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Take one day at a time.


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I know what it feels like to have to go down this road. None of us want to be here but it is something we must do. It sometimes is hard to remember to take care of yourself while you deal with all of the emotions that have taken over your life. 


                                                    THE LITTLE THINGS

When you have lost someone you love it turns your world upside down and you suddenly forget
to take care of anything and everything. I remember I did not care if I ate or slept or cleaned my 
home or took a bath. Nope, none of it mattered at that time at all. The only thing I wanted was 
for my husband to walk in the door and everything that was happening would just be a dream.
Well I finally figured out it wasn't a dream and I had to take care of things including me.
This is just my personal version of things I had to get in order to navigate this thing called Grief. 

1. First and most important thing to remember is that grief has no rules and there is no set  
 time for you to grieve.
2. People are going to say things that hurt you but most of the time it is because they don't 
really know what to say and as my husband told me many times "They can't help it cause they
open their mouths and stupid just falls out".
3. Take time to eat even though you may not want it, take a hot bath or shower, turn on the tv
for noise, if you have pets spend time with them.
4. Cry if you need to, scream if it makes you feel better, talk to them as if they are still sitting 
there. Do whatever you can to let out the hurt and pain because holding it in never seems to 
5. Reach out for help when you can because having someone to listen can make a 
world of difference. I found this grief forum and it helped me to get thru those hard times.
6. If things get too unbearable please reach out for medical help.
This is something that can bring the strongest of them to their knees, so asking for help
is nothing to be ashamed of. 
The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (1-800-273-TALK [8255])
7. Tiny steps still move you forward, so one moment at a time is okay.

Remember this journey thru grief is your own and what works for me might not work for you
and that is okay. We are all traveling the same road just at different times, so you are not alone
and there are others that understand that you are hurting and feel lost. I will say this to each of
the ones that are just starting out, there is HOPE. 

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