the ones I no longer have. I think I am hiding my sadness enough to pass as social.

Collen- Nice a night out with the family for free and to an event that you sound like you will enjoy. it will be a good bonding experience for Trev as well.

Leah- stay strong, I hope she sticks to her deadline of Wednesday. I know she needs to leave and it is not safe to stay but I am sure she feels very trapped not safe to leave but not safe to stay. I do not know the whole story but I hope there is enough evidence ect.. to get a protection order once she gets out. I pray for her and you each day.

I hate to miss any of you but have not had a chance to catch up enough to mention you all but your all in my thaughts and prayers.

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Hi Krichie,

glad to see you again, was wondering if you were okay after a few days, and I am still wondering about Elaine, anyone know anything? I know what you mean about needing to say their names, I still need that, figure I always will and I don't think it is odd or awkward really, they are always going to be our Baby. I talk to Erz quite often, daily, and I bring her name into my conversations often as well, but I do watch not to overdue so as not to make anyone too uncomfortable, but at some point, I figure that is their problem. I like that Richie welcomed the dog with a rainbow, those kinds of messages are vital to my heart, to my faith. Eri did some sky messages too, upon her death. I will tell you more about that another time, but suffice it to say taht it made a believer out my husband, who has never beleived much in heaven, in souls leaving the body and zooming to the light. Her light show changed his tune, at least where she is concerned.

Ginger, I am so sorry for all you have been through. I don't know if I was on much when you first were here, I took a break for about a year when I suffered PTSD a few years after ERi's death. I had to stay away for a while until I could handle things. My Girl died 6 days after her car was struck by an Amtrak at a broken crossing in Kalamazoo, Michigan. She was 3 blocks from her home, the house she shared with her Big Bro, Jon, and many friends. She was 19, and this was in 2003.

As far as anxiety with menopause, I am there. Menopause can be so much more than hot flashes, but damn the hot flashes are BAD. I have been in the midst of it for about a year. I am more anxious, but have been since Erica died. Menopause has heightened that . Glad that you are back to touch base with a fellowship of those who get it. Tell us about Corey. Love his name.

Leah, I am happy that you are still there making breakfast for the kids, doing the daily things that make life go on for many. I do hope that your daughter will be able to follow through but I know that she is in the middle of a not great place. Prayers.

Hey all, I can't seem to access Angel Date, can anyone tell me what they did to get it to come up.

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Dee -To add the angel date, go to your "my profile" and scroll down. It's under "loss type".

Thank you for the welcome back. I am so sorry for your loss of Eri. I've read some of your posts. You are so full of wisdom and encouraging words to many here.

Krichie - I think this site was a tremendous help to me in the beginning. I remember saying the same thing as you. I still don't know how I made it this far. So sorry for the loss of your son.

Cory loved to fish, hunt, ride dirt bikes and four wheelers. He was quiet and shy but was the biggest jokester. He was my baby and I miss him so much. I look at his pictures and still wonder "how can this be my life now".

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Anyone who would like to add a banner to the collection for their child, please do. I have a couple blank flags left and would be happy to put one in the mail to you to decorate in honor of your child.

These banners will be displayed at Pinnacle Days and are available for other events. All you have to do is ask and they will be forwarded to you.

The collective assortment is both heart warming and heart breaking ....... each one reflective of a life held dear.

So, don't be shy, add your child to the collection. If you have questions, please ask.


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Ginger, thanks for your help, I think Eric posted how to do that too, but when I scroll down, there is nothing in additon to loss type on mine. I clicked it and nothing more came up either, so I don't know if I have to do something first, do I have to hit edit profile? I simply do not have anything that asks for angeldate.

I went to my Son's softball game, must go to sleep. It was about 98 in the classroom all day long, way too hot for the kids and me. It is still 85 degrees out at almost 10:00, it was about 94 today and extremely humid. ICK!

Col, so glad that the tickets are coming your way. How cool. Give Trev a hug from me.

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do I have to hit edit profile? I simply do not have anything that asks for angeldate.

yes, you have to hit edit profile ......

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Welcome Ginger. I am so sorry for the loss of your son, Corey! I'm glad you decided to joing us. I hate the reason that binds us all but am so grateful we don't have to walk this path alone. My 28 yr old daughter, Stephanie, died from injuries sustained in an ATV accident on 8-9-09. She left behind 3 young children whom my husband and I have since legally adopted.

Glad to see you again, Kritchie. I hope everyone can get back on, if they want to, soon! Hopefully, being able to log on, now, for you and Ginger, means the problem has been resolved. I know the BI staff is working on it.

Lorri - good luck with Kody and his weight. We are officially eating better at our house beginning right now! Gary and I, both, have gained a lot of weight. Gary has gout and his weight is affecting it, which means worse outbreaks. His knee is swollen twice it's size. He wears cowboy boots, which has nothing to do with anything, except last night he came home and I wanted to see his knee and at the same time wondered how he could stand to wear his boots because he also has gout in his big toe. My brain, without my consent, combined knee and boot..."Can I see your knoot?" came out of my mouth........

Without missing a beat, my husband smiled and with a twinkle in his eyes responded, "I've never heard it called THAT before, but you bet you can see my knoot!" I laughed so hard I almost wet myself.

It's good to laugh again. A year ago I never thought I would.

I also think I use too many comma's when I type........

PS - My honey still looks good in a pair of wranglers!! Woo - hoo!!

Dee - Can you tell me/us what happened when the PTSD hit? If it's too personal to talk about, I understand.

Carol - I JUST remembered I was WANTED to call you!!! I still want to.....I also want to get Stephanie's flag done and in the mail to Bonnie for Pinnacle Days!! I swear I forget stuff more often! I can't afford to get senile yet.....

Well, yesterday Mariah learned that not taking care of my most important thing (school work) means she doesn't get her most important thing (friends). She and her best friend had planned to spend the afternoon together afterschool, but Mariah's school work was sloppy and the majority of it done incorrectly, so I cancelled the visit. She laid her head on her desk and cried as I reminded her of our "deal". She complained that she can't help it because her friends talk to her while the teacher is talking and so she doesn't know the assignment. I told her "then, you have a problem. I hope you can figure out a solution so you and Cora can spend time together again." Today she brought her work home and it was neat and she had only missed one answer.....so, she and Cora got to play together. I swear those girls go through withdrawal when they have to part. To tell you the truth, I love their friendship. I love watching my grandchildren turn into normal, well adjusted children.

Of course, they still talk about everything they've been through, but it gets more and more detached. Now, they state the facts and will argue with each other about "what happened" but the emotion seems to be dissapating.

It's time to call it a night. I wish you all rest and peace!

Susannah/Stephanie's mom

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Welcome Ginger

We always welcome parents, but sad you have to be here. My 16 year old son, Brian was also killed by one of his best friends on 6-19-2008. He was car-surfing - a term I have become all to familiar with. Brian is dead and his friend is a convicted felon - everyone lost.

Hello Indigos

First day of school today and I am excited. I am excited for Trevor (a kid we are helping) and this new, peaceful world he has found. I told him this morning "Everyone around you now wants you to succeed. You are your own limiting factor."

Since Aaron (my son) was at camp during school registration, he has pictures today. Unlike Brian (who was photogenic) Aaron is not - at - all. They were bad last year and he took a re-take, but today is the re-take so he only gets one chance. Should be interesting.

Please tell us about you son, Ginger - he looks so handsome.

Colleen, Brian's Mother Forever

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Good morning, Indigos!!

It has been a while since I have been on, had a busy weekend, and so far a very busy week working.

Susannah: So glad to see you again, I love the new avatar of Stephanie!

Dee: We are in a heat wave ourselves, but I can't complain, Canadian Winters are cold and I am a summer baby, I complain enough about everything else, so I figure that 6 months out of the year I should be happy with the weather! :D

Lorri: Brinley is a doll so precious and I am glad that you have a good relationship, also, I'm so glad that you were able to go to dinner with the lady who made your quilt and that she was able to tell you how she felt and her thoughts of Kourtney, that is so sweet, and you can keep that forever.

Colleen: Jess and myself aren't very photogenic either, however, my husband and his kids are very photogenic, Devin is about 50/50, he's also 3 and going through a phase where he doesn't want his picture taken anyways.

Ginger: I am so glad that you have found your way back to BI, though I am saddened that you have to be here, I have only recently joined, however, I lost my baby Jeffery to SIDS almost 15 years ago, and about 2 months ago, I was overwhelmed with his loss and found my way to BI where I feel safe and am able to talk about my feelings and Jeffery and feel no judgement. This site has really helped.

Bonnie: I am still working out the details of my flag, what day is Pinnacle Day again? I hope to have it to you before then.

Elaine: I hope that all is well, I haven't seen a post from you.

Carol, what a beautiful story you told about the dragonfly, I loved it and it brought a tear to my eye, you are a very good writer.

Rhonda: So glad that you had a visit with your friend and that you were able to reconnect after all these years, I'm sorry that your boys didn't have a chance to meet, though I am sure that they have now.

Betsy: So glad to see you back!

KRichie, Sherry, Betty, Trudi and Leah, I hope that I didn't miss anyone, though I probably did and am truly sorry. Wishing you all peace on your journeys.

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Just got baCK from a walk, where acorns are spiling down from the trees and squirrels are 'nuts' for them, burying them here, digging them up there...anyhow, while walking a thought and a picture emerged from my thinking of a little-kid book idea I have, and I was thinking about grief, (how odd) and how in that first year, we are like horses with blinders on. The blinders that keep a horse from peripheral vision. We are those as we carefully take one step at a time, just to learn to breathe adn walk is tricky, and the blinders are there for our protection. We cannot handle any other stimuli, we are over stimulated as it is, but very slowly, sometime in the second year for many of us, our blinders widen and we can take more in, and eventually, more and one day, we take them off, we are able to let the world in. Not that we are not pained by much of it, we are, but we are ready to see and feel things again.

Anyhow, that was my morning walk, shower time.

Betty, are the acorns falling like rain in NYC? If so, you are getting quite a squirrel show.

Good analogy Dee ...... can't wait to read your book! <3!

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Bonnie: I am still working out the details of my flag, what day is Pinnacle Day again? I hope to have it to you before then.

Pinnacle Days is the weekend of Sept. 17th. Need the banner flags by Sept 15th ....... we leave for the campground on the 16th. smile.gif

I finalized the moon bounce yesterday. We also rented a "jousting" arena. Looks like it could be a lot of fun. It's a big blow up arena with two pedestials. There are two "clubs". So you stand on the pedestial and "joust" untl one of you falls off. It's a soft landing! I can see this happening now ...... it's gonna be fun! ohmy.gif

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Is it my imagination or does the order of the messages change? I read one by Trudi, logged out, remembered that I didn't comment so I logged back in and I can't find it now.


Anyway, Trudi ......

Love the pictures with the beauty of the color and the setting and how it reminds you so much of your Mike.

I also believe our children are all around us if we just rest in the moment long enough to see and feel their presence.

Love you my lady!

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Hello everyone,

I am new to the site but I have been reading some of the posts for a few days now and wanted to share my son's story. I lost my 22 year old son to cancer on June 12. Zac was initially diagnosed with osteosarcoma in his right leg in March of 2009, about a month later we found it had already spread to his lungs. He began chemo shortly after diagnosis and had his leg amputated in September of last year. It was a horrible year but even with the diagnosis, his death was unexpected. Zac began a clinical trial in May of this year and appeared to be doing better. However, when I took him in for a scheduled appointment on June 11 they decided to admit him because he was having difficulty breathing. Hospital visits were nothing new, so we thought he would be there a few days and go home. Later that night the doctor came in and informed me that because his breathing was so bad, they would have to put him on life support that night in order to run the tests needed. Initially, they suspected a blood clot but instead found the cancer had collapsed his right lung and spread around his heart. We had to make the decision to take him off life support, all in a 24 hour period. The good part of this was that our whole family was with him when he passed, the hospital made an exception and let about 20 of us stay in ICU when they took him off support. He actually woke up (they did not expect him to) and talked about going home. His passing was peaceful so I know that is a blessing but I just can't seem to accept the reality of his death. I know the grieving will take a long time but any advice will be greatly appreciated.

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Good Morning Indigos-I love all the pictures on the gallery and in your posts. Lorri, I could see Brinley when I clicked on it, such a sweetie. (BTW, were those balls of steel in the picture a few days ago?) I am always saddened to see new people here, although glad they have found their way here. Corey's Mom (Ginger?) I'm so sorry for your loss. My son Westley died in his sleep on January 13 this year and I'm just coming out of the fog, although I didn't even think I was there. My friend Susan, whose son died the same way on New Year's Day this year, and I talked about it a lot this weekend. That we thought it was as bad as it could get, and then we "woke up" and it got worse. It really did happen and there's no way to make it un-happen. We talked so much this weekend that I haven't had much to say but have been keeping up with everyone and reading every day what is going on with you all. I love hearing about your lives and it helps me to realize that we can't stop living, even if our hearts are broken.

Leah-Thinking of your family today and hoping things are going according to plan.

Susannah-Too funny about the "knoot"! Your husband sounds like a hoot! Homework fights are a drag, aren't they?

Krichie-Did you ever get the book I sent? I don't know if it will help, but hopefully it will.

Dee-I hope you're drinking your water in the heat! Maybe the weather will break soon.

Bonnie-I notice sometimes that I think I saw something and then I can't find it, but that happens everywhere I go, so I thought it was just me.

Zac's Mom-I'm so sorry, it sounds like you've been through hell. I lost my son very unexpectedly, he hadn't been sick or anything. But it doesn't matter if you saw it coming or not, I've found out here, no one is prepared to lose a child, ever.

Thinking of you all and hoping for a good day for everyone.

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(BTW, were those balls of steel in the picture a few days ago?)





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Zaks mom - I am so sorry for the loss of your son, Zak! I'm so sorry you have reason to be here, but am glad you found us. My 28yr old daughter, Stephanie, died from injuries sustained in an ATV accident on 8-9-09. She left behind 3 young children whom my husband and I are now raising. What I've discovered is there is no easy way (or fast way) through grief. Grief seems to be a power unto itself. In my arrogance, and ignorance, I thought my spiritual beliefs would enable me to skip grief or at least breeze through it. I was wrong. The only way through is through. It's ugly and beautiful all at the same time. It's intimate and exposing. Grief seems to be a mix of contradictions. You have come to the right place. Please tell us all about Zak.....his life...his illness.........when you are ready, of course. There are no rules here. No judgement. There is no right way or wrong way to grieve (unless you try to hurt yourself). Again, I offer you the saddest of welcomes to a club none of us wanted to join. However, you don't walk this new path alone. We are here to help buoy you up when you can't breath. Blessings!!!

Dee - I love your idea for a children's book! I hope you write it. I love the analogy of the horse with blinders on....how perfect!!

Bonnie - I don't think I read Trudi's post either. ?????

Have a blessed day, Indigo's!

Susannah/Stephanie's mom

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Hello everyone,

I am new to the site but I have been reading some of the posts for a few days now and wanted to share my son's story. I lost my 22 year old son to cancer on June 12. Zac was initially diagnosed with osteosarcoma in his right leg in March of 2009, about a month later we found it had already spread to his lungs. He began chemo shortly after diagnosis and had his leg amputated in September of last year. It was a horrible year but even with the diagnosis, his death was unexpected. Zac began a clinical trial in May of this year and appeared to be doing better. However, when I took him in for a scheduled appointment on June 11 they decided to admit him because he was having difficulty breathing. Hospital visits were nothing new, so we thought he would be there a few days and go home. Later that night the doctor came in and informed me that because his breathing was so bad, they would have to put him on life support that night in order to run the tests needed. Initially, they suspected a blood clot but instead found the cancer had collapsed his right lung and spread around his heart. We had to make the decision to take him off life support, all in a 24 hour period. The good part of this was that our whole family was with him when he passed, the hospital made an exception and let about 20 of us stay in ICU when they took him off support. He actually woke up (they did not expect him to) and talked about going home. His passing was peaceful so I know that is a blessing but I just can't seem to accept the reality of his death. I know the grieving will take a long time but any advice will be greatly appreciated.

Hi Zacs Mom,

Thanks for telling us your story. I am glad Zac's passing was peaceful and that he actually had a chance to talk with you. I am so sorry about your loss. There are wonderful members here who can offer you guidance and support in your grieving journey. We will always be here to listen.


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I am so sorry to each one here, who has had to suffer the undefinable pain in losing your child. I am the youngest of my Mother's five children, the only daughter. I witnessed her various stages of life long grief following the loss of one of my brothers who died at the age of 37. He has been gone 28 years and she has been gone five years. She always told me that she prayed I never experienced that life altering void and unforgettable pain. Today, at 49 years old, I come here to say that my 30 year old son lies in critical condition at a local hospital and we were told that he may not be here for Christmas. I am numb. I have cried hysterically and prayed to the God that I have always served and still believe in. It is so hard to pray and believe when the odds seem stacked against you. But Today, I'm chosing to hold on to the fact that in my heart, he does still perform miracles and nothing is too great for him. I have pleaded for my son's life and that God's will be done. My son is suffering. His liver is not functioning. He has battled alcohol addiction for the last 8 years and actually completed a rehab program last summer and held onto his sobriety for a very minimal time, even knowing that he was previously told, his liver would not tolerate further abuse. He is a good looking, fun, and loving young man. Everyone loves his magnetic personally and mannerly charm. He is a husband and a father to our 3 1/2 year old grandson. He doesn't love himself and has battled within himself, what I believe to be bipolar/manic depressive disorder. His highs were high and wonderful and his lows were black and desolate and this is when he reached for Vodka, large volumes. I left the hospital this morning, because I had to return to work. His wife is with him today and we, along with his father are all taking turns being there. He is yellow. His skin is yellow and full of purple, black and blue bruises from numerous falls. His legs have minimal circulation and cannot hold him up. The white portion of his eyes are yellow and he is in and out of consciousness. Again, I am numb. We spent a life time loving him, protecting him, spending quality time with him, attending church of which we were active in, living a clean, fun, full life. How it has come to this is so gutwrenchingly painful day leaves me dazed and confused. Life would be so dark without him. I can't think straight.

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Pinnacle Days sure is growing and including more and more. I know the joisting ring you are talking about. I took Brian and Aaron to one at the State Fair and of course Brian beat up Aaron (that was Brian's favorite pass time).

I am so happy for you that this event really seems to be going in the right direction. Also, I am honored to have Brian's banner flying there. Please post pictures of the banners all together - really is a sight to see.

Zaks Mom - so sorry you are here, but you are in the right place. As my profile states, my family lost our 16 year old, Brian to a car crash. The crash was completely preventable - that is what hurts the most. We are a fun group here that shares ideas, our lives and mostly the lives of our children. Please tell us about Zak - we will say his name loud and clear here.

Rainy out today, but a real light rain.

Thinking of all my friends


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Hello Indigos:

I am Cory’s mom. I used to post on the Loss of a Teenager thread a few years ago. I found this site about 6 months after my son, Cory, died in a car accident on February 22, 2006. He was 16 years old, a passenger in a car driven by his best friend. This site was very helpful in the beginning. I remember Claudia and Kathy (Anthony’s mom). My world since then has never been the same, as I’m sure you all understand.

I’ve gone through many things since that horrible February day. I was in a bad marriage and it got so much worse after Cory died. I was finally able to break free in April of 2007 and start a new life for me and my daughter. She was in her first year of college when we lost Cory. She has since graduated and is doing fine. We moved into a new house and started a new peaceful life in August of 2007. I had a very good counselor who helped me work through the separation and divorce and dealing with losing my son.

I’ve been feeling very anxious lately. After doctors appointments and tests, I’m told it’s menopause.

I thought menopause was only hot flashes. I didn’t realize anxiety also comes with it. Just what I need!

I think I could really use some friends who understand. I have one very close friend from my old neighborhood who lost her 3 year old son 24 years ago. She is the only one who truly “gets it”. If you all don’t mind, I’d like to get to know you. I’ve been reading in the background for a while now and thought it would be a good time to re-introduce myself.

I had problems getting the web site to come up for weeks and was finally able to get on tonight.


Cory’s Mom

Hi Ginger,

I'm glad you decided to come back here, although I hate that you had to come here in the first place, if that makes any sense.

It's nice that you and your daughter have made a peaceful new life and that you had a great counselor. Don't they really make a difference sometimes?

As far as the menopause, well, anxiety, depression, anger, hot flashes, insomnia and other irritating symptoms are all part of the process, unfortunately! I know how ya feel, there.

So what does your daughter do now?


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I am so sorry to each one here, who has had to suffer the undefinable pain in losing your child. I am the youngest of my Mother's five children, the only daughter. I witnessed her various stages of life long grief following the loss of one of my brothers who died at the age of 37. He has been gone 28 years and she has been gone five years. She always told me that she prayed I never experienced that life altering void and unforgettable pain. Today, at 49 years old, I come here to say that my 30 year old son lies in critical condition at a local hospital and we were told that he may not be here for Christmas. I am numb. I have cried hysterically and prayed to the God that I have always served and still believe in. It is so hard to pray and believe when the odds seem stacked against you. But Today, I'm chosing to hold on to the fact that in my heart, he does still perform miracles and nothing is too great for him. I have pleaded for my son's life and that God's will be done. My son is suffering. His liver is not functioning. He has battled alcohol addiction for the last 8 years and actually completed a rehab program last summer and held onto his sobriety for a very minimal time, even knowing that he was previously told, his liver would not tolerate further abuse. He is a good looking, fun, and loving young man. Everyone loves his magnetic personally and mannerly charm. He is a husband and a father to our 3 1/2 year old grandson. He doesn't love himself and has battled within himself, what I believe to be bipolar/manic depressive disorder. His highs were high and wonderful and his lows were black and desolate and this is when he reached for Vodka, large volumes. I left the hospital this morning, because I had to return to work. His wife is with him today and we, along with his father are all taking turns being there. He is yellow. His skin is yellow and full of purple, black and blue bruises from numerous falls. His legs have minimal circulation and cannot hold him up. The white portion of his eyes are yellow and he is in and out of consciousness. Again, I am numb. We spent a life time loving him, protecting him, spending quality time with him, attending church of which we were active in, living a clean, fun, full life. How it has come to this is so gutwrenchingly painful day leaves me dazed and confused. Life would be so dark without him. I can't think straight.


What an awful and tragic situation that your family has found itself in. Sometimes, we just can't figure out or understand God's plan for things, but I take comfort in just knowing that HE does have a plan, and that He is in charge. Is your son's condition in any way reverseable? Will his liver ever be able to function? I will think of you in this dark time, and we will support you all we can.


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Rhonda - I did Receive book 2 days ago but was not able to post and thank you. Just got back on lime last night.

Clittlelady- My prayers go out to you. I pray for cure and miricle for you. All you can do is have faith and be there when you can.

Zak's mom sorry you had to join our ever growing family here and am so sorry for your loss. You will find we understand all the ups and the very terrible lows and will never turn our backs. Share what you want when you want, never be afraid to share feelings or memories

Hello to all BI family in a hurry just got home so need to get something accomplished here

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Hello Indigos

Just came on briefly and had to respond to Clittlelady and Zac'smom. Reading your sad experiences really touched my heart and soul and I needed to welcome you and express my sadness at your pain

Clittlelady, your son sounds like a wonderful young man who is fighting a dreadful disease. I am glad he is surrounded by the love of his family and that you have their support as well!! I understand all to well the painful repercussions of the illness that you describe. My son, Stephen battled the same disease and passed away from alcohol overdose, in his home 3 years ago. Please know you will be in my thought and prayers.

Zac's mom I am so very sorry for the painful loss of your precious son. He was so very young with his whole life ahead of him. It was a wonderful gift that you were able to be with him at the end and that he was surrounded by the love of his family. We all know what a difficult road you have found yourself on.

I hope you both keep coming here and reading and sharing your heart. Post pictures of your sweet children and tell us about them. You are no longer alone and have found an oasis where you will be heard and understood.

Bonnie Pinnacle Day sounds wonderful Wish I could be there B) . I love to go to the; " Never Lose Faith"site and see the pictures of all the Banners from last years celebration. They are so magical!!!.

It is 95 degrees her in NYC, the Sun feels good and I am grateful as I remember how dreadful it is when it is -10 outside,

Ginger, Krichie, Rhonda, Leah, Dee , Sherry, Sonya, Trudie and all Indigos praying for your peace.

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Not sure if the messages shuffe themselves, might be I post from downunder that makes the difference.

I opened this page this morning read of so many new and some not so new heart aches.

Ginger, I think I remember you posting on Loss of a teenager in my early days of travelling this journey. Menopause, ahh yes the wonders of the body. Its hard to identify after you have lost a child. Most things you feel are wrong are put down to grieving. The flashes well I think I read somewhere "its your inner child playing with matches".

Its good to see Cory's pic. Is that your original Avatar?

Besty - The Delaware - forgive my sketchy American history but isn't there something about George Washington and that river? I love the picture. Good luck finding your camera cord.

Betty - The weather sounds amazing given we are back into the depths of winters best. I think the -10 is something I might struggle with! How goes the squirrel?

Clittlelady - No matter what the age, watching our children fight for their lives is hard. We have that absolute ferocious need to protect them and see them healthy and happy. Is he a candidate for transplant? Prayers for your son.

Dee - we don't have squirrels, but as the seasons change the acorns fall without warning! I have seen Muttley scurry at a rapid rate as one dropped behind him in the park. Had the odd one hit me on the head and then into the Latte as I sat pondering.

Colleen - Maybe Trevor and Aaron will surprise you. The pic might just be amazing.

Bonnie - Roll on pinnicle days. May the weather hold and may Jay surround you as always...

Lorri - The quilt sounds amazing as does your plans to decorate it.

Off to the park this morning. No steps, have bronchitis so the breathing is a bit hard. But nevertheless to earn my latte I need to walk for about an hour...

Take Care Indigos - Trudi

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Thank you all for the warm welcome. I’m not sure why I felt the need to come back here. I guess I need to be around people who understand. No matter how long it’s been since you lost your child or what manner you lost them, you will always be “different”. I don’t have many close friends. I am comfortable just being home with the dog and my daughter whenever she decides to spend a little time at home.

Zac’s mom - I am so sorry for the loss of your son. You are very new to this. Please come back and tell us more about your son. The only thing that helped me in the beginning was talking to other parents who lost their children. In fact, that was the one thing that helped me to realize that I would survive. I surely thought that I would lose my mind. But I am still here. (with my mind intact I think) It’s been a little over 4 ½ years for me. The pain has softened but there will always be the underlying sadness, the whole in my heart. I realized that I could curl up in a ball or try to live the best life I could in honor of my son.

Clittlelady - such a heartbreaking story. Prayers for your family.

To all - I am so sorry that any of us have to be here.

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Hi everyone----- I am enjoying the photo galleries that have been put up. They are great.

Betsy---Thanks for your kind words about Davey's new avatar. It is a pic that best shows how he looked

before he left this world. The previous avatar was one where he was about 8 or 9 yrs. younger, but I

was not able to get the present pic uploaded for some crazy reason. Yes, this is a busy time of year for

me with the garden/canning etc. Your mom must have done a lot of canning/freezing etc. I don't do much

freezing, although I would like to, since I don't have a freezer. I need to get one.

Susannah---Sorry about your dream. I guess these kinds of dreams come about sometimes by what is

on our subconsious or something like that. Reminds me of the time I was in the fast food place, and overheard

two women talking in the booth behind me---saying they wish "Ruth" would just quit talking about her son

who died because it was "ruining everyone's fun".....(words to that effect). Peace & prayers, friend.

Lorrie----Lovely pic of little Brinley. The quilt embroidery will be so nice. Kourtney must be smiling down.

Ginger---I am so sorry for your loss of your son Cory in an automobile accident. I'm not sure if I was on BI when

you had come on before. I, like many here, sometimes would just step back for awhile, and not be on. I'm always

sad when I hear of another young life ended, and your loss of dear Cody is heartbreaking. My son, David, died

beneath the wheels of a semi that hit his car, killing him 7 yrs. ago. BI has been a lifeline to me. Please come

back and read/post when you feel you can. Peace to you, friend.

Zacsmom---I would like to welcome you to this site, but am so sorry for your loss of your dear son Zac. Peace & prayers.

clittlelady----I will be praying for your dear son and your family. Thoughts & prayers for you, friend.

Davey&Lisasmom, Sherry

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