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Broken mommy

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  • I lost my baby boy on the 23 of July 2015, just a few days before he turned 1 year. Even writing this now i'm still shaking and i at least have made peace with the fact that my life will never be the same again but that doesn't make the pain any better. I'm 25 and this was my 1st baby , i didn't only lose my child but i lost everything i never believed in and i feel nothing but loneliness every second of my life.
    Here is the story of how i lost the only thing that ever meant anything to me... Just after finishing college with a baby as a bonus degree, i was called in for an interview for my 1st internship, i felt life was coming together for me and my baby, stepmom offered to take my baby with for few days till i got hang on my job little did i know that was the last time i will see my little angel alive. Till today i don't really know what happened.
    My so called family was never supportive when i dealt with this and i decided to call it quits with them since i couldn't stand their cruelty towards me. i go through this everyday and ask myself questions that i an never answer. My whole life has gone downhill since then , i'm a good example of emotional wreck
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