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Forum Conduct & Guidelines Document ×



Thank you for becoming a member of the Grieving.com community. Most of our members are here because they need to find support and empowerment on their journey. We are a community made up of people from over 100 countries and all walks of life. All members must abide by the following guidelines.


Grieving.com wants to provide a forum where people can find support and empowerment on their grief journeys. To enable a safe, compassionate environment, we ask you to follow the rules of CARE: Create, Allow, Respect, and Empathize.

Create a caring environment by

  • respecting the original author's post.
  • responsibly sourcing information from a third party by linking to the original site.
  • avoiding spamming or advertising on the site without permission.
  • posting in the appropriate forum, by topic.

Allow fellow posters their individuality by

  • understanding that English may not be a poster's first language.
  • accepting that each person's grief journey is unique.
  • never discriminating based upon beliefs, race, gender, culture, or sexual identity.

Respect one another and Grieving.com by

  • never stalking, harassing, or threatening another grieving individual.
  • never attempting to provide professional therapy for another member.
  • keeping the anger associated with grief directed at outside sources, not fellow posters.

Empathize with one another by

  • empowering one another instead of judging one another.
  • giving those in need access to tools such as the suicide hotline.
  • acknowledging that we are all equal in our grief.


  • Religious/afterlife discussion:  Comments and discussion of this nature are welcome, but should only be made here: https://forums.grieving.com/forum/7-spiritualreligious-beliefs. Such comments made elsewhere will be removed as there are people of all beliefs here and they mostly come here for general support and sharing vs religious discussion; such discussion elsewhere may make them uncomfortable. 
  • Political discussion: Political remarks and discussions are not permitted on the site. There are plenty of other places on the internet to do so if you wish!
  • Medical advice: Members are not permitted to dispense advice or suggestions about health, medical treatments, etc on this site. Any such comments should be restricted to one's own beliefs about such things, making it clear it is only their experience or opinion and not universally accepted fact.

We all care for each other here. If a poster steps outside these guidelines, consequences including warnings, suspensions, or banning may be necessary to ensure continued compassion within the community.

Legal Disclaimers

1.  Please remember that we are not responsible for any messages posted. We do not vouch for or warrant the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any message, and are not responsible for the content of any message.

2.  The messages express the views of the author of the message, not necessarily the views of this bulletin board. Any user who feels that a posted message is objectionable is encouraged to flag the post to report it. We have the ability to remove objectionable messages and we will make every effort to do so, within a reasonable timeframe, if we determine that removal is necessary.

Privacy Policy

We do not sell, share, or make your data available to any parties other than Grieving.com and its parent company Komorebi, Inc. The only reason we access your data is to help monitor and manage the website. Please note, that any post becomes part of the public domain and can most likely be searched by Google and other search engines.

If you have any questions or feedback, please let us know at Guardians@Grieving.com. Thank you.

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