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Losing your partner


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Even though going through a marriage separation is splitting from your partner it's still a loss. When you love someone you grieve separating or divorcing them. It's like something has been taken away from you. It's important that you go through the sadness and grieving process in order to truly heal. 

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Oh yes, it sure is!  It's very hard.  People don't always understand how you can grieve for someone who "wasn't good for you" or they say things like "how can you possibly mourn them!" and that doesn't help.  I know they mean well but they sure can say inappropriate things to us!

I've been there, and my heart goes out to you.  I've been through loss of all kinds, I've been divorced, I've been widowed, they're different experiences, totally...grief from widowhood is ongoing as you had a good relationship you didn't want to lose.  But grief from divorce is also real, it's a loss of dreams too, a loss of who you thought the person was, and it takes time to process that loss and incorporate into your new life.

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KayC: It most definitely isn't easy. The fact that I'm carrying life inside of me and I have to stay calm for him. Babies really do feel your emotions and he doesn't deserve to be stressed. I think the best thing I could of done is seek counseling. It helps to open up to someone who's a neutral party. If rather suffer the pain and divorce. At least the wound will heal instead of staying and constantly being hurt over and over. 

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You are so right, it's so important to think of the long term and the affects your choices will have on this child.  I hope this baby brings you great joy and blessing!


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