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Can you stop the sadness?


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This isn't my first time dealing with death. I'm 52 and I've had friends and relatives pass before but this is my first parent to pass,  my dad, and then a week later a dear friend. I have support. There are many people I can reach out to if I choose. It's this constant sadness I'm feeling that is getting to me. It feels like endless sadness with no hope. I'm not sure what to do to turn it around. I want to do nothing more than lay in bed and sleep away the time. This is all still relevantly new. Dad passed 12/18/21 & my friend  12/27/21. We're in a horrible winter storm the last 2 weeks here where I live so staying at home has not been a problem. I've gone to visit my mom when the roads allow and stay in constant contact with her by phone. I  can stay chipper with her, other relatives and friends but it's a complete act. I'm lying through my teeth it seems. When not having to encounter others I sleep, a lot. I'm sad. And I cry. I'm sad for these two not being here anymore. I'm sad about how I feel in losing them and feelingthe way I do about it. It's a weird loneliness I've never felt before, especially since I could have handfuls of people around me if I wanted. But I want to be left alone. I just want to go back to normal and not feel sad. Not to need so much sleep. What do I need to do? How do I turn this around? Help, please. Thank you.  

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