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V. Evergarden

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Letters to a Soulmate #4

Violet Coffee


Dear Aidan,

I have been given an assignment in English to write about a loss. I am not good at English or at forming words together in general except for when I write letters. Even so, I think this is a topic that I will finally get an A+ in, even if I don't want it. It doesn't feel right to write about a loss that I have had just so that I can get a good grade. It also makes me feel exposed, like I am just about to re-open up all the cuts that I have ever had. It just upsets me but yet I am speechless because I know that either way I am going to have to write it, whether I like it or not.

I miss you, and I cannot wait until the day we meet again and you read the letters I write to you.


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