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Goodbye my little baby


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I didn't know it would be this tough when I took you home with me.  I did my best to do everything I could for you, and I gave you all the love and devotion I knew how.  You were worth every late night spent crying and watching over you, checking on you a million times and watching you bounce back again, from every UTI, every CKD episode, each time thinking this was the last only to be proven wrong again.  The joy you brought me was worth every tear.  I could not have loved you more.  I'm so sorry I had to say goodbye today.  I miss you so much.  You were the last little piece of my grandma and my aunts.  Tell them I love them.  Bye, Miss Molly.  I'll see you all again soon, in less than the blink of an eye.  You are my sweetheart, my little girl, my little baby, and I will always love you.

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I am sorry for your loss.  I have lost many cats and dogs and it never gets any easier.  It sounds like she had a hard road but you loved her through it all and were there for her.  She was lucky to have you.

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Thanks.   It's been two weeks ago today.  I got her ashes back on Tuesday.  I didn't want to have her cremated but I wanted to be able to take her back to Grandma's house.    My mom lost both of her sisters and her mother in just 10 months, 4 years ago.  By the time my grandmother passed my parents were already hoarding cats, so I took Molly.  She was already about 16 and had diabetes, so she had lots of problems.  I did the best I could for as long as I could.  I miss her.  She was the last piece of a world that's gone now.

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I'm so glad you took her after your grandmother died, it's very hard to find homes for older cats.  I lost a 19 year old cat ten years ago and still miss him.  Right now I have a 20 year old cat and nearly lost her three weeks ago.  It's very hard to deal with.

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