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Lost dogs because of nervous breakdown


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Back in March I suffered a nervous breakdown and left my dogs behind and moved to Georgia. I was lucky enough to have a friend bring the m to his house,but because he already had dogs, he could not keep them. By the time recovered and returned to my home state , he had already found them a home.  Having difficulty dealing with this to the point where I'm having trouble getting up in the morning. Does anybody have a similar experience?

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I do not have any experience, but is it possible to go to the new owners and ask for them back? How long did you have them? 



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Laws vary state to state, here the cutoff is 30 days.

I am very sorry you lost your dogs but glad they have someone caring for them.  Even though they're still alive, this is a profound loss to you, and I can understand the abject sorrow you are feeling.  I have a friend who had the city remove her three Kuni pigs and it broke her heart.  She hadn't been aware of an ordinance, they were about 40 lbs each and she kept them in the house, also had a fence and a pen for them.  Sometimes our laws don't recognize that these are our family members. :(

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