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Losing your soulmate is one of the most painful deaths I think anyone will have to endure because you lose your other half of yourself as well.

Entries in this blog

Valentines day

It's no surprise that Valentines day with you significant other being in heaven is hard.. I did a lot of self- care routines and reminisce on our memories and the tangible things I have to touch and hold.. 

Lost soul08

Lost soul08 in My soulmate


The loneliness is a form of hell. When you spend every waking you can with someone & they're are part of your daily routine you just feel lost and alone after they pass. There is really nothing inside me but emptiness. I see no hope. I feel so alone. I wish I could get some symbol or sign that he is watching over me. It seemed like I was a lot when he first passed.

Lost soul08

Lost soul08 in My soulmate

The holidays...

No one could ever prepare you for your first holiday without your loved ones. This year is expecially hard because I lost my grandfather and my fiance on the same day. I'm trying to grieve one loved one at a time and I'm taking my fiance passing the hardest at this point because it is Christmas. I spent a beautiful Christmas Eve with his family they showered me with very sentimental gifts and it was very emotional. I know we lit off biodegradable lights for him yesterday and he gave us so many s

Lost soul08

Lost soul08 in Losing two loved ones on the same day

Books & Journals

Today, I went to the bookstore, and it actually gave me a glimmer of hope finding hundreds of books that try to help you through grief, books about signs and symbols and just things to help you take it day by day. I got myself a planner so I can start planning what I'm going to do with my life and get back to working full-time. This is the first holiday season without my loved ones that past. My fiance and my grandfather. My fiance and I had lots of plans for the holiday season. I'm hoping that

Lost soul08

Lost soul08 in Losing two loved ones on the same day

Night time..

Nighttime seems to be the worst for me. We would spend a lot of time together in the evening because he worked hard all day long and I was able to work from home. We made the most out of every minute we could spend together. So, I feel especially alone at night. His Cemetery where he rests is less than 5 minutes from my house so I spend a lot of time there but I know he wouldn't want me there late at night so when I come home I just feel empty. I have thousands of videos, pictures, letters, card

Lost soul08

Lost soul08 in My soulmate

This Morning

This morning, I woke up crying for my loves kisses, warmth, compassion and comfort. I miss him affection. He always treated me like a princess. The morning and the night time seem to be the worst for me...

Lost soul08

Lost soul08 in My soulmate


I am not sure I will ever get out of the " denial " phase.. I'm not sure I ever want too.. 

Lost soul08

Lost soul08 in My soulmate

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