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I lost my first baby; my adult son

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Lisa Wilson

On 12/26/23, I went to my son's apartment to bring him home.  He was dead on his sofa.  He was an alcoholic and reached out to me after numerous things went downhill in his life.  He got fired from his county job of 10 years, his girlfriend moved out, and he was being evicted from his apartment.  He had no car or phone.  He still had internet and sent me a message that he was trying to stop drinking and asked if he could come home.  I wish I had gone and got him the day he sent me the message.   I had to deal with my toxic ex-husband through this who did not understand why I wanted to have a funeral for my son.  Since then, my daughter (my only child now) did not want to help me gather photos for his funeral or go through his stuff.  She has been very distant, which is heartbreaking to me.  I go through the motions of life everyday of working and come home to cry myself to sleep.  I have previously lost my parents, my best friend, my son in law, and my sister, but losing a child is by far the most heartbreaking thing that I will ever go through.  I am overwhelmed by everyone and everything.  

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I am so sorry, I have not lost a child other than unborn, but have lost everyone else, I can't imagine.  My heart goes out to you.  I'm also sorry for the distance with your daughter.  Perhaps you grieve differently than her and she is dealing with his addiction the only way she knows. :(

Child-adult death
Child loss indefinite

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