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How Are You Today?


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Hello everyone, 

How is everyone doing today? Fresh grief is hard. It is a new world to navigate. Check in and let us know how you are doing. 


  • Administrators

Welcome to the new people who joined here. Remember to take it one hour at a time. Breathe, talk to others here on the message board. Remember to eat real food and drink lots of water. Does anyone have any questions? 

  • Members

I'm feeling pretty crappy and like I'm in a sea of isolation and rage.


  • Administrators

HUGS. Are you talking to anyone about it? Writing it down? Doing any exercise like walking?


  • Administrators

Welcome new members to this circles group. How are you all making it through the day? What is your favorite one step at a time action that you do or say to make it?

  • Members

I'm feeling sad and crying once an hour. Last week I was mad at the world. I lost my sweetheart May 2nd and it seem like I'm feeling worse as the weeks fly by!


  • Administrators

HUGS. Everything is so hard when you first start grieving but chatting works. Has everyone found a forum to chat in and post? Anyone need tips?

  • Moderators

@chrissie41346  So sorry to be so late responding, just found this place.  I hope you'll come back and let us be there for you.  I know this is beyond hard.  (((hugs)))

  • Administrators

We have 32 members now in this forum. How are you all doing with your fresh grief? Why don't you share your story here?

  • Membership

I just joined this page.  I lost my 24 year old son on October 29th this year.  I am really sad and miss him so much. My heart aches and my body goes numb right down to my bones.  I cry a lot, however I have returned to work as a teachers aide which helps some.  I plan to see a therapist this week as I fear going through Christmas and his birthday being on the 27th I feel it is going to be really rough.  I pray every night that he is ok and is at peace, I just wish I knew he was ok.    I am very distant now and don't want to be with my friends like I was before.  Corey was my first born and I so miss him.  I would have never thought something like this would happen to us and keep thinking my son is going to come through the door or call any day now. I hope I don't forget his voice, I am so afraid I am going to forget and I do not want to forget, I just wish I knew for sure that he is a peace and he is ok.  

  • Members

pretty down . cant stop thinking of my friend ian , who passed from cancer.:sad:. it breaks my heart he was in pain. he had a rare cancer called Rhabdomyosarcoma. i never expected my emotional pain to be this bad 


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