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I don't want to wait 40 something years to die so I can see my dad again


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I don't want to wait 40 something years to die so I can see my dad again.

This huge amount of time until I probably die is just too long to wait in order to see my dad again.

I don't want to die, I just really want to see my dad. He was and still is a huge part of my life.

I honestly don't know how people deal with waiting to see their loved ones again. My dad just died this year at a mere 52, I'm 26 and all I can think about is how long I have to wait

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RockyRacoon, it is so hard losing an immediate family member, be it a child, a spouse or in your case, a parent.  It is something no one really talks about.  There's no sense of community regarding it even though it will happen to everyone at some point.  Being young creates special challenges as you may go on to achieve new milestones in your life and wish your parent were there to see it.  I am a few years older than you are, but only ever had one parent, my mom, who is aging rapidly it seems and has some form of dementia.  I don't know if you lost your father slowly or suddenly, either way it is so hard.  Your father does not want you to cut your life short.  He wants you to live it to the fullest by surrounding yourself with good people and fulfilling activities.  It may help if you can find a support group for young adults.  I haven't found any where I live, though in my huge metropolis I know there are probably plenty of young adults dealing with loss.  It's strange how no one talks about it.  But we are always here on this board!  Best wishes.

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This is exactly how I have been feeling. My dad passed away unexpectedly on 28th August, I miss him so much already, he was my best friend as well as my dad, I just don't want to have to wait that long to see him again. 

I'm sorry you've lost your dad when he was so young, my mum was 52 when she died 16 years ago and I remember feeling very cheated because she was so young. I hope you're coping ok with it, 


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Hi, I lost my father recently and felt same way as you. You are not alone to feel that way. But this is what I told myself, my father is no more and when I saw his lifeless body I was numb and disconnected because his essence was gone. It was not him anymore and after funeral I realized he has disintegrated into earthly elements. Life is too short, even before you know it , it might be your turn. Pls don't harm yourself in any way. This comes from a griever who has been in your shoes.

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I know how you are feeling. My mum passed on Sunday and it seems a lifetime away before I will see her again. Someone told me something that brought me some comfort that the place where we meet again time doesn't exist so it will be like my mum and I were only apart for an instant when we meet again.



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