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loss of daughter to drug overdose

Janice S

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My daughter passed away on Aug. 10, 2016. I found her in her bathroom. She had struggled with drug addiction for over 8 years. We sent her to treatment, detox, NA and AA meetings over the years. I miss her so much.


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Love Lives On


I am so sorry to hear about the loss of your sweet daughter. It sounds like you did everything you could do to try to help -- addiction can have such a powerful hold that it is so hard to break free...

I am so sorry for the heartache that you and your family must be experiencing. 

Sending my love during this difficult time, stay strong.



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i am so sorry. I also lost my 24 year old son but in different circumstances. However he was a drug addict for some years too eventually ending up on heroin. We also did the rehab psychiatrist meds counselling etc and I lived in fear of him dying from an overdose. He was homeless several times living on the streets and stealing food and going to homeless shelters and soup kitchens. He did get clean and had over a year of sobriety and we still lost him. What i am saying is you are not alone there are people on this site who really understand and can maybe offer you support and hope, You did everything you could it was an addiction she could not break and an accidental death. She will always be in your heart and walking alongside you, you just cant see her for now.

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as parents i think we all feel some responsibility or guilt when we have lost our child/children, feeling we should have done more done better etc. My guilt is that i did not have the money to visit my son in Hawaii where he lived and neither did he so none of our family had seen him for over 4 years and then he died. i feel i should have used my credit card and done it but i could not afford to so the next time i saw him was at the funeral home. i know rationally that it is what it is but part of the grief process is guilt and wondering what we could have done differently. I think that is all part of the process. Our children all know they were loved and supported and accepted even if some of the behaviours or habits/addictions were not acceptable.

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Janice S, so sorry for your loss, I lost my daughter on May22 this year from  the same horroble reason. Tears never stop.



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