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About This Club

This is a circle for parents who have lost their child to cancer. This can be specific to neuroblastoma or other childhood cancers.
  1. What's new in this club
  2. 19 years today since I lost my Adam. As some of you know, my daughter had the same cancer that took Adam. After he died, my attempts to help her face her grief resulted in her developing a seizure disorder. This resulted in us walking on eggshells with our grief, preventing any of us from facing our grief properly for many years. This, compounded with the fact that we still had to doctor for Amandas cancer, plus all the other secondary effects of cancer and trauma led to the significant decline in her (and our) mental health that we continue to deal with. So today, on Adam’s 19th angel anniversary, I ask anyone who reads this to pray for my Amanda. Ask that God can help to both soften and strengthen her heart, to lead her in finally facing her own grief, cancer experience, and the trauma of surviving the same cancer that took her brother. 🙏🏻💜🙏🏻💜 Peace, Laura
  3. Grieving parents trying to survive the holidays will understand what this sculpture represents
  4. Hello all, The holiday season is always such a challenge for grieving parents The expectation is that we are cheerful and joyous, even though we feel everything but those things. It's easy to feel like the outsider when family or friends don't seem to share the same level of sadness as us But this circle is a good place to come, because we all DO share your sadness. You don't have to be fake cheerful, joyous or anything I hope having this "space" helps you as it helps me. Thank you all for contributing to this Peace, Laura
  5. Do you need to simply share your grief with folks who know your pain and understand the horrible pain of losing a child? The holiday season sucks for bereaved parents and families. Do you feel supported? I never ever felt supported by my family. My grief for Adam was never welcome. But these online grief forums have helped tremendously. Laura
  6. Hello again, Maybe you're a person who just needs someone to listen and understand the devastating pain the grief of your child brings, especially during the holiday season. Everyone on this board knows your pain. It sucks and there are really no words to describe it. But, I wanted to open up a topic that would allow folks to simply share their grief.
  7. This is a little way's off, but I wanted to share the plan for the December Grief Group meeting. Next Meeting Dec 19 - 7PM on Zoom Focus will be on navigating the Holidays using: Psalm 147:3 Psalm 34:18 Holiday Bill of Rights “Befriending” grief strategy This time of year absolutely sucks for the majority of people who are reading this. But my hope is that the scriptures and strategies we use will help make our grief tolerable this holiday season. Zoom info and my email is found on the Psalm 23 Groups website. Meeting slides are also linked below. If it's not in your wheelhouse to come to this online grief group meeting, but you'd like us to pray for you, please Message me or email me to add your name to the list. Otherwise, I look forward to seeing you on 12/19 Peace, Laura Ann https://www.psalm23groups.org/psalm-23-groups-homepage https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1tKyX99tsjbMnh6HfDJTHQQxwsu17SaQpoGGR_fwErhU/edit?usp=sharing
  8. The November meeting for the online (Zoom) Gone Too Soon Grief Group that uses Scripture and grief strategies to help navigate our grief is 11/21/22 at 7PM (ET). If you are interested in attending, please see the information on my website. https://www.psalm23groups.org/psalm-23-groups-homepage
  9. Hi all, I started an online grief group that meets on Zoom. If you are interested, you can find the Zoom and Agenda (meeting slides) using the link below. Please note that we use Psalm 23 and other Scriptures from the Bible, along with Grief Education/Strategies to help us navigate grief in these meetings. https://www.psalm23groups.org/psalm-23-groups-homepage Please don't hesitate to ask any questions you may have Peace, Laura
  10. Laura Ann

    Type of cancer?

    Robert, I notice that you're coming up on your son's angel date. I know it can get very troubling as that date approaches. We are here for you, sending you hugs and prayers.
  11. I'm so sorry for your devastating loss. At the same time, I'm glad you found some support groups online. They have made a huge difference in my own grief. I no longer feel so isolated
  12. 22 weeks since our son Patrick passed away from a GBM. Still greiving every single day. He is the last thing on our minds as we go to sleep and the first thing we think of when we wake up.
  13. Hello to all new and already existing members! Welcome. I'm sorry that the loss of a child brought you here, but at the same time, I'm glad you're here. These online grief groups have made a remarkable difference in my grief journey and I hope you'll find the same. The first question I have is "How are you doing in your grief?" This question was one that I longed for people to ask me for many years. Asking this question speaks volumes (in my opinion) because it says that 1.) I care 2.) I'm aware that your answer may make me uncomfortable, but supporting you in your grief supersedes that. I'd love to hear from all of you to know how you are doing in your grief. The second question I have is .....would anyone be interested in attending a Zoom online Grief Group meeting? I started an online group called Gone Too Soon Grief Group (for parents who have lost a child) on Facebook. We've been meeting the last Monday of every month at 7PM EST on Zoom. But you don't have to be on FB to participate. If you're interested, reply in this discussion board and we'll figure out a way to connect you Much love, hugs, prayers and peace to all of you. I'm looking forward to hearing from you Laura
  14. I’m glad you’ve joined us, but I’m sorry that circumstances brought you here. My name is Laura, and I lost my son Adam to neuroblastoma in 2004. I find these online support groups very helpful. Please reply and sharing part of your grief story.
  15. Hello and welcome to our new members. We are sorry that losing your child brought you here, but glad you’re reaching out for support. Please reply so that I know you receive this message Thank you, Laura
  16. Laura Ann

    Type of cancer?

    Is anyone able to reply to my posts? Im curious if Im managing this circle properly or people are just hesitant to respond.
  17. Topics does seem to be how we have discussion. My son had neuroblastoma. What type of cancer did your child have?

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