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Loss of Father


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Hi there, i'm not really sure what i'm doing or expecting from this but here goes, i lost my father on the 17 September 2016, he died suddenly of a stroke, less than 24hrs of it happening, i was living in Australia at the time and my partner and i flew back to Scotland to be with the family and for his funeral, we arived back in Australia on the 22nd October and since then i've had huge difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep longer than 1-2hrs, i've tried all the usual herbel remedies, including a hell of a lot of Whisky, drowsey couch medicine and now i'm on too a few Valium everynight but still nothing is working, i just cant stop thinking of him, my mind wont let me have some rest, i was on a train today and a guy was wearing his aftershave, i started looking around for my father!!, wtf is that?!, anyway, like i said, i dont know what i'm expecting from this but i've heard its easier to talk to strangers than friends sometimes, any replys would be greatly appriciated, thanks 


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I joined yesterday hoping to get some comfort from people who have gone through the same as me, I lost my Dad in May and I have trouble sleeping too. I live in Scotland and my Mum and Dad in England so I wasnt able to visit him in hospital, I was going to go down but was told he would be home in a few days so I planned to then when he was at home, I was devastated when my Daughter knocked on the door and told me, I cry a lot, I miss him si much as I epect you do too and are feeling the same. I think the aftershave thing is your brain trying to accept that he has gone, it hasnt sunk in yet. I think I will phone Dad and then I remember,it is painful.

Thank you for helping me too.





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Hi DeanC 

so sorry for your loss. I lost my mum suddenly in January and I too suffer from insomnia, my mind just won't stop thinking about my mum, imagining how she died and what I could have done if I had been there, which is silly since I live in a different country. Anyway it just got too much so I went to GP who had put me on meds but even with that I'm up at 4 am every day, I tried all herbal stuff first but no joy. It seems it's quite normal to have insomnia when going through grief, have you thought about going to your doctors? I have also just started bereavement counselling which I'm hoping it will help. 

Sorry don't really have any good advice, here if you want to chat though. 


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