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Loving Our Soulmate 2

Clever Pennywyze43

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Clever Pennywyze43

When I got to Connie (Jeremy's mother) and Wild Card's (Jeremy's step-dad) trailer, it was much like the afternoon that Jeremy and I snuck off to McDonald's...a perfect connection between two souls.  Before I go further with this part of the story, I have been reminded about the day Jeremy and I went to McDonald's. 

I'd gotten a little bit of money.  The child molester had left and went somewhere, I don't really remember where he was.  All I do remember was walking out of the front door of the friend's trailer I was staying in, and attempting to walk to McDonald's.  Since I couldn't find anyone there, I was going to have lunch by myself.  Jeremy just so happened to be walking up the driveway, and asked me where I was going.  When I told him, he said, "You don't have to eat alone.  If you want, I'll go with you".  (Side note: J was not 18, yet)  In response I said, "Sure.  Why not?  It'll be better than eating alone".  We didn't leave a note, and there was no set time either of us needed to be back.  Good thing too, because we spent the next 4 hours hiding from the rain by ducking under the awnings of churches and abandoned buildings along the way.  When we had been tucked in out of the rain, we'd start kissing and hugging on each other.  If we weren't doing that, we were talking about the future with each other.  When we got back to the trailer, everyone was there, and from the moment we stepped into the front door until we made it to Joe's room, we were questioned on our whereabouts for the past 4 hours.  When we made it to Joe's room, we were questioned, again.  Neither of us getting upset or telling people to stay out of our business.  No, we just told everyone that we were friends, and when I couldn't find anyone to walk with me to get lunch, Jeremy happened to offer.




Sorry, guys and dolls.  I'd finish the top part of the story today, but then what would I write tomorrow.  


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