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What positive can you list today?


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I have so many things to do and in my old age it takes me forever.  At home I packed away my summer decorations, I still have some Easter things in the basement that need to be packed up.  Have to move a box spring and mattress into the other room down there, then clean to get ready to host football game on Oct 1.  Outside the flowers are all dead.  Need to weed, get a couple pots and some mums.  Get the fall decorations out. Make a Ceasar salad for a bbq, and get down to the cottage to do another coat of paint on the window trim and see if my rope trim is still up.  

My positive is that while I'm at work thinking about all this, it's getting done in my head!  LOL

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I've started gardening again.   Going to plant tatsoi and pak choy today, an "above-ground planting day according to "planting by the moon."  It's so late to be planting!  but I'm a-gonna TRY.  Also cooked and ran through a ricer, a bunch of jujubes that are presently at their most tasty point IMHO.  So I have jujube mash to do something with now.  Also made "laminated dough," folding butter into a Lahaye yeast dough I'd started the day before, and baked half of it into a jujube-cream cheese-cinnamon pastry.  I think part of my mojo is back!   I'm a-gonna post in the new "spirituality" thread too, why I THINK it's back.  

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2 hours ago, shawnt said:

Going away for a bite weekend, I will probably sprain my liver.

Huh?  Not sure what you mean by a bite weekend... are you going fishing?

How does one sprain their liver?

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10 minutes ago, shawnt said:

Yikes, me too


That's definitely not a positive at the time, but saving vision over time definitely is.

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My positive for the day (other than getting it over with, it was a rough day, lots of smoke, trip to the valley, tons of traffic, not good either, and flu shot is sore and swollen):  Iris called and invited me to dinner.  Salad with albacore, avocado, tomato, sesame seeds, herbs, blue cheese dressing, out on her deck, it was so nice.  She needed someone to talk to.  And we had the beggars doing their best! We gave them pork rinds instead, they were happy.

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My positive is I watched football and basically did nothing constructive. Yes IMO that's a positive today. :)  Unfortunately the Cowpokes and Ravens won but can't have everything.

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Widower2: Just curious..........how is Joe Burroughs and his sidekick doing these days. Have they finally moved on?

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omg...he has a sidekick??

As far as I know he's still around, but (knock on wood) I don't see any new damage to the deck, new holes dug under the fence, etc

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My positive is I did get something done this weekend although not everything I wanted.  I woke up Saturday coughing and running nose.  Surely from opening all the windows.  Went to a bbq and then I drove down to the cottage.  I sleep well there.  Did some caulking and painting and beat the rain home.  Then, I didn't do much and dreamt I was lost again.  It was in a building this time.  My family was there for a hot second and then I lost them again.  Also lost my shoes and wallet.  I hate remembering my dreams and trying to figure out the meaning why this particular one keeps repeating.

Another positive is that I have a day off this week and my sister-in-law will come with me to the cottage.  Weather looks good for that day so hoping we can get a few more things done, and I definitely have to clean up this trip.  

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I hate the lost dreams, always feel helpless. Apparently they mean our sub conscience is searching for something. Whatever that means.

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1 hour ago, Gator M said:

How can you do all that?  

It was barely a 1/4 of tasks I wanted to do.  Once I got home yesterday and it started raining, believe me, I was 13+ hours in front of the TV doing absolutely nothing.

15 minutes ago, shawnt said:

I hate the lost dreams, always feel helpless. Apparently they mean our sub conscience is searching for something. Whatever that means.

I think for me it means I'm overwhelmed and probably a little depressed in my current life situation.  

This is what I looked up earlier:

This dream type generally suggests feelings of being overwhelmed, disoriented, and frustrated. It can represent feeling stuck in life or lost in terms of direction.

Keeping focus on the cottage for now since there's only a few more weeks left in the season.  Then when I'm done going back and forth, I can get more things done at my place.

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All the work I did at Iris' yesterday was for naught.  You can't even tell it's been cleaned, I spent HOURS at it!  I think she needs an exterminator.  The plugins, peppermint and bucket did not work.  I wish she'd kept up with the electronic traps as it wouldn't have gotten like this.  It was easy, but she's very squeamish about dumping them out.  I'd offered to do it but she got rid of them.

Today id Denise' bdy if she made it through the night.  A neighbor took Iris to radiation and was going to take her to see Denise, here's hoping...

I notice there are mouse turds on her outdoor picnic table cloth.

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For sure, but she won't.  We have neighbors who do cat rescue, not like there isn't an abundance here!

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And I want to add, my 25 year old Kitty was an amazing mouser and moler, so was Arlie.  Kitty would toy with it until I tossed it out, Arlie would dump it by my back door and wait for me to throw it outside.  Kodie will alert me.  It all works.  I haven't seen Panther catch anything yet, but maybe he just doesn't show them off like my previous cats. ;)

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4 hours ago, KayC said:

I broached it with her, no go.

That is a shame, because a good "mouser" cat would make a real impact on the infestation.  Might well scare off those he/she doesn't catch

 Maybe she would consider a short term, few months, of "borrowing" a few cats. 

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16 minutes ago, Gail 8588 said:

That is a shame, because a good "mouser" cat would make a real impact on the infestation.  Might well scare off those he/she doesn't catch

 Maybe she would consider a short term, few months, of "borrowing" a few cats. 

Or try to coax other neighborhood cats around or bring them around for a "visit" 

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After the hostile response I got at suggesting an exterminator (she got up abruptly and left and made a phone call and went to bed, didn't call last night) I am done.  If what you've tried isn't working, you'd think you'd be open to trying something else.  It's in all the cupboards and drawers, all the work I did cleaning and putting peppermint oil on them and disinfecting...nope, not doing it anymore.  The oil didn't work, the plug ins didn't work, they haven't gone for the bucket trap and lord only knows what she did with the electronic traps.  Those seem by far and large the most humane and work, but she tossed them out.  Nope, done, her issue.  

Denise is dying if not already gone.  The place did say they wouldn't move her while she's going out, $600/day or not, ins. won't cover.  I doubt she had that to her name.  Denise couldn't grasp it was her bdy yesterday, unconscious.

Me, the mice packed off my electronic trap in the shop, Lord only knows where they put it, can't find it.  I have a couple more but want to keep them in the house.  I have lots of D-Con to put in the shop.

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This is a huge positive for me since I hate doing it...I got my chest freezer thawed  out and everything put away!  Yay! 

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My group is also supportive, we spend 1 1/2 hours in prayer & talking and 1/2 hour in our study.

I think everything hurts when you're that cold!

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This is a simple trivial little thing, but it did give me a laugh.

On my way home from work, the exit ramp where I get off to go to the interstate, after the initial turn off, it becomes almost straight for about 100 yd stretch and between the shoulder and the line of trees to the right, there's about a 10-15' expanse of grass. At some point our brilliant state govt decided to put a "NO LOITERING" sign up there (like who would want to hang out there....). 

Today I drove by and right under the sign someone had put a picnic chair. :lol: Now I'm getting mixed signals; what should I do?? 

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11 hours ago, widower2 said:

Today I drove by and right under the sign someone had put a picnic chair. :lol:

Haha!  That is hilarious!  Someone's sense of humor, I LOVE it!

10 hours ago, foreverhis said:

I'm glad to hear that your Bible study group is more than, well, just study.

To tell the truth, it's the fellowship I go for!  I can study on my own.  Kodie loves going too!  There's 4 service dogs that go.

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I guess this one can go on this board:  In the past week I've made some good progress in getting my sciatica problem narrowed down. Last week I got a referral from the physical therapist to my doctor; and from my doctor to an MRI last Wednesday. Did a followup visit with my doctor last Friday; who then referred me over the a back and spine specialist, who I saw yesterday. I made sure he had all of the records he needed before I got there; which he appreciated.

So...........in addition to scoliosis, I have two discs that are moderately to severely out of balance, which explains the constant pain. Next up I have an appointment on Oct. 12th (I know......3 weeks.....UGH!!----but they'll call me sooner if there's a cancellation) to find out if shots in my back will get me some relief. If not, then surgery is my last option. As much of a hassle (and a pain in the **s) this has been, just getting all of this done and trying to hone in on the problem has been soothing on my mind. As I mentioned to Rey, the last several weeks have distracted me a little from my grief; but not a good distraction. I still think and miss Chris every day. I've just been doing it with a grunt and a limp. :)

Tonight I've got to score a couple of senior softball games. My son helps me with the setup. Sitting on my favorite pillow is fine. I hardly need to stand or walk around at all, which makes it doable. We'll have some extra valium on hand in case some of my fellow senior citizens get upset with making errors or arguing with the umpire!  :)

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Cindy coming home today, she's been very ill for over a week now.  Everyone says "see you tomorrow!" (at church) I told her to REST!  Doubt she'll listen, she plans on coming to retreat.  Praying her deaconesses step up to the plate.

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Iris got her estimate from the exterminator: $3,500, she doesn't have it.  She's going to get something to kill them from a farm supply and will get her vents covered with screen to prevent their getting in.  Praying the dogs don't get the poison.  At least she got the idea from him to close off their ways into the house.  Years ago I had a dryer vent they were coming into and they managed to get it apart once in the house.  Once I pulled the dryer out and sealed up the venting and got it hooked back up, that ended that.  I haven't had a mouse in here in years.  I'm still convinced by the electronic traps, but she's so squeamish, I told her I can check the traps and it's easy because you don't have to touch them.  They're even eating her clothes in her bedroom drawers!  

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When we get them from time to time, we use humane mouse traps and release them at a park nearby. It's sounds like she has a bigger problem, though; and I suspect if she tried that you would be responsible for shuttling them away a few times a day. Not fun............Too bad she's not open minded about the electronic mouse traps. With her health issues, having them around is not good for her situation. On the positive side, you've done so much for her that she might have had to leave her house without your help.

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The electronic ones are the most humane as they kill them instantly, she has them so bad they keep her awake during the night.  I might have opted for the exterminator even if I had to make payments on a credit card.  It's that bad.  Chewing holes in walls?  That'll be costly to fix.  And homeowners covers your car, not your house, they consider that a "housekeeping" issue.

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1 hour ago, Gator M said:

Humane?  They are vermin. 

And? That is IMO no reason to be inhumane to an animal. I get wanting to get rid of them, but not in a cruel way.



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I agree but it's beyond that at her house. I once had them wreck my car and truck.  They'll eat refrigerator wiring, anything.

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