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Knife's edge

Sometimes you just don't really realize how much of a knife's edge you're sitting on until something dumb and little happens. This morning I got up, did my normal routine, had my tea, and even did dishes by hand. I had a couple of pans from last night that needed to be washed. And then I noticed it. I had water on the floor. Not too much, but enough to take about 3-4 towels to dry it up. I'm talking towels, not little paper towels. The pipe under the kitchen sink came undone, actually it looks l


CatL in Musings


I'm going to post something that could be misconstrued in many different ways. HOWEVER, there's no malice towards anyone at all. I'm posting this for those of us who are grieving, and could use a tall glass of refreshing honesty.   Since April 9, 2019, I have encountered objects (things) that have stopped my heart, and then I've sobbed relentlessly. I get it that this is part of the grieving process, but holy CRAP!! I had no idea that these inanimate objects could

Clever Pennywyze43

Clever Pennywyze43 in Welcome

I Never Had a Clue

I never had a clue as to how deeply I would be affected by the sight of a screwdriver, until somewhere around 20 to 30 minutes ago.  The craziest thing occurred over the last couple of years that I wasn't aware of, as well. And as well as that comes the blindsiding reality that I had not even been around anyone that had a screwdriver (for whatever reason) in the last 2 years.  When Steven picked up a screwdriver about 30 to 35 minutes ago, I said, "Don't f*ing show that to me. Babe that's not fa

Clever Pennywyze43

Clever Pennywyze43 in Who Knew????

Alright, y'all

Alright, y'all.  I don't know how to create things y'all are interested in reading AND responding to.  I'm going to talk to the owner of this circle and see if she has any tips on this topic. later this morning.  I'd really enjoy seeing more content than what I've posted, but like I said, 'I don't know how to create things y'all are interested in reading AND responding to', therefore, I'm going to get some feedback.  Maybe, hopefully, I can get some ideas.

Clever Pennywyze43

Clever Pennywyze43 in Welcome

Hey, Y'all

Hey, guys and dolls.  I'm doing a check-in, and seeing how things are going, today.  Just so that everyone knows, if there comes a day you need to reach out, I'm always around.  If you don't want to share within the circle, you can send me a personal message.  I'm no counselor, however, I have been told (my entire life) that I am a great listener.

Clever Pennywyze43

Clever Pennywyze43 in Welcome


Its sad, maybe even scary. I had some work to do on my laptop, so I turned the TV on. One of my favorite movies came up, Four Weddings and a Funeral. Unfortunately I tuned at at Carrie's wedding, the one where Gareth passes away. So I turned in just in time to watch Gareth die, and watch the funeral. I used to always feel for the poem that is read at the funeral - W.H. Auden, Funeral Blues. If you don't know it, or haven't heard it, find it online and read it. Now I understand the pain of i


CatL in Musings


There I was, lying in bed reading a book. I turn to DH to tell him about a passage. Then BAM, I'm just crying my eyes out because he's not there, and never will be again. All I could do was just cry and call out his name. I'm sitting here crying as I write this. There a part of me that goes "suck it up buttercup", but that's not working. Its been over a year now, and there's things I'm getting better at. My garden is doing better. I'm better at cooking for myself and making sure I eat. I've even


CatL in Musings

Mother's Day

Although I have not lost my mother, it is extremely difficult for me to exist on Mother's Day due to the strain on the relationship I used to have with my mother and the fact that I didn't raise my kids.  However, Happy Mother's Day to ALL mom's.


Pennywyze43 in Welcome

Meeting Our Soulmate

As time went on, I gave birth to a baby girl I named Winter Rain on August 31, 1999. It wasn't until the middle part of January before I heard anything about the youngster who woke Brandon up, and took him to work. A girl named Ashley came by to visit for a while, and we say in the bedroom Margaret let the ex and I use. As we were talking, she kept bragging about her boyfriend, but I wasn't connecting the name. So, I asked her for the 15th time, "So, what's your boyfriend's name?"  She



Meeting Our Soulmate

So, I finally got a name from the young man who was standing behind my front door, which lead to his quickly saying, "I'm here to get Brandon and take him to work with me, today".  I said, frankly, " Good. Somebody needs to help him with work because I talked to Leonard last night, and he said that if Brandon's going to stay with us, he's got to have a job or he's got to go".  At this point, I have allowed the young man follow me inside, and gestured to the couch Brandon was sleeping o


Pennywyze43 in Meeting Our Soulmate


I just thought I'd check in with everyone and say hello. Going to school for a little bit. TTYL


Pennywyze43 in Welcome

Jeremy Pt. 1

So, I finally got a name from the young man who was standing behind my front door, which lead to his quickly saying, "I'm here to get Brandon and take him to work with me, today".  I said, frankly, " Good. Somebody needs to help him with work because I talked to Leonard last night, and he said that if Brandon's going to stay with us, he's got to have a job or he's got to go".  At this point, I have allowed the young man follow me inside, and gestured to the couch Brandon was sleeping o



Caught up

This is the first week of school, I'm caught up until next week, except a a couple more responses to my classmates, and I have decided to share some of mine and Jeremy's story.  I'm gonna start a new Journal entry. This is for my OCD. BRB with the story.


Pennywyze43 in BrilliantPennywyze43

Hello and welcome

@Diana TFirst, let me say, "Hello and welcome". This circle was put together with the idea of allowing those of us who have been blessed to know, love, make a life with and have, unfortunately, lost our soulmates.  It's not a requirement, but I have been asking everyone who joined the circle to please, whenever you are ready, share your stories about you and your soulmate.  


Pennywyze43 in Welcome

Mayday Anniversary: Year Three

Today is the day; the third anniversary of my Father's death. It was about this time in the morning on that terrible day that his heart gave way to death. What do I find myself doing on this sleepless morning in May? Just thinking. About Father. About God. About family. Just thinking with a bit of restored hope that, though it has seemed to me these last three years that God, Himself, was dead; I have restored hope this anniversary that indeed He is alive. Maybe I am conquering those demons of d


TLN in God

Looking back

Looking back at my childhood, I remember wondering why my parents didn't just leave me with dad's sister, Beth.  As the years accumulated, I continued to consider my aunt to be my mom, and I called her, Momma Beth.  Unfortunately, she passed away 13 months after my dad.  This is what made me believe that my dad and my Momma Beth were soulmates: dad was born December 16, 1952.  Momma Beth was born January 1, 1954.  Growing up, this brother and sister duo could be on the opposite side of their yar


Pennywyze43 in LET'S JUST TALK

Losing My Marbles

I feel like I'm losing my marbles.  There's some much going on right now, and I just have to make matters worse for myself by running myself in circles looking for things that I should automatically know where my stuff is. What I'm saying is, "I can't find the card I was given proving that I had my first vaccine, and I can't get the second dose without it".  I can't login to the student portal for SNHU because of a bunch of stuff I created myself. If it's not one thing...


Pennywyze43 in LET'S JUST TALK

I'm so excited

I'm so excited and I just can't hide it! Yep, I went there. If y'all could see me at this point, I'm dancing in my bed with my arms over my head and my head is bobbin' like the true rocker I am. Yeah, my favorite band (I would marry the lead if not for his wife) is Shinedown. And if it weren't for the fact that Brent Smith is married, I would be his wife (lmborotfl). No, but seriously, that man took the place of my long time love Kriss Angel when Angel decided to take his show over to Spike TV a


Pennywyze43 in LET'S JUST TALK

Hello and welcome

@HawksOneWelcome to our circle. As you may have gathered, this circle is for those of us who have met, loved, married and lost our soulmate. As we know, the love between soulmates is like no other. If you'd like, introduce yourself, and tell us about your other half. Although the categories are not in alphabetical or chronological order, they're meant for us to give others a look at this kind of love. How we interact with our soulmate is second to none. The respect, trust, loyalty and honesty th


Pennywyze43 in Welcome

I'm not sure

@HawksOneWelcome to our circle. As you may have gathered, this circle is for those of us who have met, loved, married and lost our soulmate. As we know, the love between soulmates is like no other. If you'd like, introduce yourself, and tell us about your other half. Although the categories are not in alphabetical or chronological order, they're meant for us to give others a look at this kind of love. How we interact with our soulmate is second to none. The respect, trust, loyalty and honesty th



Hello and welcome

@HawksOneWelcome to our circle. As you may have gathered, this circle is for those of us who have met, loved, married and lost our soulmate. As we know, the love between soulmates is like no other. If you'd like, introduce yourself, and tell us about your other half. Although the categories are not in alphabetical or chronological order, they're meant for us to give others a look at this kind of love. How we interact with our soulmate is second to none. The respect, trust, loyalty and honesty th


Pennywyze43 in Welcome

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