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What positive can you list today?


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19 minutes ago, KayC said:

I used Kilz on my ceiling when the roofer did a bad job and it leaked over 8 ft by 3 ft area.

You might want to get your son to check the attic over that area from time to time to make sure no mold develops. I got that surprise last year when we had a leak in our roof and they brought it to our attention.

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No mold. This was handled immediately.

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1 hour ago, Sparky1 said:

You're going to need lots of primer to hide those dark colors. And maybe at least two coats of paint on top. Not an easy job, I feel for you. 

I painted the dark blue one and just used an extra coat. Yeah this is quite a series of jobs ahead!

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3 hours ago, Boggled said:

Kilz works really well for covering

Last year I used Kilz to primer my shed and then painted over it with the color. So far it looks amazing, I'm hoping it will last for many years too.

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Years ago I worked for a paint and wallpaper store, and that is so true!  Often the company changes the base, which you put the same colorant into, but it doesn't look the same.

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Not sure why it says I edited my post when I didn't, what's to edit? It was short and concise!

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Gail, that is great news!

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I'm so glad you were able to do it! What a perfect way to remember him.

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I don't have much planned, but glad to have next week off. Hopefully get a few things done around the house and yard

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At this point I'm not sure I'll be going anywhere, can't get away from the bathroom. :(  Not sure I'll be at church tomorrow.  Iris is stuck at the ER, I spent two hours in her bathroom while the dogs played. ☹️

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Gail 8588


I hope you are better in the morning. 

It is frustrating when our bodies don't abide by our wishes.  We can only do what we can only do. 


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Saturday the sickest I've been in my life.  Sunday system felt bad but not glued to the toilet.  Today system still wretching, I'm leaning towards not going, I couldn't spend the night there because tomorrow morning I have a doctor's appt. 8:45 am.

Does anyone else get hit with ten reminders for doctor's appts?  It's nuts!  Even the insurance sending emails and I'm on schedule like every year!  Phone calls, emails, checking in online, texts, it's crazy!  I answered the first three, that's it.  They're out of their minds.

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My positive from this is I'm improving even if not instantaneously like I'd prefer.  I've had food poisoning, this was worse, although with food poisoning you don't know which end to point to the toilet!  (I chose to throw up on the floor), this goes on and on and on, relentlessly.  I even looked up COVID symptoms this morning to see if it's a strain of that...who knows, could be but maybe not, not vomiting.  Not sure technology is helping me. ;)

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Glad to hear you're improving, KayC.  Hope it's not contageous!  But IF it is, ...    

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1 hour ago, KayC said:

I even looked up COVID symptoms this morning to see if it's a strain of that...who knows, could be but maybe not,

Not trying to play scientist here, but are you on a city/county water line or a well? You would hope that the local governments test the water supply from time to time.

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Gov't doesn't hire someone to when you're on a well, we pay for everything ourselves.  It's been tested and couldn't be any better.  And I had everything in it replaced 4 1/2 months ago, at great expense.

Texted my son I'm not able to come today, never heard back.  My daughter responded at least.  
Okay, enough of this in the positive.


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If you have Windows you have Paint and it will quickly/easily resize your picture, you can make it 50% or whatever you want!

I'm glad you had a good time, but sorry with your that your Georgio isn't with you to view it.  

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Some of official photos that gives an idea of i'm talking about...






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11 minutes ago, KayC said:

you have Windows you have Paint and it will quickly/easily resize your picture, you can make it 50% or whatever you want!

Thank you Kay...but it's like a stranger language for me😂

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Gosh, I wish you could send it to me and I'd do it for you, only takes a minute, if that!

6 minutes ago, Roxeanne said:

Some of official photos that gives an idea of i'm talking about...






Wow, they carry this to the exteme, what a show!

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Got out for first run today. Nothing massive 2 miles and took it easy, but first one in 3 months. I stopped altogether after my Wife passed. So a run and 2 weights sessions already this week, very happy with this and feeling bit more upbeat.

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He paid at the checkout too, tho his friends had to help him...

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8 minutes ago, ThereIsAField said:

There's a school next door and they had a dress-up day... Some kids went to the supermarket to get snacks... It was even funnier live, cos the kid in the costume obviously could barely see where he was going and could only sort of shuffle in that weird bulky costume... So his movements were actually weirdly T-Rex-ish... And the unexpectedness and randomness of it was just perfect...

The looks on the other customers' faces were priceless too... Disbelief, then laughter... Cos it wasn't some advertising gimmick... It was just a teenage T-Rex shopping for snacks...

That's brilliant, nothing like a bit of fun and laughter.

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4 hours ago, ThereIsAField said:

(I've copy and pasted a tiger mask on the other kid to preserve his anonymity)

? Why is he wanted??


54 minutes ago, ThereIsAField said:

He paid at the checkout too, tho his friends had to help him...

Well of course, what with the really short arms and all ;)



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Yep, sometimes we need each other.

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Just beautiful! My favorite flower I've ever had.  Not only them but the whole yard!

(My XH covered mine with dirt and cut down the apple tree in the middle of the back yard that I enjoyed watching the deer feed from, just before he left us).  I tried for years to get the peonies to come back but alas, they never did.  My replanted apple trees were prolific for years...until storms took them down.

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