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The pain is unbearable ...


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I lost my partner August 11th 2016, aggressive cancer in just a month, he was only 36 yo, same age as me.  I am in a shock, now that the days go by and I m starting to realize the loss the pain is unbearable, especially when home alone, I go to work that helps me quite a lot but when I go back home I'm not in the mood to even go to the gym that I used to go before this tragedy...people say exercise helps but I don't know I can't do it yet,  can't watch a movie or read a book cause I  can't concentrate,cant eat properly, many crying spells, I just relax a lil bit at night I put chants and relaxing music , light the candles and hugging his plush dog that it was a gift from me to him and he used to sleep with it when we were not sleeping together... Sorry for ranting but my friends trying to comfort me but they don't know how it really feels losing a person you loved and loved you so unconditionally... My blessings to all from Greece...

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I am so sorry you lost your partner, that is so very young, I hate cancer, I lost my friend/neighbor of 38 years to it two days ago.

Having difficulty with focus, loss of interest, etc. is all part of grief.  Maybe instead of trying to go to the gym, just take a walk, it does help.

It is true, our friends want to comfort but unless they've been there, they just don't get it.

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