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I am so very sorry about your loss. You keep your conversation brief and simple. Allow her to cry or feel whatever she is feeling. Make sure she knows it's okay to feel how she feels. Try to keep her routine as normal as possible. Answer her questions as best as you can. Be there for her. 

You can also Google books on how to discuss death with a child. There are some really good ones available. 

We will be with you,


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I kept life with her very normal as from the monday after her sister died she was in school doing all after school clubs and now 5 months on she don't even talk about her sister she had never cred for her she is a strong little girl but I don't want her to hate the world if that makes sense x

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Perhaps you should approach the subject very casually and ask how she is doing with her feelings and everything. Her pediatrician may have better advice.If she appears to be doing okay, monitor her, but make sure she knows she is allowed to talk about her sister and her feelings. 


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My daughter just lost her brother at the end of September. Her brother was 3 1/2 months old and my daughter is 6. Her brother was on her dads side. She is currently in counseling but this has been the most difficult thing to go through. I would like to visit with you and compare notes on how our children are processing. 

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I am in Oklahoma.  We could exchange email addresses.  I am just at such a loss with her at times.  We have counseling today and this will be the 5th session.  After this session the couselor and I will sit down and make a treatment plan.  I don't really know what that is all about, but maybe my expectations.  I put her in counseling about a week after the funeral.  She likes to talk about it so it works really good for her.  I know all kids are different though.  She has a lot of questions surrounding death and I have been totally honest with her.  Shes only 6, but shes a smart 6.  I say that because it seems like she always knows the right questions to ask...and sometimes i dont know how to answer them.

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