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Forum Conduct & Guidelines Document ×

Meeting Our Soulmate

I put in a request to the administrators about this particular circle because it's where those of us who have lost our soulmates, can gather.  I do not intend to take away from those who were not lucky enough to meet (and have a long term relationship with) their soulmate, but those of us who have gotten the chance to meet our other half, we know that type of love is different from every other type of love.  I wanted to create a circle just for us because we can relate to each other on a level others cannot.  I'm not asking anyone to do something they don't want to do, but I'd appreciate it if y'all would please share "your story".  This is the story of how you and your soulmate met.  Further, if anyone would like to tell the story of the events leading to your wedding or a child's birth, I'm willing to hear it all.  We should all know proper online etiquette, and as such we must request that you maintain this etiquette in this circle. Sharing any photos, that are tactful and not distasteful, is very much allowed. Please have fun while in this circle. As well, don't hesitate to tell me when there's an administrative issue with the circle itself or anyone who has joined the circle that is not choosing to use their online etiquette. If I cannot make reasonable changes to this circle (not very tech savvy), I will ask questions until I can make whatever changes need to be made.

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