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America in chaos

Gail 8588

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I appreciate that on this forum we keep the comments non-political.  I want to keep it that way too. 

But I just want to acknowledge how deeply traumatized I am by the political situation in our country. 

It's the 100 pound sack of concrete breaking the camel's back. 

I struggle with the loss of my spouse, the loss of my identity, the loss of our future together, the fear of growing old alone, the vulnerability of living alone, the stress of having to take care of everything myself, the isolation of covid-19. I am barely functioning. Barely holding on to a reason to keep trying. 

The whole political mess our country is in, is just too much for me.  Each side claiming that if the other guy wins - life will be terrible. Both sides saying there won't be a peaceful post election period.  The stress of all this chaos is more than a feather breaking the camel's back, it's a sack of concrete. 

I feel I am being crushed.  I told my friend I just want to be put in a medically induced coma until February. 

I try not to read or watch the news, but it's everywhere.  I tried watching football today, but so many of the adds are political. Emails are political.  Radio . . . It's everywhere. 

Sorry for the long rant, but sometimes I feel I am losing my mind.  I can't live in this constant state of anxiety that is being heaped on my already fragile existence. 


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We have an election here in New Zealand next month but out politics is not so brutal. As my partner is from the States I always take a keen interest in the result. We are lucky to have a Prime Minister who is not afraid to show compassion.

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Beverly Graham

@Gail 8588 I've been feeling the exact same way you are...what a relief to know that I'm not the only one!
I've even told my family how much the political and covid-19 chaos have been adding to my already through the roof anxiety, depression and grief...and just like you, I feel that all these things are making my life more unbearable. 
It's overwhelming and debilitating to our already fragile state; so much that I wish I could run away from it all or just disappear.
I've honestly never felt so insecure and terrified in my life...like I could lose my mind already.
I keep praying to God to please help us all.

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4 hours ago, Gail 8588 said:

Each side claiming that if the other guy wins - life will be terrible. Both sides saying there won't be a peaceful post election period. 

Such is the political extremism in our country and the village idiots who have molded them ("mold" is a good word...I think they have mold on the brain). Two sides of the same coin...their side is always right and wonderful, the other side is the root of all evil. The height of stupidity. I detest both parties and don't talk politics with anyone any more, because there is no rational discussion to be had. People are far too addicted to having a hissy. 

As for the news/TV/radio, I don't watch or listen to any of it any more. Once in awhile I'll bring up a news site online just to see if anything big is happening maybe I should know about, but I long ago gave up scrolling down past the "headlines" (which themselves are often a joke), because it reads like the National Enquirer. ALL the media cares about is itself and making as much money as possible with this "click bait" garbage. 

My suggestion is tune out similarly and focus on happier things. In that spirit, I'm going to go get some chocolate and a glass of wine. :) Peace

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Beverly Graham

@widower2 Well said...I've also stopped watching mainstream media since years ago...all their so-called news are a joke and self- serving.
Their goal is to strike fear in every one, and although I try my best to ignore it all, it's very difficult to do so when you're prone to anxiety attacks plus grieving.

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Beverly Graham

I'll try my best...but whenever I bring my son over to his father's place, he usually has the news blaring on the tv, so it's unavoidable to hear it.
I'll just focus on letting it go in one ear and out the other.

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ugh sorry to hear that. Yeah good luck, maybe you should bring a good book and some ear buds :) 

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Honestly, I don't know that it is possible to ignore it all.  Alerts pop up on the phone. Robo calls ring all day.  Emails from candidates, political parties, friends. And everything is presented as so dire. Maybe it is, I don't know. 

But being in this constant state of anxiety is killing me. My stomach is upset, I can't sleep. I generally feel terrible.  It makes me worry that I am more prone to get sick with covid if I am stressed out like this. And there are several more months of this ahead,  because it doesn't appear that this will be resolved on Nov. 3, 4 or 5th.  This is going to drag on.

I don't expect anyone here to have an answer to solve this problem.  I just felt I needed to vent about it. It is a huge stressor in my life.


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@Gail 8588 ohh sweetie I understand, it feels like the world is carving in, so toxic! Politics are way over the top, I stopped watching cable, stressed me out to much. 
I can especially relate to the vulnerable feeling, I try to put up a front that I am strong, competent and don’t need people to save me. Even though I am overwhelmed terrified insecure every day I don’t want pity, I will take care of our property and our finances no matter how hard it gets, he is right by my side, it has to be enough.

Tonight as it was twilight, I thought I saw a man on my property, out back. I flipped out, I was terrified and so scared! It was my poor eyesight and some things I left out that. I realized how vulnerable I really feel...



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I feel like I could have written this exact post. My husband was very attuned to the political climate and Covid crisis. We both worked from home during the quarantine and the news was on all day. Now that he’s gone I can’t watch the news at all. My grief is so overwhelming as is the loneliness and new responsibilities that to focus on the many negatives in our country is just too much. I am 54 and he was only 50 so I also worry about a lot of lonely years ahead and am trying to adjust from someone who was part of an us to being single. It’s not an easy task.

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I’ve found that whenever things get too depressing it’s good to pull back and put things in perspective. Here is what my husband had to say about that:
“My friend posted this which is quite amazing to consider.
It’s a mess out there now. Hard to discern between what’s a real threat and what is just simple panic and hysteria. For a small amount of perspective at this moment, imagine you were born in 1900. On your 14th birthday, World War I starts, and ends on your 18th birthday. 22 million people perish in that war. Later in the year, a Spanish Flu epidemic hits the planet and runs until your 20th birthday. 50 million people die from it in those two years. Yes, 50 million. On your 29th birthday, the Great Depression begins. Unemployment hits 25%, the World GDP drops 27%. That runs until you are 33. The country nearly collapses along with the world economy. When you turn 39, World War II starts. You aren’t even over the hill yet. And don’t try to catch your breath. On your 41st birthday, the United States is fully pulled into WWII. Between your 39th and 45th birthday, 75 million people perish in the war. At 50, the Korean War starts. 5 million perish. At 55 the Vietnam War begins and doesn’t end for 20 years. 4 million people perish in that conflict. On your 62nd birthday you have the Cuban Missile Crisis, a tipping point in the Cold War. Life on our planet, as we know it, should have ended. Great leaders prevented that from happening. When you turn 75, the Vietnam War finally ends. Think of everyone on the planet born in 1900. How do you survive all of that? When you were a kid in 1985 and didn’t think your 85 year old grandparent understood how hard school was. And how mean that kid in your class was. Yet they survived through everything listed above. Perspective is an amazing art. Refined as time goes on, and enlightening like you wouldn’t believe. Let’s try and keep things in perspective. Let’s be smart, help each other out. #KEEPitReal”

Sent from my iPhone using Grieving.com

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I hear you all and agree...I find it helps to skim the news rather than spending in depth time on it, what we take in really does affect our mental state.  Remember that we are not always getting accurate portrayals, we are getting the sensationalized version because that's what sells.  Be aware but don't saturate yourself unduly.  Get out and take a walk, and if you're not on the west coast, take a deep breath of the fresh air.  We're still battling fires/smoke here.

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On 9/20/2020 at 12:24 AM, Gail 8588 said:

Honestly, I don't know that it is possible to ignore it all.  Alerts pop up on the phone. Robo calls ring all day.  Emails from candidates, political parties, friends. And everything is presented as so dire. Maybe it is, I don't know. 

But being in this constant state of anxiety is killing me. My stomach is upset, I can't sleep. I generally feel terrible.  It makes me worry that I am more prone to get sick with covid if I am stressed out like this. And there are several more months of this ahead,  because it doesn't appear that this will be resolved on Nov. 3, 4 or 5th.  This is going to drag on.

I don't expect anyone here to have an answer to solve this problem.  I just felt I needed to vent about it. It is a huge stressor in my life.


Sorry Gail. :( Can't speak to the phone alerts, I get none but again I'm not a cell phone person, I have almost no "apps" and go for days without turning it on. Maybe delete some apps? Don't get emails either...and friends (what few true ones I have) know better than to send me that BS :)  

Again I would simply suggest focusing elsewhere. Talk long walks, watch comedies or other "positive" shows. There is a lot on youtube these days, including concerts of famous artists either from their home or otherwise connecting to others remotely etc. Sometimes I just type in something I'm interested in and it takes me down this meandering path. Like the other day I was watching some of the best of Johnny Carson, fun stuff!

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Man, do I hear you. Our toxic politics and growing divisions/nastiness are both frightening and depressing. Historically instability leads to more instability and between a global pandemic, crashing economies, toxic politics in many countries (beyond the US) I fear the world is on a slippery slope to darkness. All of that on top of grieving a spouse is too fu**ing much. I've never felt this bleak in my life and I don't know how to pull myself to a better place. All I can suggest is be kind to yourself, focus on the things you can control in your life, and make an effort to shut out any bombardment of news.  I also don't pretend with people. Everyone wants me to seem "better" and they seem disappointed/frustrated when I tell them how bleak I feel. Too bad. It takes too much energy to pretend. For me, mental health = being honest. If people can't handle hearing how I really feel they shouldn't ask. 

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1 hour ago, SDCrowley said:

I also don't pretend with people. Everyone wants me to seem "better" and they seem disappointed/frustrated when I tell them how bleak I feel. Too bad. It takes too much energy to pretend. For me, mental health = being honest. If people can't handle hearing how I really feel they shouldn't ask.

I admire that you've come to that understanding.  I still struggle with it because I've always had trouble crying and expressing myself in public.  I have come up with some responses to the stupid (IMO) social verbal handshake, if you will, of strangers asking, "How are you?" that get across the fact that I am not fine and you shouldn't ask if you don't want to know.  I am not rude or mean unless someone is rude or mean first.

So often people want us to be "normal" or feel better or whatever because our grief bothers them, rather than because they are truly concerned for our well-being.  I put on "the brave face" for quite some time, that is after about 6 months of being a virtual hermit, until I couldn't take it.  I told our closest friends, who are chosen family, that I might start falling apart in front of them at times and I wasn't going to continue hiding how I really am.  The next day, one of them sent me a picture with a sign that said, "It's okay if you fall apart sometimes.  Tacos fall apart and we still love them." to make me smile, but also to acknowledge that I should not pretend, especially with them, that I'm okay.

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Gail, I was really angry one day and was spouting off about the political situation we're in on another site,  and someone reported me and I could have gotten bounced off the site.  I however, deleted the post (had some bad language in it is all), and the only thing I knew to do is just turn it off for awhile. As previously mentioned, I skim the news, delete emails before reading them, and throw the flyers out in the trash that are in the mailbox everyday.  I get how you feel, all I knew to do.  Just turn it off.  Who ever gets elected, probably isn't going to affect my day to day life much any how-at least not at first.


@ Maria, love the perspective post.

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15 hours ago, widower2 said:

Can't speak to the phone alerts, I get none but again I'm not a cell phone person, I have almost no "apps" and go for days without turning it on.

You and me both!  Cell phones don't work where I live in the country mountains.  

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Less than 2 weeks until the election and my anxiety level is maxed out. 

I am doing my best to focus every minute on mundane things. (I cleaned the grout in my guest bathroom for hours today.)  I only play music cds or watch movies on TV. 

Still my mind races through endless horrible possibilities. 

Covid-19 is rampant in Florida right now (5,600 new cases just today) so I don't even want to go for a walk. 

A medically induced coma is an attractive, even if unrealistic, option right now.

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Nearly at the finish line Gail. Hopefully you get the result you want. We retained our awesome Prime Minister in our election.

The rest of the world also watches on with baited breath.

You have the right idea by staying away from live tv. I don't know if you have tried guided meditation or if would even interest you but I find them quite calming. Just a thought.

Take Care.

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Thanks for the encouragement.

Interesting thing about that guided meditation. I have just recently become aware that I am "aphantasic" - unable to form any mental imagery. 

I can't figure out how to attach a link, but if you google aphantasia you can read about it.

Anyway guided meditation doesn't really work well if you can't visualize.  My husband was a fan of guided meditation and I  never understood his interest in it. Now I understand. He could see the images being described. 

It is strange to find out you have lived over 6 decades and didn't know that most everyone else can actually see mental images in their mind's eye.   

Glad your election went well.  God only knows what will happen here in the US.  


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I always watch the local news...last night it was ALL coverage of the debate!  I, like you, feel I have had enough.  I'm tired of all of the bad news, pandemic, protests that turn into riots and destruction, pandemic, and the election & divisiveness that has all but destroyed our country/families, we need some kind of a BREAK!  I think it's also important to protect ourselves from continual onslaught of it all...take walks, see something beautiful, breathe!  Right now I have the addition of the La Nina they're predicting for winter, and my hands being in constant pain for 7 1/2 months now with no relief, my upcoming surgery and no one to help me in recovery.  The future isn't looking very bright right now.  And all I want is George back.  

Gail, know we are all in this together, particularly those of us here on this site, we get each other, we're like a virtual family but we're not fictitious, we're real people . 

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Aphantasia, I had never heard of that before. I am hoping that with time I can move from guided meditation to just calming my mind and being present without having to be guided. Practice I guess.

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-I understand the anxiety and loneliness --I'm a history and english teacher, and the other night before leaving work I followed up on something the National Humanities Center sent to me: this woman made a documentary film, crisscrossing Alabama and somehow persuading people to recite a verse from Walt Whitman's poem, "Song of Myself" in order to "help us recognize our forgotten connections to each other."  I have watched a few verses, and it moved me to tears and made me feel, however briefly, hopeful. Prisoners, farm kids, folks in wheelchairs...

Here's the link:  https://whitmanalabama.com/

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I really enjoyed Song of Myself.  That is a challenging poem to ask random people to read, but it was amazing.  Thanks for sharing.

I have been doing pretty well with my self imposed news backout and I think it really did lower my stress level. My stomach is not in knots.  (I did double my antianxiety meds for a few days.)  

Now that the election is nearly here, I am considering watching the returns Tuesday night.  If I start getting that fight or flight response I may have to turn it off.

Hoping everyone here is finding a way to get through the chaos and that after the election our country can find a way to heal. 



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A composer (I thought I knew which one, but can't find it, so I have no recollection) did a complex and wonderful musical/concert composition of "Song of Myself" with a narrator, solo singers, chorus, and wind/brass ensemble.  I'll see if I can hunt down a recording of it and post a link.  It's pretty ambitious and not performed that often, as far as I know, but when I was in concert choir in college, we performed it along with at least one professional soprano and the university's brass and wind ensemble at a large concert hall.  It was the kind of thing you never forget, though I seem to have forgotten everything else around it.  I think it was part of a full traveling concert series celebrating the the history and arts of America and the bicentennial.  We would have performed it in 1977, my freshman year.

I have a vague recollection of performing another Whitman piece set to music with several assembled concert choirs.  But I can't even bring up the name.  I only remember that it made you feel proud and patriotic without pounding "We're number one" as the theme.



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I must say, I am relieved that there has not been any significant violence over the election.  The country seems to be slowly moving forward to a new administration. 

I think half the country is a little bit hopeful and still sort of terrified. And the other half is disappointed and a little terrified.  Each day both sides are getting more concerned about Covid-19. 

Maybe focusing on beating back Covid-19 will allow the country some time to calm our fears on all the other stuff.  

Hopefully we will get through this period of time with a bit of patience and return to a calmer way to debate our differences. 

Baptist congregations and Methodist congregations don't agree, but they peacefully co-exist, often on different corners of the same intersection.  I hope political differences can co-exist like that in the future. 




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49 minutes ago, Gail 8588 said:

I must say, I am relieved that there has not been any significant violence over the election.  The country seems to be slowly moving forward to a new administration. 

I care nothing for extremists on either "side" FYI but there you see a glaring difference between liberal extremists and conservative ones. 4 yrs ago there were protests and riots all over the country when Trump was elected, gnashing of teeth, predictions of dire doom, celebrities vowing to leave the country (etc etc). Now? None of that childish BS. 

Conservatives aren't inherently any better or worse than liberals overall, but they at least do not throw such self-righteous, spoiled brat tantrums. 


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9 hours ago, Gail 8588 said:

Baptist congregations and Methodist congregations don't agree, but they peacefully co-exist

We have something unique in our small sleepy town, "Community Christian Fellowship" where all of the churches (who wish to participate) come together and enjoy a short sermon (the ministers take turns each month) and lots of music, followed but treats afterwards.  It's good to focus on common ground rather than solely differences.  I grew up in a Nazarene Church (came out of Methodist Church in 1909) and attended there 23 years more in my adult life, following a time in a Pentecostal church...from there I ended up Baptist the last 20 years, so I have a knowledge & appreciation for each!

8 hours ago, widower2 said:

at least do not throw such self-righteous, spoiled brat tantrums

That seems a judgment that I cannot support, but do NOT want this to get political, I think we'd best leave it there.


9 hours ago, Gail 8588 said:

I hope political differences can co-exist like that in the future. 

That would be my hope too, not sure we can come back from where it's been but sure hoping so.  We need to unite in mission and exist in peace.

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12 hours ago, Gail 8588 said:

Baptist congregations and Methodist congregations don't agree, but they peacefully co-exist, often on different corners of the same intersection. 

Here's a story you might like.  I should preface it a little.  I was raised Methodist-Episcopal.  I know, weird combination, right?  But half the family was one and half the other.  My parents were Methodists, so that was where I was confirmed, in a small, no frills, but lovely church (with cold stone floors!).  I was an acolyte (it was the 70s, so girl acolytes were a new thing).  My parents encouraged us kids to go to with family to Episcopal services or with friends of different denominations and even different faiths.  My dad said that it was important we see the humanity in everyone and realize that faith and religion are not exactly the same things.

Now for the story.  When I was 12, our elderly, nice but darn boring, minister retired.  In his place, a younger, "hipper" minister was assigned.  He was wonderful to everyone of all ages and had a lovely wife and children.  He kind of energized us and even started once a month folk music service, where my dad played guitar.  Our church was on what everyone called "church row" because the 2-3 mile street had our church, along with Baptist, Lutheran, Episcopal, Catholic, and Unitarian churches, as well as the local synagogue.  It was a time when younger ministers, priests, and rabbis were being assigned in our area.  So they all got together and decided it would be a good idea to have twice a year get-togethers for a big Ecumenical service and then picnic or indoor gathering afterward.  Those times stick in my memory because they reinforced what my dad had been saying all along:  We are all human; we are all fallible; we can all do better; and we all must work together on this little planet of ours.

I think we as a nation have forgotten that the only way to be united is to work together.  I don't mean to get too political and am not entirely blaming one side, but words and actions matter and certain people have been stoking anger, hatred, violence, not just the past several years, but for much longer than that.  Until those whose voices are loudest and who are heard so often start to dial it back, we're going to keep fighting each other.  Fear makes people behave in ways they might not otherwise.  Stoking fear and saying it's all the fault of "the other side" probably makes our country's enemies happy, but it does not help strengthen us.  Until our leaders sit down and remember why we put them there in the first place, we are likely to be stuck in this never-ending cycle of "us" versus "them," rather than the way it used to be when we knew that everyone had the same goal in mind, we simply didn't always agree on how to get there.

There's a line from a show that goes something like this, "America is the only country on the planet that since its birth has said over and over and over that we can do better."  It wouldn't hurt for all of us to remember that we can all do better.

Anyway, off my little soapbox.  As much as religion has torn and still tears people apart, faith as a universal concept can be so unifying.  You're right that it's something we should think about, especially now when we are struggling against so many things at once.

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I'll just add one more thing, as much as the press emphasizes the differences between the left and the right, I don't think the gap is insurmountable.

John and I lived in a small neighborhood, literarily an island, that had people on all parts of the political spectrum.  When John died, casseroles came from houses that had had Trump signs and Clinton signs in their yards the year before. We were neighbors first.  That gives me hope.  


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13 hours ago, KayC said:

That seems a judgment that I cannot support, but do NOT want this to get political, I think we'd best leave it there.

Neither you or I or anyone really need support it; it's a (glaring) fact.  The great mass of evidence to that end has been making headlines all year (though this year is hardly the only one). But you're right, best to move on. The news about a vaccine by possibly the spring of next year is hopeful. Dear God please let 2021 be better than 2020!  



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I am sorry if this will come out as a bit harsh, but I don’t think the situation at least in the past year has been about “right vs left” it’s been and still is about right vs wrong. Most of us knew this would happen, that’s why we marched in January 2017. The criminal negligence of the current federal government in handling the pandemic borders on genocide. 250000 people are dead, 11 million infected and counting. The lies, the complete lack of preparedness, lack of coordination, sidelining and outright firing the experts, the total lack of empathy and care about people is mind-boggling! I don’t want anyone in my life who thought this was good and voted for it to continue. Don’t want their pies, not that they even offered. The next door neighbor who was the nurse for the first hematologist that diagnosed my husband, never even called or knocked on the door since he went into hospital last December nor after he passed. I am so relieved that things are soon going to change for the better by engaging actual doctors and experts, and the vaccine and distribution. Hopefully, also some relief for the millions of people who are still without jobs and income, not to mention healthcare.

Sent from my iPad using Grieving.com

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My family and friends are divided, I listen to both sides and re-registered as an Independent as I'm not particularly happy about how either party has handled things the last few years.  I wish instead of attacking & blaming they'd stick to the issues/agendas.  I wish they could work together.  How we vote is no one else's business.  My kids' dad tried controlling me the 23 years we were married.  It didn't work.  (I could have saved him the trouble had he been upfront with me before we were married!)  He wanted to see my ballot before I sealed my envelope and I smiled and said "No thank you!"  He wanted to drop it off at the ballot box for me, again, I declined, smiling.  He asked, "How do I know you're not voting against me?"  I again smiled and said, "Count on it."  I feel strongly about each of us having the right to vote our conscience and take it seriously.  My vote is no one else's business.  My family is divided on it, my church, friends, neighbors.  I keep mine to myself although I've had discussions with some of them.  I just hope for a better outcome in 2021 than 2020, I think we all do!

foreverhis, good post, as always.  My bestie in high school was Episcopalian and I used to go to Christmas services with her family every year.  I've gone to church all my life to someplace or another even though my parents were atheist (until long after I was grown) so it wasn't their undue influence, it was my decision.

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On 11/12/2020 at 10:17 PM, widower2 said:

FYI but there you see a glaring difference between liberal extremists and conservative ones. 4 yrs ago there were protests and riots all over the country when Trump was elected, gnashing of teeth, predictions of dire doom, celebrities vowing to leave the country (etc etc). Now? None of that childish BS. 

I have to disagree.  There were protests and marches, but little violence 4 years ago.  There were not riots, though there were individual and small group acts of violence, which are always wrong.  Celebrities always do the "I'm leaving the country" thing from one side or the other, which is so stupid. 

Now, you say, none of that?  That's simply untrue.  All it takes is a quick search to find repeated acts of violence, intimidation, and threats from conservatives/Trump supporters now and over the past 4 years.  Our own security services rate far-right hate groups as the number one threat in the country today, based on evidence and not politics. 

For heaven's sake, a group of pickup drivers tried to run a Biden/Harris bus off the road and one did ram a support vehicle!  And the county sheriff claimed it was the fault of the bus for driving on the highway between counties.  He called the Biden/Harris convoy "suspicious."  The FBI recently arrested a group that planned to kidnap and execute the governor of Michigan.  Two men were just arrested, having driven from (I think) Virginia to Pennsylvania, armed and planning to attack the centers where votes were being counted.  Last summer at the president's urging, armed groups of conservatives stormed multiple state legislatures demanding that all COVID restrictions be stopped.  They threatened the lives of their own elected officials.  I could give 100 more examples, but I think these make my point.

Please do not try to tell me these things are not violent.  Our own agencies have been tracking a constant uptick in violent acts by far-right groups.

Don't get me wrong, I am not saying liberals don't have extremists and that there has been no violence from them.  There has been, but nowhere near the level seen from conservative extremists in recent years.  In fact, investigations by the DoJ (quite conservative, I think we can agree) have shown that a fair amount of the violence during protests in the summer was instigated by white supremacist groups hoping to either create a riot, harm protesters, or make the more peaceful protesters seem violent.

None of the behavior from the one side justifies violence or threats from the other.  I stick by my belief that it is up to us, We the People, to stop listening to hateful rhetoric coming from the loudest voices and those who are supposed to represent the best in us.  It is up to us to remember that this country only works when we all admit none of us are perfect, none of us have all the answers, and we are all Americans.  It is up to us to just stop allowing ourselves to be divided by those who are supposed to help keep us united.  It is up to us to remember that disagreeing with each other is normal and disagreeing doesn't make the other person evil.

I tried to bite my tongue about this.  I really did, but I simply couldn't let slide the behavior, sometimes childish, of conservative extremists, right now, today.


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3 hours ago, foreverhis said:

I have to disagree.  There were protests and marches, but little violence 4 years ago.  There were not riots

You're disagreeing with facts FYI (I stopped at 4 links, not sure how many more there were but didn't care as the point is made): 



Now, you say, none of that?  That's simply untrue.  All it takes is a quick search to find repeated acts of violence, intimidation, and threats from conservatives/Trump supporters

Do please point me to those. I searched and found none but for the sake of the argument concede maybe I missed something.  Again I detest extremists on both sides.  But at the very least, certainly it's been a far cry from what happened 4 yrs ago, which was my point.



For heaven's sake, a group of pickup drivers tried to run a Biden/Harris bus off the road and one did ram a support vehicle!  And the county sheriff claimed it was the fault of the bus for driving on the highway between counties.  He called the Biden/Harris convoy "suspicious."  The FBI recently arrested a group that planned to kidnap and execute the governor of Michigan.  Two men were just arrested, having driven from (I think) Virginia to Pennsylvania, armed and planning to attack the centers where votes were being counted.  Last summer at the president's urging, armed groups of conservatives stormed multiple state legislatures demanding that all COVID restrictions be stopped.  They threatened the lives of their own elected officials.  I could give 100 more examples, but I think these make my point.

I can't speak to all of those specifically offhand, but even if all true, sounds like the "individual and small group acts of violence" thing you seemed more dismissive of above...though you're right of course that they are always wrong. But I was speaking in general terms.



Don't get me wrong, I am not saying liberals don't have extremists and that there has been no violence from them.  There has been, but nowhere near the level seen from conservative extremists in recent years. 

You can't be serious. Apparently you've been completely ignoring the news or out of the country with no access to it for the last 6-8 months?  The riots, the looting, the statue smashing, and not just condemning cops, but attacking, even killing them (curious how that doesn't incite protests or riots isn't it), the whole Portland city shutdown lunacy, the list goes and on (and on...and on..and.....).  FYI those weren't conservatives doing that. It simply amazes and dumbfounds me how the absolute tsunami of liberal extremist crimes...and make no mistake they are that, crimes...are deflected, excused, even denied by so many. Talk about the elephant in the room.  



In fact, investigations by the DoJ (quite conservative, I think we can agree) have shown that a fair amount of the violence during protests in the summer was instigated by white supremacist groups hoping to either create a riot, harm protesters, or make the more peaceful protesters seem violent.

Please point me to any evidence of any of this.



None of the behavior from the one side justifies violence or threats from the other.  I stick by my belief that it is up to us, We the People, to stop listening to hateful rhetoric coming from the loudest voices and those who are supposed to represent the best in us.  It is up to us to remember that this country only works when we all admit none of us are perfect, none of us have all the answers, and we are all Americans.  It is up to us to just stop allowing ourselves to be divided by those who are supposed to help keep us united.  It is up to us to remember that disagreeing with each other is normal and disagreeing doesn't make the other person evil.

On all of that, we agree.



I tried to bite my tongue about this.  I really did, but I simply couldn't let slide the behavior, sometimes childish, of conservative extremists, right now, today.

As opposed to the mature behavior of the liberal extremists??

:face palm: 


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TOO MUCH POLITICS!!!  We all have our views, we are a country divided, it splits families, churches, friends, even partners, please, let's not have it here!!!

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3 hours ago, KayC said:

TOO MUCH POLITICS!!!  We all have our views, we are a country divided, it splits families, churches, friends, even partners, please, let's not have it here!!!

Yes, Kay, you're correct.  I think we've strayed into an area where widower2 and I will never agree.  The things I pointed out and referred to have all been reported extensively.  The Million MAGA March on Washington, where supporters have been encouraged to come armed and ready to fight, is just one example from this weekend.  The countrywide protests by conservative supporters, many of whom have tried to invade and attack poll workers who are only doing their jobs, have also been reported by nearly every media outlet, liberal, conservative, and inbetween.  I am not going spend time finding links for every single thing to prove my point. 

And so I will revert here specifically to the fact that division helps no one except those who wish to turn Americans into each other's enemies.  We'll leave that for elsewhere because here we are all united in grieving, which matters more than who the heck we voted for in this election or any other.

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Hi all, I am going to start a thread about what is helping find internal peace during the Chaos. Please post what is working for you!

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I am frightened and appalled at what is happening in Washington DC today.



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11 hours ago, Gail 8588 said:

I am frightened and appalled at what is happening in Washington DC today.



It's very upsetting and horrible for every true free people in the world...

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I understand democracy can be messy, as it by its nature shows the messy process to the world.  But it is very frightening to live here as our country grapples with the conflict within our nation. 

I live in a state capital city.  The FBI is warning that armed "protests" are being planned in all 50 state capitals beginning Jan 16. 

I don't know how this will be resolved.  I pray that our democracy can survive. 



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I saw yesterday the ceremony of the swore of Biden and Kamala

Part  of my personal sense of relief and i think for the most of european too, i want to do a consideration:

Democracy integrates  and builds - not-democracy divides and destroys

The ancient Romans who knew that very well had a motto:

"Dividi et impera"

Freedom is the most  precious thing for  everyone and i hope we will live always free



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As messy, and at time terrifying, the US has been in the recent past, in a way I think it has shown a strength and resiliency that is impressive. 

Inspite of all the chants of "lock him/her up"  political adversaries were not locked up.  Free speech, as ugly as it can be at times, was allowed. 

I do hope we transition to a more civil dialog.  But even as messy as this is, it appears our democracy is holding. 


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I am not an alarmist. But with all that is happening out there today (and it really is out there! today); if I didn't know better, I would think it was the end of the world! Riots. Protests. Anarchy. Governments crumbling. Disease. War. And the like. Things are exploding everywhere and appears it will get worse. The only good thing I see about any of it is that the fury over it takes my mind off of grief for a time. That, and sometimes you just have to laugh at the whole circus of politics and religion. I find that is helpful to survival as well. TLN.

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I truly hope that the US will get through this time of internal discord.  It is possible that our democracy will collapse. 

I try to urge people to remember that we are all more alike than different, no matter our political party affiliation. Here on this site I am certain that we have a mix of Rs and Ds but people are kind and compassionate with each other.  We need to recognize that as a nation. 

We are not enemies. We are all Americans who want liberty and the opportunity to pursue happiness for ourselves and our children.


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On 9/22/2020 at 12:22 AM, widower2 said:

Sorry Gail. :( Can't speak to the phone alerts, I get none but again I'm not a cell phone person, I have almost no "apps" and go for days without turning it on. Maybe delete some apps? Don't get emails either...and friends (what few true ones I have) know better than to send me that BS :)  

Again I would simply suggest focusing elsewhere. Talk long walks, watch comedies or other "positive" shows. There is a lot on youtube these days, including concerts of famous artists either from their home or otherwise connecting to others remotely etc. Sometimes I just type in something I'm interested in and it takes me down this meandering path. Like the other day I was watching some of the best of Johnny Carson, fun stuff!

widower2:  I know you posted this in 2020 but I like it. I've never owned a cell phone so know nothing about "apps" and without my husband, I've stopped watching TV. I don't read much news anymore, just enough to stay informed of key issues and local things. I, too watch youtubes of concerts and funny animals and even very old interviews of celebrities. I like to daydream and look at various destinations in the world. Yes, Johnny Carson is always fun to watch. And Carol Burnett. I'm hoping that once I get settled in at my brother's that I can take walks out on the trails on his property. Or to grow a small container garden. Or cook again. Earlier today I just wanted to disappear. I was tired and angry. I'm still tired but not as angry tonite. Cat is begging me for some attention tho. At least I still have my two cats. They still love me and don't think I'm crazy. Oh the waves..

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Glad you got something out of it :) The nature walks sound like a great idea. I try to get outside as much as I can. Glad that you have your cats. Really anything else to focus on is a good thing, whether it's walking, reading (maybe read something lighter?), journaling, getting out with others, catching a movie, shopping, whatever. Our dog was a lifeline for me in those early days.



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