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Found older brother too late


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My older brother was 29 and he had struggled with heroine addiction. He got involved with the wrong person and ended sitting in jail for almost a year because he had a roommate taking advantage of his addiction and started producing narcotics inside my brothers house. Finally they saw that my brother didn't have much to do with what his roommate was doing and we were able to get him out on house arrest. The first few months were great it was awesome to have my brother back because he was clean and I could have a normal conversation with him. I always looked up to my older brother so it was very hard for me to know that he had gotten caught up in something that could potentially kill him. 

About a month a go i was sitting in my room playing a video game. My mom began to call upstairs to my older brother because she had not seen him that day. I did't think much of it because my brother put headphones in a lot and listened to it really loud so he could have just been doing that or napping. after a few times of calling up the stairs my mom decided to go check on him but the door was locked. she went and got a screwdriver so she could get into his room. If i would of known what she was concerned about i would have done it myself way earlier but hindsight is 20/20. After she opened the door I heard the most terrifying yell i can imagine from my mother and i rushed over there because i had a feeling what had happened i just couldn't believe it was true. My brother was laying on the ground inside his room with blood and foam coming out of his mouth. I ran downstairs with my mom to get a phone to dial 911. My mom was so upset she couldn't dial the number so i took the phone and called 911. The 911 operator started asking me to check and feel if there was a pulse. I didn't feel one but i wasn't sure because my heart was racing so fast. I went on and followed the instructions from 911 and tried so hard to bring my brother back but it was just too late. at one point I got really dizzy and thought i was going to pass out when I was giving him mouth to mouth and then pumping his chest as the 911 operator instructed. I remember at one point his eyes opened up a little bit and i thought maybe it worked. after an eternity it seemed the ems showed up and they looked down at me and said "you wanna let us take over from here". 

They announced he had passed away shortly after and I am pretty sure he was already gone when we found him. I am not a doctor though and wasn't sure so I did everything I could just in case. I mean how could I just sit there and assume that he is dead when my mother has just seen her first born laying on the ground like that. I told her to wait outside of the room because she didn't need to see anymore of this and she was very upset to where i couldn't hear the 911 operator. I really wish i realized something was wrong sooner than she did because it kills me she had to see him like that.

The night before this happened he came and home and brought me a hot dog and some fries and i noticed he was talking in a manner that he may be using something again. I just chalked it up to him being tired though because he had been doing so well and I guess i just didnt want to believe it. I called in to work sick that day and I am glad I did. I can't imagine my mom going through all that by herself. We went above and beyond to get my brother help and to give and second and third chances to clean up. unfortunately he got involved with something that was stronger than he was.

My brother wasn't a bad guy by any means. He wasn't the kindest person in the world either but he was my only brother and I love him no matter how rough the past few years of his life were.He graduated from Clemson university and had bought a house and began saving up a good amount of money before he got wrapped up in heroine. I have been on this earth for 22 years and my brother had such a huge impact on everything I did growing up. Anything my brother did I would try to do the same thing but better because i am just a super competitive person. Drew was really good at baseball. I remember going to more of his baseball games when i was younger than i can count. It was fun watching my brother hit pop up home runs that none of the other kids could dream about doing at his age. He also hit the game winning hit in the state championship the send his team to the regionals. He was a lefty and he hit a lazer beam down the third base line that drove in the winning run. He also introduced me into tennis one summer when him and a friend went to Daytona and played a bunch of tennis they came back and still wanted to play a bunch. after two nights of playing i started dominating him and his friend. i was 10 years old and he was 17 at the time. That summer we went out almost every night and played tennis from 9 pm at night to 1 AM in the morning. I loved it. I ended up getting a scholarship for tennis as well as playing 6 years of varsity tennis in high school. I played number 3 in 7th grade and #1 from 8th-12th and idk if i would have ever even picked up a tennis racket if it wasnt for my brother. He was very protective of me and would never let anything happen to me when I was little. I love you Drew you will always be a hero to me. Rest in Peace and know you will be remembered for the awesome things you did and not the tragic way that you left us. 

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I am so very sorry for the loss of your brother. I am a drug counselor by profession, and I know well the ravages of addiction. Most addicts are good people ravaged by a terrible disease. 

Take care of yourself, and don't be afraid to continue to love your brother. Talk about him often and share your feelings. It will help with the healing. 

We will be here with you,


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