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V. Evergarden

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Letters to a Soulmate #5

Violet Coffee


Dear Aidan,

I have realized that me and my mother now have basically nothing in common anymore. She is a social, outgoing person that likes to go bowling, to the arcade, or zip lining and she likes to try new things. Then there is me, an anti social, quiet person that likes museums, aquariums, zoos and I do not like to try new things. I love Europe, their history, their food, their clothes, and mom loves Texas, their food, the people, and their attitude. Though I am more on the proper side and I like fancy food, not really steak and fries but that is what she loves. She also has tough love while I do not, and whenever I want to vent. I cannot because she believes that I am being dramatic when really I am hurting a lot and all I want is to tell my mom but I am scared to tell her. What if I start venting about everything and she says that I am being dramatic, so I have to stuff my feelings back in. Could I live through it? Or would I die from a broken heart that never got the chance to recover. I feel like if I do not talk to anyone soon I will die but yet I cannot talk to anyone without feeling like a burden or a disappointment. So I will wait, until my broken heart dies off and then maybe, you will finally get these letters I write for you, mon papillon bleu.


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