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OK don't know why, but I wrote Betsy's little note in dark red, and it came out grey, and when I used turquoise the other day and lime, it came out grey. Is that me or is it the site?

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 HAPPY BIRTHDAY, DEAR SON.  We miss you so much, Davey.


Your mom. 

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Happy  Birthday Davey

Please smile warmly on your Mom today and every day.

You are Loved today and every day.




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[align=center][scroll=left]HAPPY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, DAVEY[/scroll][/align]

[align=center]Please send your mom sweet moments of peaceful memories of your wonderful life...and celebrate, celebrate, celebrate your day with all of our angels...who all love to party!!![/align]

[align=left]love and peace,  carol  mikesmomrs[/align]

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[align=center]Happy Birthday Davey  !!!!!!    [/align]

[align=center]Shine down on your mom today as you do everyday  !!![/align]

[align=center]Hugs, Marcia     Bethany's Mom Forever [/align]

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Davey, Happy Birthday To You!istockphoto_8092403-happy-birthday-mega-party.jpg






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Hello to all, I am writing to let everyone know I am OK and hanging in there, Thursday I purchased a new battery for my laptop as I have been using 'shore power' for several months and as the weather becomes nicer, I thought I should replace the battery so I could sit on the deck in the mornings and check my email and read/post on BI.  Well that has proven not be a good idea.  The new battery, orsomething that happened when I put the new battery in has fried my laptop. This is the laptop with most of the recent pics of Bethany on it, all of my email system, hundreds of beusiness contacts as well as personal contacts and many many emails to the gov't regarding all this paperwork mess I have been dealing with for the lsat few months, not to mention my bookkeeping system for my income t axes ( due 10/15), hey tell me they can restor the computer hard drive ( most likely) it will be an enormous amount of money, probably around 1200-2500, all becasue stupid me did not have a refent backup of the harddrive, alot of the things can be reconstructed IF I had the time, but the picutres and voice of my angel cannot be lost, so the recovery company is sending me a package to ship them by hard drive.  My dear sweet husband brought his laptop home for me to use this weekend to check email ( from the email server) and to be able to get onBI, he now understands you are all my lifeline. I had planned on going to Mexico yesterday with my Dad and Step-mom for dental work and to  pick up a bunch of medications, so our IT guy was also away and he sent an associate over to try and analyze the sitution, I was on the cell phone with him for several hours off and on, and the situation is not good.  I think being on the road and our of touch kept me relatively calm about this disaster, on the way home it hit me.....I texted Larry  " this stress is going to kill me, I cant'do this anymore"   So for the next week or so I will haeto go into our office to work, and will ot be able to workon the things that are imporatnt for the next coupleweeks, somehow i will survive this, as I have survived the worst day of my life, everything else is just another drop in the bucket.  Also to top it offf my little female rat terrier got stung on the nose by something and her poor little snout looks like itbelongs on a german shepherd.. i gave her a nenedryl and it is looking better, poor thing.  I will try to check in over the next few days.....please keep me in your thoughts, i will need all the good thoughts I can get... still hanging on by the tips of my fingernails, but the are brittle and breaking everyday..thank goodness we have counseling onTuesday morning.  Sorry to go on and on about something so simple as a broken compter , but it has colapsed my world temporairly....

Carol, I have to ay the story about your sister touched deep into my heart.  Ihope this is a new beginning for a differenent relationship for the two of you, so much in commmon.  Love to everyone, Marcia     Bethany's Mom Forever

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Sweetest Davey,

May this Birthday send you the greatest of all gifts, the love of your Family. You are missed Little Man, but you are never forgotten. Dance and fly to the sounds of our hearts. This day a very special one to your Momma and Dad.

Sherry, I know how dear this day is to you, so hold tight to the unending love that was born to you this day many years ago, 37? He is always your Boy, loving you forever.


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Marcia, I am so sorry that you are experiencing the loss of so many lifeline kinds of things. Odd that you and Lorri are both experiencing these at the same time. My heart is with you as you find your way through this mess, as you said, you have been through the worst, this is all doable. It does stink though, and it kicks you into a  panic when you think that you will lose that which is your Bethany. So I am wishing for recovery of files and sanity.



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Marcia---So very sorry to hear of the laptop meltdown &

possible loss of all that was on the hard drive. I will pray

that someone is able to help you restore it. I completely

understand how the loss of any connection to our dear

angels is devastating. Prayers that it will be restored.


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Betty, Mary Ann, Marcia, Betsey, Dee, and Dan------Thank you from the

bottom of my heart for the sweet Happy Birthday wishes for Davey.

Dan---Lovely photo card..with heart reflection....thank you so much.  I have been

 'down' today, and the weather is playing right into my mood....gloomy & rainy. We

went to the cemetery, took a bouquet of red carnations to place. Lit

a candle for the stone, and husband and &  I lit a small candle each to hold

while saying a prayer. Then it started raining, so we stood for a couple

minutes of silence under our umbrella.

No one else in the family remembered this day. You guys here at BI are

the best, and my lifeline.  Thanks again.

   Daveysmom, Sherry  

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WOW  My home computer has a virus because of Facebook that my son set up.

Hello, I am fine.  Aaron is in Illinios attending the Homecoming dance for South Elgin HS.  A girl he met at the camp he did not want to go to.

Colleen, Brian's Mother Forever

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Happy Birthday sweet David.  Give Mom,Sherry a big hug.

Thinking of you Sherry, bitter-sweet day.

Brian, Give David a good handshake and wish him a happy birthday.


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As long as the light from the candle of love  burns in your heart with fond memories of your child , they will never be gone.

Happy Birthday Davey.

Well it rained.......I was a little disappointed. Then I remembered.....Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass...... it's about learning to dance in the rain.

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Colleen and Greg.....Thanks so much for the Birthday wishes.

As I said, you guys here at BI are the best.


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My BI Friends

I bought the outdoor faux leather in black & red.  I cut the edges with a pinking sheers and used brads and hot glue to attach together.

I am so proud of it.  No fansy equipment, just me and the love for my son.  I asked Michelle and Aaron to select 6 pictures each.  I will lamenate them and attach to banner.  The kids want pictures.

This banner-making idea is great.  I cannot wait to see the others.

I missed you all while my computer was being attacked.


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Happy birthday Davey. Never knew you here on earth but hope to meet you in Heaven.  All our angels will be there together as one by one we join them.  They celebrate us, just as we celebrate them.

Terrie (Adam's mom)

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Marcia, do not apologize for complaining about your computer, it is not a small thing! Access to the internet is a lifeline for a lot of us to be able to at least check in and read the posts and post when we need to.  I will pray for you that the pictures and Bethany's sweet voice can be restored.

As for the picture issue, I am certainly no computer whiz (yeah, I know next to nothing), but after Adam passed I was very concerned about losing the pictures on our hard drive.  I was discussing this with the folks at Cord Camera, and they had a three disc set, you put the discs in your computer and they automatically found all the images on your hard drive, regardless of where they were and copied them onto the discs.  You didn't have to do anything.  The three disc set cost me about $10.00 and is supposed to hold about 1,200 photos.  Well worth the money.  I placed the photo discs in our fireproof safe.  Just a thought in case anyone else needs to copy their photos from hardrives. 

Crappy, crappy, nasty, drizzly day.  Didn't get up until 12:30, didn't shower until 4:30 and then got back in bed to just watch tv.  My husband just went to pick up pizza.  I think I'll eat, have a glass of wine and go back to bed. 

Love to all, Terrie (Adam's mom)

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Sherry - Thinking of you today as you celebrate the life of your beautiful boy...

[align=center]- Happy Birthday Davey -[/align]

The melt down after Mikes message was erased by our Telco was monumental...I wanted to hunt them down and seek retribution....in my mind they stole my sons last words to me.......Still have smaller meltdowns when the site is down or I believe I have lost something of  Mikes....

The flag - well lets just say I have heaps of ideas, and lots of stuff.....

Snowing on the hills around us....sleet in the air.....did I mention its Spring?

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the three disc set you are talking about does it have a name is it like a computer program?


i am sorry about your computer, proud of you that you can do so much on the computer.  i am lucky i can send email and find my way around this websight.

i hope every one is having a good weekend. just came home from the leukemia light the night walk and i walked  in memory of Brian, and all the angels here. 

mary ann


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It is important to me that I say Hi to my friends on BI. 


Trudi, Mikes, Mum - I read your letter to Harmony's mom.  It was very Heartfelt and that will go a long way.

Lori - Kourtney's Mom - I really wish I knew if I was spelling your name correctly?  Praying for Cody and Monty to stay safe when they race.

Terrie, Adam's Mom - In my opinion, you started the idea of taking our angles with you places.  For that, I am forever grateful.  I also take angels with me in WI.

Sherry - Happy Birthday David.  To me, that is a hard day.  One of the hardest.  My love and thoughts are with you Sherry

Greg, Brian's Dad - Already done with your banner!?!?! I will be in VI for Pinnicle Days and cannot wait for take care of these banners.

Dee, Erica's Mom - We were driving through IL and saw lots of Bear's football banners.  Go Packers.

Marcia. Bethany's Mom - My phone friends.  Thanks for listening to me at all hours.

Betsy, Rich's Mom - Thinking of you now when the summer weather turns into Fall.

Dan, Nick's Dad - I bet your banner will be great.  I will take lots of puctures and then contact you for help creating a site where we can all view them.

Carol, Mike's Mom - I bet New Hampshire has beautiful Fall colors.  Fall is my favorite season.

Mary Ann, Brian's Mom - Thinking of you as you are new to this journey.  We are all here walking down the same path with you.

Betty, Stephen's Mom - It would be great to have a BI reunion in New York one year.  Fun place.

Cindy, Tanner's Mom - Glad the notary business is paying the bills.  Your own business and all - UR awesome.

Jeff, Alex's Dad - Do not see you post on BI often, but we do communicate through our work e-mails.  Jeff is my Brian's cornea recipient.  I love that.

Kathy, Jessica's Mom - Tavian is my vitual grandson.  Hearing the ups and down of grandparenthood is truly a joy of mine.

Claudia, Joey's Mom - Knowing you have given up so much to spread the word of God in another Land, it truly awe-inspiring to me.  You Go Girl!!!

Sonya, Danielle's Mom - Can't wait to meet you at Pinnacle Days in VI.  Lets pray for good weather - camping?!?!?!?!

Bonnie - I laugh often about me flying out to VI with no hotel, no car.  Completely dependant on my friend, Bonnie, I cannot wait.

Amanda, Careron's Mom - The baby bump is getting bigger.  I am praying for a happy, healthy event-free delivery.

Zach's Mom - So sorry, but I did not know your first name.  I know you are new to this journey and that your son was young.  Thinking of you as you walk this path.  We are nere right with you.

Val, Geoff's Mom, BJ's Mom miss you

If I did not mention anyone, I am sorry, Take care

Colleen, Brian's Mom.  My dear son, I think of you every minute of every day.  I know your spirit is with me.  I will see you again, my dear boy

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Terrie--Carol--Mary-(Drewsmom)---and Colleen:

   Thank you all for your birthday wishes. I know that here at BI, we can

 post and say what we need to say. All your wishes mean so much to me.

    Thanks again everyone.   p.s.  Carol---SNOW!!???  I guess that's spring

weather for you. :(.   Peace & Tranquility to all at the BI family.


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Marcia - so sorry for your troubles but all will be ok. Keep hanging on tight with those fingernails and I promise that the sun will shine.  Losing our laptop/computer is like losing our lifeline - especially when you work from it, for me it is not being able to come here. I will pray that you find comfort.

Greg, beautifully said!!!

Sorry but I have to watch a movie with Tavian so will talk tomorrow. Love and restful peace to all - Kathy

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[align=center]I Lost My Child Today

I lost my child today

People came to weep & cry

as i just sat & stared, dry eyed

They struggled to find the words to say

to try and make the pain go away

I walked the floor in disbelief

I lost my child today

I lost my child last month

Most of the people went away

Some still call & some still stay

I wait to wake up from this dream

This can't be real, i want to scream

Yet everything is locked inside

God, help me, i want to die

I lost my child last month

I lost my child last year

Now people who had came, have gone

I sit and struggle all day long

to bear the pain so deep inside

and now my friends just question Why?

Why does this mother not move on?

Just sits and sings the same old song

Good heavens, it has been so long

I lost my child last year

Time has not moved on for me

The numbness is has disappeared

My eyes have now cried many tears

I see the look upon your face

"She must move on and leave this place"

Yet i am trapped right here in time

The song's the same, as is the rhyme

I lost my child.....today

Written by Netta Wilson



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Mary Ann,

I don't recall the exact name, but I think I found the same thing doing a search online it is called PhotoSave DVD.  I just did a google search and Amazon has it.  Like I said I know our local Cord Camera had it, if you don't have a Cord Camera in your area, maybe look up a camera store in your area and call and ask them.  I don't know if you do the Amazon thing, but I have ordered thru Amazon and never had any trouble.

Good luck and let me know how it goes.

Terrie (Adam's mom)

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BJ's Mom, so good to see your Beauty Son, how are you? That poem is quite beautiful. Hauntingly familiar.

Mary Anne, I am so glad that you are able to post here, that you have found a way to come about when you need and want. How was the walk? My friend and neighbor's daughter, who grew up with my Girl, lives in Colorado now and works for an organization that organizes and oversees some of the walks. She mentioned today that Michelle is working on the leukemia walk in San Fran. I hope that you sensed the good in the world as you joined with others to raise both funds and awareness to this wicked disease. Please Lord, help us find a cure.

Greg, what a wonderful way to look at the situation today, each day. Life is all about adaptation, and we are kings and queens of that are we not? We adapt to the day, and find our way into the next one, and somewhere along the way, we find ways to do good things in the name and honor of our Children.

Colleen, so glad to see your Boy's face smiling out. Hi and glad to know that you have been driving through the area.Hope Aaron has a great time at homecoming. Heck, my niece lives in Elgin, teaches at one of the junior highs, and yes, BEARS stickers and flags are everywhere. GO BEARS! Hey, faux leather sounds fabulous, your pennant is sounding pretty fancy if you ask me.I think that it is great that you are traveling to Virginia for Jay's Pinnacle Days. I am jealous.

Love the photo Terrie.Sounds like you did exactly as you should today, stay in bed, get up and return to bed. One of those days adn what I have found over time, is sometimes those days need to happen without halting it for anything. Sometimes we need to just let our bodies and brains rest and retreat. Hope the pizza was good.

Time for  some rest,

my heart to all-Dee

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Geez Louise!  It's always something isn't it???  I've said lately that I want the universe to take us off the dart board, we're tired of getting hit!!

We had problems with my computer before we left Texas and Geek Square from Best Buy was able to transfer everything to a new computer.  Some area Walmart's have something similiar to Geek squad. You might check with something like that before you send it off.

Don't worry sweetie, you'll get your precious memories back and all the hard work too!


I was beginning to worry about you!  Glad you checked in.

We will take care of you!  Just get your little butt here .......

Ericka, Danny's Mom is considering coming.  I'm sending her an invitation.

Anyone else that wants one, just let me know your address and I'll stick it in the mail to you.

We're going to preview the band tomorrow.  I'm excited!

And we've had a request not to have fireworks.  Several folks bring their pets and they get spooked by them.  We actually had a dog take off last year and we didn't find it until the next morning.  That was upsetting!

Oh well, I  still can't wait to sit by the campfire and smell the bacon cooking in the morning!


I'm happy that your sister opened up with you also.  My immediate thought was I wonder if her loss was so painful she couldn't talk about it ........

We had a fostering class today.  Talked about loss, grief and attachment disorder. Whew!

It's raining here!  It's rained all day.  We needed it so I'm glad! 

Nite all!

Bonnie, Jay's Mom

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I hope that all who are having problems with their computer get them straightened out soon...yes, this is a lifeline to all of us...and the thought of losing what we have stored here is beyond thinkable...I pray that you all hold onto what is dear to you and stored in them...Trudi:  I am so sorry that you lost your sweet Mike's words...it is so painful when we lose a part of them that you thought you were going to get to hold onto---whether it's a recording or a picture...Marcia, I pray you are able to get back all that you think is gone...most likely, it will be there.   I like that disc idea for the pics and will look into it. We got an external drive some time ago, and have backed up the pics a couple of times, but need to do it again.   As for the rest of the computer, I am thinking of looking into that "Carbonite" program I've seen advertised.  It is an "offsite" computer content storage company, and my understanding is that it backs up your computer automatically, everyday, at a storage site that could be states away from where you live...I generally do a lot of research into something like that when I am thinking of buying it...I haven't started the research yet...will get to it next week and will let you all know what I find out.  

Have been busy this weekend with Jamie's birthday...yes, busy all weekend with one birthday!  :D   Friday was the actual day...had to pick him up at school as they let out early, so had him all day, took him to a special lunch, had him til supper time...Saturday he came here in early afternoon along with 3 other grandsons..."'nuf sed"  (a phrase from Mike's favorite baseball song...), with 4 boys from 4 to 13 all day and half the night...whew!!! keeping up with them...it's no wonder nature doesn't allow us to give birth after 45-50 yrs or so...love them to pieces and so very happy when they are here, but glad their address is not the same as mine!!!

Colleen...good to see you back again, missed your words and your precious Brian's smile...BJ's mom, of course, glad to see you and BJ also.   BTW, Colleen, you questioned the spelling of Lorri's name---it is spelled "Lorri" below Kourtney's avatar, so I guess that is the correct spelling.  I know that it is hard to remember the different spellings for everyone, but we all know that the spelling doesn't really matter...it's what is in our hearts that counts...and we are all firmly there, along with all of our precious angels...

It is raining here today...dreary, hubby can't go out to church, but as Bonnie said, so glad, as we REALLY needed it.  I finally did finish cleaning out and up the porch...may post some pics...so proud of it...need to change the carpet next spring, though.

Bonnie:  I agree with what you said about my sister's grief being more than she could talk about...Susan wasn't her only loss, and yes, it was likely that, and also likely was also combined with the fact that back then it wasn't talked about...people had their three days of the service and funeral, and then it was not "polite" to bring it up again, as it "would make others uncomfortable," so I am sure that that also played a big part in it.  Also, her very strong unwavering faith that they were now in a better place played a huge part in it.   However, as I told my oldest daughter when she told me that I shouldn't be sad about Mike's death; I should think about where he is.  I told her that "I am not sad about where he is, Kim, I am sad about where he isn't."  My one sister that I could talk to, Julie, is the one who passed away a year after Mike...she was my true comfort as far as my family goes.  Now, BI is my family for that, and for that I am eternally grateful to all of you---my blessings are boundless....  Thank you all so much for your thoughts on my sister's opening up...you are such great friends!!!!

Need to go out in this rain today, as I promised Sarah that I would come by and see what she's done with Damon's room...they (she and Damon) have been painting up a storm and rearranging, and now have it in a complete "Space theme" with Star Wars along with the planets, etc.  Can't wait to see it!

Have a peaceful Sunday, everyone, and hopefully the Yankees won't sweep the Red Sox today...we lost Friday and Saturday's game, so hopefully they can pull today's off and avoid the sweep! 

love and peace,  carol  mikesmomrs


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This is our flyer for Pinnacle Days this year. It's coming fast!

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Hey all I have been reading about your computer issues. I hope you can get them all worked out. My husband is a computer geek and has had me do many things to save everything we have of our angel. I have email everything to a couple of gmail accounts and put them on a flash drive( picked up a 2 gig drive for 10 bucks) and put them on both laptops we have and when we get the desktop up and running I will put them on there too. Thought about putting them on dvd disks but they only last maybe a year or so. I will be sending them to a yahoo account too. Can't be to careful or have them in to many places. My hubby found a video he took of our boy at the park. It is of my hubby filming Zachy as he pushed him in the swing our angel is giggling like crazy.

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Lorri[glow=navy]Happy Anniversary[/glow] to you guys...I am glad you had a nice day and night...the penthouse sounds great! 

Beth:  I am so glad that you found the video of Zachy on the swing...what a delight to have!  After Mike passed, we didn't think we had any videos of him as a grownup, but had forgotten that hubby filmed for about 1/2 hour during his last birthday...it was about 25 minutes of film of Mike opening presents and people talking to him and him talking back..we are so glad to have it.  Even though we knew Mike was going to leave us, it still just didn't feel right to ask him to tape stuff so we'd have it "after he left."  We were just trying to live one day at a time, as it was...we have tons of pics, and tons of memories, though, thank God for those.

Bonnie:  Love the invitation...man, I wish I could be there in person, but I sure will be in spirit, and Mike's banner will fly with the rest of them...thank you again so much for that idea!

love and peace,  carol  mikesmomrs

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Bonnie---Kathy--& Deneace.---Thank you for the birthday

wishes for Davey. I had a "meltdown" of sorts last night...

don't know why...just being his birthday I guess, but am

OK today. Deneace, that poem is so very true of the way

our lives go after the loss of a child. The people don't or

more accurately "can't" understand, so they inevitably

drift away. That is why BI is such a great site. Everyone

here knows, firsthand, what this road is like. Thanks a lot.

Terrie---I agree about Amazon. I have ordered many CDs

books, and a few other things from them. Good experience

on all, and no problems.   Peace to all.

      Daveysmom, sherry


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Dee----Davey would have been 38 yesterday, but he will always

be 31 to us. Hoping that you are getting a lot of  signs from ERz

in your nature walks. I have to get out there more. Husband

has had the flu, so I've been busy, as you might guess. It's been

rainy anyhow, so soon I hope to get out and see the lovely sites

of nature and here/see a few crows.....my sign that Davey is greeting me.

Peace to you, friend.


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Bonnie :  I love the Flyer.  It is beautiful.  I too wish I could be there but I am glad that Stephen's flag will fly with everyone's and I will be there in my spirit.

Lorri  Happy Aniversary  Sounds like a night in the Penthouse was a great treat

Beth      So glad you found the video of your little angel  It will warm your heart.

Sherry  I understand down days - I hope hubbie and you can get some rest and recover .

Wish everyone a Blessed week



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Bonnie :  I love the Flyer.  It is beautiful.  I too wish I could be there but I am glad that Stephen's flag will fly with everyone's and I will be there in my spirit.

Lorri  Happy Aniversary  Sounds like a night in the Penthouse was a great treat

Beth      So glad you found the video of your little angel  It will warm your heart.

Sherry  I understand down days - I hope hubbie and you can get some rest and recover .

Wish everyone a Blessed week



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Hey baby Ashton, you are one handsome young man who I know brings joy to your mum's heart.......Amanda, glad you shared this precious boy with us, it does warm the heart and bring a smile.

Bonnie, love the flyer.  Like Carol says, will be there in spirit.  Love the location and the energy surrounding Pinnicle Days.

Lorri - Happy Anniversary - Does the heart good to celebrate and enjoy some good times....

To all - Haven't been great of late, but like Marcia, hanging in there.  Trying to find some postives to hold on too. More later.  Last week of the school holidays here.  We have had so much rain (very much needed) and snow on the hills around us.

This is a pic of the 'group' from last week.  Love the hugs and innocence of these babies....


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We went to hear the band for Pinnacle Days tonight.  They're a young band just starting out but they're good.  I'm excited!

They played Free Bird and I couldn't keep the tears at bay ......

If I leave here tomorrow

Would you still remember me?

For I must be travelling on, now,

cause theres too many places Ive got to see.

But, if I stayed here with you,

Things just couldnt be the same.

cause Im as free as a bird now,

And this bird you can not change.

Lord knows, I cant change.

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Dear Bonnie  That is a beautiful song.  I know that this is a beautiful labor of love for you and your husband.  Thank you for sharing it with us.


I have attached a copy of Stephen's flag  I hope it posts 


 The front is a picture of Stephen with his yellow race car

 Little Victories.  The flag is made from one of his tee shirts and since he always cut off the sleeves the sleeves are "cut off."

 The date is his birthday  I did not copy the back but the back has his initials SOK and angel date.

I am so happy to have done this


Thank you


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Ashton is beautiful - so excited!!!

Carol - you said it - it was so nice when Tavian and Jessica had their own address, when they first moved out I cried for 3 weeks and then, well lets just say I really got used to having the house to ourselves. Tavian would come for a weekend and by the time Sunday came I was soooooo ready for him to go home - but now I don't know what I would do without him although I would give my life for him to be at his old address with Jessica.  Grandchildren are so much fun aren't they - the innocence, the smiles but it is the "keeping up with them" that tires the bones!!

Trudi - I am sorry my friend that you are finding yourself in the dark - it happens often to us doesn't it?? Some days are great like yesterday the 3 of us went shopping and on the way home stopped at the pet store and Tavian got a new pet - one that stays in a tank - a geico !!! He is so cute and love the way he changes colors. Tavian has named him/her Sharkie !! He holds him and lets him crawl all over him while I sit and get goosebumps as he is cute but don't really want him crawling on me!! and we have to buy live crikets for him/her to eat !! Not my favorite pet but one that is definitley easy and can be left alone while we camp etc.  The happiness on Tavian's face made it a "great day" . Then there are the days when nothing is good, nothing is right and the tears and pain are just too much to bear. I pray that you find your way back to the sunshine.

Started my flag, am excited about it and Barry is helping me with it and Tavian also - it has been bittersweet making it but a good thing for the 3 of us.

Rainy here today too, all day - stayed in jammies and Tavian and I built a dragon from a wood kit - 3 hours later but we did it - I am a tired mi-mi tonight, he is sound asleep.

Love and peace to all. For those in the dark place I pray for light, energy and rest. Kathy

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