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Loss of an Adult Child


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Diane-----We posted at the same time. Yes.....babies can lift our spirits. Can't help

but smile when you look into that little perfect face. He must be a darling babe. Keep

coming to BI....we're her for you. Peace & prayers.


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Diane - It's such a dichotomy to feel joy over a new life while agonizing over the one that is gone. It's surreal on both levels. Hugs!

Greg - My heart breaks for your little granddaughter. I am so glad she has you as a stable, constant force in her life. How I wish young ones never had to experience loss or grief, it is so difficult to watch them hurt. Brian is no doubt there to comfort and guide her. Prayers.

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The cool air of the evening has arrived . The eggplant was delicious. Chopped onion, chopped fresh tomatoes, garlic, basil,salt to taste, baked 30 minutes, a little cheese near the 30 minute mark till bubbly. Very fast,few dishes.

Sherry, when I can't sleep I listen to NPR, CarTalk. I listen via the internet, not sure if you can. The thing is, I enjoy the show, it's funnybut the banter puts me to sleep. Maybe some night I'll stay awake to hear the show.

Betty, no wine yet. Not sure what I'm waiting for. Maybe a nice,cool evening.

Diane, lately I have noticed Rich’s classmates, friends, friends of friends have continued to travel their life path. It saddens me, for Rich.

I just completed the book,” Winter Garden”, Kristin Hannah. Very good ,fast read.

A woman from the workplace called about 2 days ago. This is my per diem position, helping out at the lab at a local hospital. (paper pusher) Very interesting. Very dedicated people. The woman wanted me to work for her on “x” day. I told her that I could not. After we disconnected I took a look at my calendar and called her back, gave her the dates I could help out, ( she needs to use vacation time,use it or lose it ) She totally went off on me. I was shocked. I really don't know this woman at all. She fits into part of my motto, “ people are crazy”.

A cool, keep the window open, night for us all.

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Greg, she is adorable and I do hear the making of a star. :)

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Betsy, sounds delicious. I am sorry that a woman would yell at you when you were offering her your time and energy. CRAZY and RUDE!

Cool weather today was perfect, absolutely beautiful.

Greg, what a little Doll she is that Alyssa. A strong and clear voice, how nice that she is enjoying this musical experience. And I am sorry too for her being let down by the Stepdad of sorts, being less involved. It sure isn't easy on Kids.

Sus, glad that you are okay and that Curtis is healing. Now be careful, said by the woman who falls and trips all the time.

Nick, what a nice message with Brian's smile.

I went to the camp for kids who lost a parent today, my last day to volunteer. Next year, I think that I will do way more there. I loved it. Today was the balloon launch at Buckingham Fountain. For those of you not familiar with Chicago, the fountain sits just west of Lake Michigan and just east of Michigan Avenue known as the Gold Coast. It is a beautiful scene and is surrounded by parks and public gardens. It is surrounded also by towering skyscrapers. Anyway, the kids were all gathered in the meeting room and asked if they want to let others know who they are missing. Hands went up, and one says, I miss my dad, he died in__________, and then another said, the same and some raised their hands and said that they missed their Mom, that she died....my eyes were trying hard to keep the water hidden but tears escaped while I listened.

gotta go, more later.

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[color="#483D8B Am grabbing a quick minute while Zak and Jeya are watching DVD's this cool wintery afternoon.

Greg - She's truly Brian's baby. Great voice! Love the dress. Was this a school play?

Dee - I can see you being involved in this camp and biting back tears.

Betsy - Oh yeah there should be a different phone book for their listings. Enjoy the breeze.

On the subject of grandies ~ We did a trip to the Melbourne Zoo yesterday. They have waived the entry fee for kids for the holidays. Its about a 40min trip. I went with Melissa, Em, Zak, Caleb and Jeya. It was a true comedy of errors which earlier on this journey I would have taken to heart and headed home.

First Melissa picked up a backpack and not her handbag before leaving. Then the rain fell, and fell and fell. As I pulled into the carpark I noticed they now have parking meters. Like a teenager searching for coins for a burger it was heads down bottoms up to scrap together the $2 per car we needed.

For me the sign we were going to be okay came as we walked in the gates...First exhibit MEERKATS..The clouds cleared and for 3hrs we walked, talked and visited most of the animals.

Just to remind me not to get too cocky, the petrol light in my car came on in the middle of peak hour traffic on the way home...... B)



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Hilarious Trudi, and so you really. Yep, the meerkats let you know that all would be fine, a meerkat kind of day. the photos once again tell me that your genes are the predominant in all of your blood line. They all look like you. so dear.

So I had to stop telling about the kids because I needed to go pick Shannon up at the train station as she worked late tonight.

Okay, so there the kids were, bravely telling about the parent that they lost, and some began to cry and a few began to sob. That achingly sad sob that we all know so well. So then this woman from RAINBOWS, a school social work group in many schools to aide in losses for children began to talk in a gentle way asking the kids to shut their eyes and picture that parent that they are missing, and wouldn't it be great if we could see them or get a hug from them or have a talk with them, what would you like them to know? Write down or draw what it is you need them to know today. So we passed out the paper adn pencils and those sobbing continued and we tied our messages on our balloons and all in a great line we went the two blocks to the fountain, in the heart of downtown Chicago on a sunny beautiful day. we got in a big circle and the director counted to three for the release. Today we had a strong wind off the lake adn the balloons went flying west up up up and over the tall buildings and out of our sight, taking our wishes and hopes with them. I was so moved by the volume of balloons and emotions, just wildly happy to have been a part of it all.

We will have our Eri balloon release on Saturday when we gather for ERI-fest. I am praying for no rain...

I will go see Karen the therapist tomorrow and visit the cemetery too. 8 years is a long long time, it is 2,920 days later, and I remember quite clearly waking up on the floor of the ICU in a sleeping bag on the 14th of July 2003. Before I opened my eyes, I asked for the miracle of Eri letting go without us signing papers for her to do so, but that did not happen and we knew if she had not died by the 14th, that we would release her then. Six days after she was hit. We waited till 2:00 in the afternoon to move forward in this sad procession, Jonathan, Michael (their Daddy) and me. We joined Eri in her last hour as the four of us, our little family. We sent her on her way and she blazed across the sky in bold and brilliant colors that lit the sky.

And then she was free and we began the most difficult walk of our lives. But here we are all these years later and I can honestly say that it is in Eri's love and in her honor, that I find something lovely in each day. Grief takes time, it takes its toll, it demands our energy and it flattens us out. One day though, we find that we see the flowers and hear the birds, and maybe it has been years since that was possible. WE find some new hobbies, and maybe take up some of our old ones too, and we begin to form a life that is not just like the old life, how could it be? but we carve a new way of living and I can't help but feel the smiles of our Angels shining on us as we do because we live and stand where they no longer can. Look up at that moon and smile. the cycle continues, the earth moves as it did even that day, seasons begin and end as they always did and each day we try to live it well.

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We are saying her name loud and clear for the world to hear. Thinking of you today Dee. But as you have told so many of us - Lets think of the 19 years she lived and not the one day she died. Hard, I know, but we are here with and for you.


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Glad you enjoyed the eggplant, but that is one vegi I can not do. I have tried it so many ways and each way seems worse than the last. - Too funny. - You made me smile.


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Go out and make it a PINK DAY Everyone, sweet and pink and filled with laughter. That is the way ERi would have it.

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Erica, Erica, Erica......


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Touch Mom with You Love


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Hi Indigos

Betsy I had to Edit again. You changed the picture :blink: This new one is lovely too but the sunset was so special WOW!!! What a Beautiful Picture-- Did you shoot it? So glad the eggplant was tasty Next you will find time for that wine ,It is cooler here today and maybe tonight is the night!!

Trudie What sweet litle faces They look like so much fun. Each one appears to be capable of much mischief!! :unsure: Thanks for posting!!!

Greg What a powerful voice for such a gentle swweet little girl So lad you are there for her. Brian is very proud.

Sherry Love hearing about your home and all the activity there. I agree Little ones, and their sweet innocence faces and bodies touch my heart everytime.

Diane Good to hear you and listen to the new little one.

Dan Beautiful post for Brian

Rhonda , Sus, Amy, Karen, Sharon , Carol and all Indigos in my thoughto

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I will Think Pink today for your sweet girl

Colleen, Brian's Mother Forever

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Love the zoo stories. What a grandma you are to take all those young-ones for a joyful day. I try to live by the statement that every moment is a potential memory. Most of the time, we have a choice on whether that memory will be a good one or a bad one.

All Indigos

I want to thank all of my Indigo pals for remembering my sweet boy on the date of his birth. I remember that day so well. Brian was the only one of my children that went full term - 1 day before his due date. Brian was also the happiest of all my babies.

1000X Thank you for remembering my family


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Dee: "...the cycle continues, the earth moves as it did even that day, seasons begin and end as they always did and each day we try to live it well..." in the beginning, this very thought was anathema to me....the day after Mike died, I stood on my porch and wanted to scream at the world to stop moving...I wanted those "cycles"---life itself--- to stop...forever! But we learn over time that our wishes will not be granted, and over even more time, we learn why...we learn that "we must stand where they can't." The things we do, the words we say, the love we give, is all in their honor...we hold their memory dear, and we spread their love even after they are gone. We must. This is our life now. Yes, we all still have our days of sadness, our days when we still fall back into that pit. But through that falling down and getting back up again, and through and with our family here on BI, we have learned that the pit will not swallow us, that we will be able to climb back out again. Our angels are proud of us, proud of what we do, and proud and happy that we honor them. This takes a long time to get to, and you have gone ahead of us and done it, left those footprints for us to step in, given us a light to follow. Your learning has been our learning, and we thank you for this, Dee. You and Sherry both have shown us that life can continue, that we can find some joy, we can move through this grief journey and learn along the way, and then share what we have learned along the way, to light the way for others. Your beautiful ERI is so proud of her momma, and she and all of our angels surround us with their beautiful spirits, every day. Thank you.

Yes, Dee, I will go out today and try to make this a PINK day, find and spread some laughter, some joy, in honor of my Mike, in honor of all of our sweet children, but for today, most especially, in honor of your sweet ERI.

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ERICA-Beautiful pink girl with big hands and a bigger heart, shine your light and love on your Mama and family and friends today as they miss you so much, even while they look for you all around.

Dee-Hugs and love to you today.

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Thanks Everyone, I went for a bike ride and felt the wind and heard the sounds of a pretty summer day. That is what this date should be for most, a pretty summer day.

Love you All.

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Brendan's Daddy

Thinking of you today Dee!

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Thinking of u dre and ur sweet eri.

Surg went well feeling pretty ruff Fixn to go back to get unwrapped then sleep

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This just came to me. Thinking of Eri and all of our kids.


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Greg, beautiful absolutely beautiful, thanks for that, a definite Erica moment.

Thanks CJ and Tony and Lorri and Rhonda and All...

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Dee------Thinking of you today, my BI sister. You said it so well. I think I'll go out & find some pink beauty in

the day. You and I have been on this journey so long. When I first came to BI, I thought I would maybe

post a couple of times and then probably not return, but here I am......and here we all are.....helping

each other & giving each other strength and hope. The balloon launch with messages from the kids

to their heavenly parents is such a beautiful idea. When my husband and I went to Chicago years ago,

we went to the park and the Buckingham Fountain. Lovely place to just walk around at on a liesurely day.

Good memories for us. Hugs to you, Dee.

Trudi-----Your outing to the zoo with the grandies must have been so much fun. I think the Meerkats are

so cute. I used to watch them on t.v. They had their 'own show' :) . They are just so cute & funny. I

bet the grandies loved everything at the zoo.

Betsy----The eggplant that you made sounds so good. I can't eat eggplant......seems I'm a bit allergic to

it or something. I love the angel card you posted for ERI...so lovely......dark hair.....just like ERi. Good grief.....

the woman at work sounds nutty......to go off on you like that when you were only trying to help her. She

will most likely have second thoughts about it later, and regret her rudeness because she may have to

ask you again to fill in for her. She sounds RUDE, and belongs in the "book of crazy people", I think. Around

here, Car Talk is also on NPR on a Sat morning, I think. I do like NPR. I listen to 'Jazz Sofa' on Sat. evening.

Good mellow jazz music......nice cool drink, and relaxing on the screened-in back porch....(no bugs to bother me) :lol:

Betty------We have scads of leaf lettuce in the garden. I picked a lot of it today, along with beets and onions,

to go along with the homemde macaroni & cheese for supper. There's a young raccoon that got hit on the

road not too far away. It could be one of those that had been wandering into our yard.....can't be sure, of course.

This road is a country road, but is pretty busy during the day/eve. with all the tractors and implements coming

and going to the fields. Have not seen any full-grown coons hit, though. Have you taken anymore bike rides

lately? Lovely day here, today.....but hot weather forecast for days ahead.

Sus-----Glad that Curtis is recuperating.


Davey&Lisasmom, Sherry

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Dave age 5, marched in the Bicentennial Parade 1976. GRrrrrrrrr. This didn't

work out.......wrong size......will try again another time.


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Hi Sherry

It did work out!!! I had to click on the picture and there he was. :rolleyes: So very sweet with his flag and Bi Centenial hat!!!

I remember that parade well!!! Thanks for finding the picture and touching a happy rememory.

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Dear Dee - My heart is with you today. I just logged on and realized it's ERi's angelversary.

For whatever is left of today, I wish you peace and sweet dreams of your ERi tonight. I can

only hope that I will be as "settled" (for lack of a better word) as you seem to be at this time,

even though I know this day brings its own heartache. You are in my thoughts this day.

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Dee, Thinking of you today as you hold your sweet memories of Eri near...I know she is looking down at you and smiling. She's proud of all that you do to help others...especially the young children you were helping today, as well as all of us here.

Amy/Ashley's mom

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Dan, what a great way to see ERi, alongside a pink rose. Thanks so much, I love that photo of her so much, it was pure and simply Erica.

Yes Sherry, we have been here a long time, our first posts shaky with our loss and unsure how to do this grief thing online for heaven's sake, but as you said, here we are this many years later and I am forever grateful for tripping onto this site to find you and all the lovely folks that we talk to each week.

Thanks all for your love and care, for the angels with long hair Betsy, and all the sweet symbols that have brought us here to this point. Peace to you each.

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☻/ღ˚ •。* ˚ ˚✰˚ ˛*★ 。 ˛ღ° 。* ° ˚ • ★ *˚ .ღ 。
/▌*˛˚ღ •˚ ˚˚ ✰*...Celebrating the life of Erica! ..... ★
/ \ ˚. ★ *˛ ˚ ✰。˚ ▌*˛˚ღ •˚★ *˛ ˚ ✰。˚˚ღ。* ˛˚ 。✰˚* ˚ ★ღ ˚ 。✰ *˚ .ღ 。

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Good Morning Guys,

We welcomed a new guest to our house yesterday. Got a call and two hours later picked up a little 10 month old bundle of pink energy! She came with a dirty bottle, a partially used can of formula and a dirty onesie. She was given a pink blanket and a stuffed animal by DSS and a little bear from Ruritans.

She has ezcema all over her little body. Looks like rug burn at this point and she has thrush in her mouth.

We scrounged for needed clothes, etc. and went shopping for a porta crib and other necessities. After a bath and lotion rub down, I sat her in the crib and went to get her a bottle. She was sound asleep with her little butt in the air when I returned a couple minutes later.

She has already challenged my stamina, my baby knowledge and my heart ....... these children are so broken and so deserving of the best life has to offer.

I pray that for as long as have her, we somehow mold our portion of this little piece of broken clay into what will become a healthy, happy, confident and self-sustaining independent loving individual.:rolleyes:

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Bonnie - Your little bundle of 10-month-old-joy sounds so wonderful. How lucky she is to have you and Rich to care for her. I am sure you were awake when the sun came up this morning.

Dee - Our Indigo pals came through for you too. We are lucky to be part of such a wonderful group.

Carol - Oh, how I remember the first month after Brian died. I was astonished the world was still turning. I would yell at flowers for blooming, for the sun coming up in the morning. It was truly a terrible time in our lives. But with the help of time and this site, we have learned how to live again in the shadow of this grief.

Trudi - Are you still in school? Winter is upon you now down-under, correct? Here in Wisconsin we have winter for almost 8 months it seems. Even though this weekend will be hot and humid, I am not complaining.

All my pals - The new Harry Potter film comes out this weekend. I am a Harry Potter nut!!!! My Mom bought me all the books in hard-cover. Since my birthday is 7-23, I am (dragging) - I mean taking my family to see the last of these films in the theater.

Wishing all of you a good day and may at least one thing make you smile today.

Colleen, Brian's Mother Forever

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Indeed Col, family right here.

Bonnie, I did not know of your little Girl, a pink bundle in your home. Congrats and good luck. Sounds as though her little life has been filled with turmoil, goodness knows that she will have found some rest in your calm, some sustenance in your nurture, and great love in your hearts. Thank you God for placing this child with This Woman.

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I am so sorry I haven't been online for a while. I have had nothing but computer problems.. seems getting online is next to impossible lately.. ever since the neighbor got her satellite internet in, my computer keeps trying to get onto it and knocks me out, I really don't understand it.. maybe its not the way it is, but sure seems like it.

Coleen, sorry I missed Brians birthday, my thoughts though are always with you... hugs

I find that I am a Harry Potter nut thanks to the grands, and my son. We are hoping to find somebody to sit with my mom so we can see the final one at the theatre. My son has never been to one yet, it is a luxury plus I wanted him older to enjoy it better, he is almost 8, so hard to believe.

Dee, how sorry I am I missed Eri's day and writing you and her.. My heart is with you, I do keep a list of all the angels on my computer when I can't be online.. I am with you all always.. Our sky was lit up with beautiful lightning last night, nothing serious but the colors were unreal. Made me think a lot about Eri I like to think of her as one of JaBoa's many big sisters out there watching over her hugs

Susannah, I hope you are doing ok with those ribs, sounds like something I would do.. BE CAREFULL!!

To everybody who has responded to me I thank you, it helps more than you know.. on second thought.. I think you do know.. I am still working on the pictures but it doesn't seem promising.. I think I have to wait til we have cable which should be this fall.. then I can be more a part of things.

Mom hasn't been feeling to great, she worries me, but then it seems like that is the ongoing feeling. The heatwave is finally catching up to the ND.. and I have to be watchful of her

I have JaBoa's sister back for a while, she was missing us and her mom let her come back. I worry about her so much, she isn't the vibrant sweet child she once was, and I wish somebody would get her some help. We show her love all we can... and we give.. but she has a dark cloud over her.. I hope wherever she ends up in school watches over her.

My daughter finally dumped her boyfriend in the pen. At least that is what she is telling people. I thought I would be elated over it, but now I worry.. I know she is involved with somebody already.. and I worry the outcome when the man gets out of the pen.. I will be going to find out all I can do to keep him away from me and my son.. If I can't keep him away, God forgive me I am willing and able to hurt him first.. I fear him more than I have feared anybody.. all because he can hurt my kids and my grands..

well.. this is my third try.. I keep losing it so i better close up.. I will try to post more... Lori take care Bonnie.. that little girl is so lucky to have you.. as you are to have her.. I feel for her skin condition, my little grandson was born with that.. hurts your heart to have to see it and wonder what they feel.

I think of you all Betty, Betsy, Rhonda, Karen, Dan, Trudi, Sherry, Greg, Amy, all the names I haven't mentioned peace to all of you.. love to you.. your angels

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Leah Dear, so good to see JaBoa here today and to hear your words. You never have to apologize for not being here when you aren't you have a very busy life taking care of the many you do, and for that, I hope that there will be many rewards one day. Take care in the heat that is affecting so many. We had two days off from the heat, actually three, but today it is coming back and tomorrow is our ERI-fest. I am hoping for no rain, even though it is going to be so very hot, no rain please.

I am glad that your little grand girl is with you, she probably feels safest there in your care. If that icky boyfriend comes near you or any one of you, I would 911 immediately. I would maybe also talk to the police and let them know how dangerous you feel he is to the family so that when he gets out of jail, they can keep an eye on the creep. We need you safe Leah.

Be well Sweetie,

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use the power in you to touch your Mom today, kiss her with your spirit, bless her with your peace.

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Stopping by to bid you all good night. Ditto to what Dee said, Leah.

Nothing new to report from my life.

Love to all of you,

Susannah/Stephanie's mom

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Adding to the nothing to report.....Somedays I just want to say, "Nope Mike didn't call or drop by" Can't tell you why I think that just somedays I do.

Have the clean out bug today. Just spent 4hrs doing the clutter that is my kitchen. About to start on the linen press ~ pretty sure I have enough bed linen, just not sure exactly where it is.

My heart to you always Dee, will face the moon tonight with a wink and a smile as I blow a kiss to your sweet tink.

Seeing EJ'S picture brings such memories of putting together the 'Memory Boards' in a hotel in MN 2yrs back.......Saying their names, they will never be forgotten.

Another ponderance.....How is it that no one thinks it strange to 'remember those who died' many many many years ago (eg, JFK, John Lennon) but to speak the name of your child sends people running for cover. Our loss is certainly, in my insane opinion, just as life changing...just a random thought

Memories made!!


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EJ, EJ, EJ, saying your name outloud. You are not forgotten. We haven't heard from your mom in quite a while, we think of her, your life story and hope she is ok.

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Trudi, at the end of each year the major news networks air a photo slide-show of famous, government, entertainment etc..people that have died. I watch that now and especially in 2009,and think,thought, “ you forgot Rich”.

Busy day ahead. Riding to Brooklyn with Sarah after work this evening. Taking the train back Sunday evening.

I purchased this book in a used book store way before Sarah gave a thought to NYC. I haven't read it yet. I did flip over the cover to find,

There's a tree that grows in Brooklyn. Some people call it the Tree of Heaven. No matter where its seed falls, it makes a tree which struggles to reach the sky. It grows in boarded-up lots and out of neglected rubbish heaps. It grows up,out of cellar gratings. It is the only tree that grows out of cement. It grows lushly...survives without sun,water,and seemingly without earth. It would be considered beautiful except that there are too many of it. “

I see us all in some of the words contained in this verse. Survival and too many...

Betty maybe we'll meet some other day.

Everyone, the heat is on is way back. Stay cool.

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I agree, Dee and Betsy. Nobody blinks twice when a "famous" person's death is still talked about 30 yrs later, but they get very uncomfortable when we bring up our children.

I had a rough night last night due to pain in my ribs. My plans for today are to stay still and read. "How to Survive the Loss of a Child" came in yesterday so that's the book I'll read.

Stephanie's 2nd angelversary is coming up. I wanted to spread her ashes but her sister asked that I wait until next year when she is here. It feels odd to me that I am ready to spread her ashes. I vowed I would keep them forever. I'm going to buy the glass little urns that you can wear around your necklass. They're shaped like a cross. Curtis doesn't want one but I'm giving him one anyway. It won't hurt my feelings if he doesn't wear it, but I want him to have something and her ashes are all we have to share.

I never thought the tears would dry or that I would feel joy again when she died. I was wrong.

Love to you all!

Susannah/Stephanie's mom

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Good Morning Indigos

Betsy, have a safe trip to the City. I know Sarah and you will be very busy getting settled and adjusted. One day when you come for a visit we will meet and go for a bagel.

A Tree Grows in Brooklyn was a movie that I saw as a child. It was a beautiful, sad story about loss, survival and overcoming adversity. You are right it is very much like the Indigos story.

I always enjoy my train ride to So Jersey, a book and my MP3 player and I fog out for the 2 hours. I know this will be a hard trip for you so I will hold you in my heart.

Trudi Lovely picture I am so touched by the innocence, joy and adventure that I see in each sweet little face. , I do agree nothing new because we have not heard from our angels-- everything else is unimportant. Your meeting 2 years ago where you posted each angels picture and said their names was profound I just wish I had been there.

Sus Sorry that you are in such pain and am glad you are going to take it easy today. It is interesting how we change and process information about how to handle the death of our precious childrem. When you are ready and the rest of the family can suppport you I know you will find a way.

I did not use one place to scatter Stephen's ashes. I scattered some at the "Finish LINE" at the Race Track that he loved, some the ocean near his house, his back yard, and finally buried some in the grave with his Dad. I also kept some in an angel box for th little shrine I have in my room. It all felt so right with place move. Hope that the children ate helping out. :unsure:

Dee Thinking of you with gentle thoughts today

Bonnie How wonderful that the little girl has found a safe place in your heart. She is fortunate..

Leah Great to see JoBoa and hear from you. I find it is important to connect just to say "HI". It is obvious you have a busy life just keep us in the loop

Rhonda, Diane, CJ, Sherry, Amy and all Indigos have a Blessed, gentle day filled with sweet memories of our angels.

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Heard this today and sobbed, had to stop and sob, I heard it first when I was holding a one year old ERi and we danced, cried then too, so pretty the words...and telling

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