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Beautiful little angel

Beautiful little angel

This is Mikaela Yuliette, my daughter. She was born February 28th 2017 and passed away on February 5th 2020. It's so hard for me to even post these pictures, to even look at them because it's just another reminder that she's gone. But it also makes me smile, looking at how happy she was, how much joy she had in her and how much love she had to give.

  • Album created by Bridget Thompson
  • Updated
  • 14 images
  • 1 album comment

1 Album Comment

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It's devastating that she was taken so soon, but from these photos it looks like those three years were filled with joy, and you were a big part of making that happen for her. Little Mikaela is in my thoughts and I'm wishing you comfort and healing ❤️ 

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