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1/2 Century


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My husband of 50 years left to go home to glory the Monday before Thanksgiving. We had been married 50 1/2 years. We spent the last nine months traveling in our trailer, and boating, fishing, playing and just enjoying life. We reminded each other every day that it was precious and tried to stay away from conflict as much as possible.

We both got Covid, but because of health issues, he got very sick. I recovered with mild symptoms. After 10 days at home he had to go to the hospital where he survived another 4 weeks. Many things happened during that time to him. My hurt right now is how many things they had to do to help him survive, how many decisions I had to make on his behalf, and how none of it changed the inevitable end.

It hurts me to think of the man who I thought was the most beautiful on earth, even at 70... seemed so abused by what was necessary for keeping him alive. It hurts to know at one point he was the sickest man in that hospital with 10 iv's not counting the intubation. He had things attached to several parts of his body, his perfect at one time very healthy body.  He was sedated, but never would have wanted what had happened. I had to decide he would want to breathe, and if anything would be helpful in that effort, I should do it. 

You never know what you will decide for a loved one until there is something so pressing, you just want them better for their sake and yours

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I'm so sorry you and he had to go through that.  My brother went through the same thing, at 51.  In ICU for a week then on vent for 2 before they could do no more.  Covid is diabolical, and the nurses and doctors are learning as time goes on but even after 2 years there is still limited knowledge and limited success.  I'm hearing numbers from nurses (2 nurses in the family currently on covid wards) that 10% - 20% of covid patients that go on a ventilator do not last 2 weeks.  I could go into why and what damage is done if you want. 

Health doesn't seem to matter, all that seems to make a difference is vaccination status.  75-95% of all hospitalizations are non-vaccinated.  My brother was not vaccinated.

It's important to remember that he trusted you to do what was right, and you did.  Anything that could be done to keep him alive and give his body a chance to recover was done.  I'm sure your heart was full of hope and fear the entire time, but you did the right thing.  He would be proud of you.  He sounds like he was a wonderful man, and the world is poorer for his loss.






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Well Mike54 

I appreciate your condolences and I too am sorry for your loss. However. Unless you are a scientist and have isolated the appropriate gene sequence other than a computer generated model, you do not know without a doubt that what you think is a vaccination does the job. Stats are arbitrary depending on whose science you want to believe. After his booster one of my sons tested positive  and got sick. Your  comments do not fit with condolences. I recovered. No shot. Some with shot are sicker than ever now. This forum is about grief. Let's keep it that way... please. I will if you will. Things are sad enough without virtue signaling in the name of loss.

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So sorry for your loss I just lost my husband of almost 28 years this is the hardest thing I've ever been through and having to do it without the love of my life and best friend to lean on miss him so much 

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I lost my husband of 19 years less then 3 months ago. And I have never felt so lost in my life. I tell people im okay but in the inside I am falling apart. I have lost my soul mate, my best friend, my children father and my protector all in a blink of an eye. How do I get over 19 years of my life?

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