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V. Evergarden

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Letters to a Soulmate #7

Dear Aidan, We both talked about how our parents would say that their childhood’s were worse than ours and that we would never know what they went through so we should stop complaining. They were somewhat right; we did not know what they went through, though they did not know what we went through either, perhaps they did not bother to ask or they were too busy. I feel as though parents do not understand that there is no competition on how worse our life is and we will never know how hard their

Violet Coffee

Violet Coffee in Loss of Soulmate

Letters to a Soulmate #5

Dear Aidan, I have been obsessed with butterflies since you left. I was quite fond of them before but I have learned that different colors of butterflies mean different things like brown symbolizes evil and orange symbolizes happiness. In some of my letters, mostly my personal, I call you mon papillon bleu which means my blue butterfly. I not only call you that due to it being your favorite color but it is also because blue butterflies are considered a message from loved ones when we are feeli

Violet Coffee

Violet Coffee in Loss of a Soulmate

Letters to a Soulmate #5

Dear Aidan, I have realized that me and my mother now have basically nothing in common anymore. She is a social, outgoing person that likes to go bowling, to the arcade, or zip lining and she likes to try new things. Then there is me, an anti social, quiet person that likes museums, aquariums, zoos and I do not like to try new things. I love Europe, their history, their food, their clothes, and mom loves Texas, their food, the people, and their attitude. Though I am more on the proper side

Violet Coffee

Violet Coffee in Loss of Soulmate

Letters to a Soulmate #4

Dear Aidan, I have been given an assignment in English to write about a loss. I am not good at English or at forming words together in general except for when I write letters. Even so, I think this is a topic that I will finally get an A+ in, even if I don't want it. It doesn't feel right to write about a loss that I have had just so that I can get a good grade. It also makes me feel exposed, like I am just about to re-open up all the cuts that I have ever had. It just upsets me but yet I a

Violet Coffee

Violet Coffee in Loss of Soulmate

Letters to a Soulmate #3

Dear Aidan, I love you. Those were the three consistent words that you would tell me. Whenever you would say them your voice would sound as though a soft, serious tone, yet your face would have a mixed expression of pure happiness and a hint of sadness. I love you is something that everyone grew up with yet I wonder how many people actually know what it means; how it feels. Whenever I saw you say those words I felt a bit of envy because I could tell that you knew what they meant. Yet, I have r

Violet Coffee

Violet Coffee in Loss of a Soulmate

Letters to a Soulmate #2

Dear Aidan, Lately, I’ve been taking astronomy classes, and sometimes they have us answer personal questions that pertain to class. There were three questions that really had me thinking; They were, what’s your favorite season, what season is most important to your favorite time period, and do you have a favorite star. My favorite season used to be winter and you knew that but it changed. I like spring because that’s when beauty blooms and that’s when you bloomed. You were sad and angry becaus

Violet Coffee

Violet Coffee in Loss of Soulmate

Letters to a Soulmate #1

Dear Aidan, First of all, a quick small update on my health; I’m doing good but I have a splint on right now and I’m gonna have it on for a couple weeks, don’t worry I was just clumsy and I tripped. The doctor says it’s nothing serious and I know how you worry so I’m telling you to not worry. I’ll be good as new in April. Now on to what I’m really here for. I feel like when I write these to you, I feel close to you and to be honest you would probably be the only person I’d tell this to. I

Violet Coffee

Violet Coffee in Loss of a Soulmate

Guilt and Fear

My mom has asked me to ask my oldest brother, Keith, when the funeral is or if they already had one, where his grave is. I personally don’t think I have the right, I’m the child that never visited, never got to know him, all because I was angry that he didn’t want me when I was born and he forgot a few birthdays, but I was foolish. I’m a young adult with anger issues, yes, I’ve learned this but why didn’t I learn that I was taking it all out on my father? I’ve been told that I was smart and inte

Violet Coffee

Violet Coffee in Loss of a Parent

4 months, 9 days

It’s been 4 months and nine days since my father passed and I joined this in about 2 months ago and I just found out that this was here. So I figured hey, why not give this a try, express all my feelings and maybe there are people going through the same thing I am that could relate. So, like I said, it’s been 4 months and nine days since he passed and my grieving process has practically just started. My mother was the only one that raised me so I’ve only had her and I’ve been her rock, and when

Violet Coffee

Violet Coffee in Loss of a Parent

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