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Lost soul08


The loneliness is a form of hell. When you spend every waking you can with someone & they're are part of your daily routine you just feel lost and alone after they pass. There is really nothing inside me but emptiness. I see no hope. I feel so alone. I wish I could get some symbol or sign that he is watching over me. It seemed like I was a lot when he first passed.

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Stella….An awesome response…. You truly set the stage for healing in practical measures, with simple steps to follow for personal success.  She/he is lucky to have your input.❤️

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On Jan 22, 2022, at 5:53 PM, Stella Cosmas <sacosmas@yahoo.com> wrote:

Sharing this with you dear Carol, because you understand.
Someone posted her painful time at the loss of her husband. See her post and my response to her( or him) below.

The loneliness is a form of hell. When you spend every waking you can with someone & they're are part of your daily routine you just feel lost and alone after they pass. There is really nothing inside me but emptiness. I see no hope. I feel so alone. I wish I could get some symbol or sign that he is watching over me. It seemed like I was a lot when he first passed.


Hello lost soul08,

I am sorry you “ lost your ground” when you lost your spouse. It is indeed an an earth-shattering  change…

I lost my husband recently too. We had a good life for over four decades. I did everything I could and gave him joy in spite of my pain watching him deteriorate…

Having said that, I refuse to suffer more than I did during his ailing years. I deserve to rest, to slow down and to experience joy no matter how small. This mindset is working for me.

I think of our good times, trips, support, laughter, my family, my friends, my ability to love others and to be grateful for what I have everyday. I found peace and serenity. 

Death is unavoidable. It is a painful but a natural part of life. We will all leave this earth one day but until then we are responsible to have self care and self compassion. We deserve to be happy, but now, without our spouse, the daily balance is harder but it is achievable. 

Give yourself time to grieve and time to enjoy the sunshine and smile again. This is what your loved one would have wanted for you: To move on stronger and to feel alive and joyful again.

Sending you good vibes and good wishes to be in the present and allow yourself to be happy again for various new reasons.

Sending you hugs.

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  • Hugs 2
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