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Who am I now


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I am so lost, it’s been six months since I lost my husband of 33 years to cancer. Yet it feels like it just happened yesterday, while he had terminal cancer, his passing was sudden, the cancer had spread its way to his main artery, and on June 1st at 130 it burst , and he bled to death, in our room, in his favorite chair with only myself there. Just like that he was gone. Now six months later I am still wandering around wondering where and how do I go on from here , and still I will randomly begin to cry at anytime, just yesterday I was cleaning our bathroom and I was just crying uncontrollably, sometimes I wonder how I can still have any tears left to cry 

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Hello, I feel your pain and grief. I just learned of this site and I wanted some answers about does it ever get better. My husband was violently murdered 1/14/21. This pain is indescribable,. I'm having his memorial service on 2/2/21, and I pray that I get through this. I can relate when you are just doing normal stuff, anything...and you burst out in tears. I'm angry, sad, hurt and confused. I came here to try to just find a connection because I feel nobody else understands. My days have been a blur, sure I have work (working from home), but that is a minimal distraction when everything reminds me of him. I swear I can still smell his scent. I feel like I'm losing my mind. My condolences to you and I hope and pray you find the strength for much needed  comfort and peace. Hugs you tight.

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Thank you so much.


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