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Loss of father and mother :(


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Hello my name is mike i have 2 younger sisters I just lost my mom unexpectedly and this is 4 years after my dad died which  I haven't even overcome yet. It hurts alot and people really dont understand how much until it has happen to them. The only thing they left us was the house with unpaid mortgage and just enough  life insurance to cover the burial. I feel like i have no time to  greif I spend most my time at work and worrying about my 2 sisters and how will be able to keep the house we live in. I feel it bottling it up inside me and i just wanna be able to relax and let it out. I come to this forum because you all know the pain i feel and could understand and relate to it not like most my friends can.  I also would like some advice on the best ways to coop with my loss and proper ways to let it out and greif thanks everyone !

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I am very sorry about the loss of your mother and your father. The best way to heal is to talk about your feelings and your mom. Share stories, cry, and just don't be afraid to feel. There are many people here who have suffered similar experiences, and they will be able to offer support and encouragement. 

We will be here with you,


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