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Thoughts About Mom

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It is you who is gone.



When I remember she is gone, I feel the wind knocked out of me.

I cannot breathe.

I long for her again; her voice, her laugh, her touch, her messages, her little and big acts of love.

And the feeling of being loved by her.

I miss you mom.

I know in the remaining of my life time, she will not be physically here.

And it hurts so deep.

A raw throbbing pain, a giant hole, an undeniable yearning for something to be never felt again.

Losing you has been the most difficult thing I have had to endure.

The shock has subsided but the hurt remains and the longing for you deepens everyday more that you are gone.

If you were here, you would tell me not to cry.

You would give me the comfort I need.

You have been and are the person that I want to comfort me through this pain.

But it is y ou that I am grieving.

It is you who is gone.

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Your words beautifully express the love and bond you have with your mom. It brought me to tears. 

It was the fifth anniversary for me on September 2nd. No matter how much time passes, we will forever miss our moms. ♡

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