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V. Evergarden

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Letters to a Soulmate #7

Violet Coffee


Dear Aidan,
We both talked about how our parents would say that their childhood’s were worse than ours and that we would never know what they went through so we should stop complaining. They were somewhat right; we did not know what they went through, though they did not know what we went through either, perhaps they did not bother to ask or they were too busy. I feel as though parents do not understand that there is no competition on how worse our life is and we will never know how hard their life was or has been because we have been living our life, not theirs. We only know the hardships that we were given and had to pass, and for us it is hard. Hard to deal with, hard to cope with, and hard to live with because this may be the first time that we have experienced this and it makes it harder to talk to someone or to let people in when our parents kept saying that their life was worse so we should suck it up. But we weren’t there, we didn’t live their life. We had the beautiful chance to live ours and they had the most amazing job of teaching us about how to let our emotions run free. But instead they told us to bottle them up and when we did they asked us why.


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