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I know.  We can eventually adjust to the loss and learn to do our lives but the missing them continues...

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Forever His x

Im sitting here today , and when i came across your post i felt your pain . 

Today has been 8 weeks , 2 months since i heard his voice seen his beautiful face and body , kissed and hugged him . 

Total mess . 

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I'm a little over sixteen months without my beloved Tammy by my side. The pain never really goes away but in time, we do learn to adapt. No, it will never be the same but I truly believe that they live on forever inside of us.

Of course, it's not like touching them or kissing them or being held in their arms.

But, we were so blessed to have had a love that few have ever experienced.

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I am so very sorry. By now you are probably starting to really hit some walls within your grief. Please stay connected with us during this time. Having a community to talk to will keep the pain from becoming too overbearing. 

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I feel like as time goes on, its getting harder. and they say "Time Heals!??"

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I understand that feeling. Time does not heal, but rather it allows wounds to scar over. This situation can be compared to an injury that never healed correctly. It's better, but still hurts when the weather turns or when you step on it wrong. Grief is a chronic pain that we will get use to living with. We'll always feel it, and we just hope time will dull it a bit. 

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True, it's not time alone, but what we do with it that helps us heal.  It's so important to see a grief counselor, express ourselves, like posting here or in a journal, it helps to know we are heard.  Read!  There are so many good books and videos on grief.  Listen to those who have been there, they might have something to learn from.  We have to figure out for ourselves how to do this life and create our own normal, and that is a whole lot of work in progress!

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Honestly, communicating with people who are going through a similar situation helps significantly. I also attending grief counseling and that is helping as well, but super expensive. I started reading a book, I wasn't ready to say goodbye" and it's about the grieving process over sudden death. It's pretty good actually.

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I am sorry your are hurting, Krantz. I know it is hard when you don't have the chance to say good-bye. And I know you are missing him. You love him. 

I didn't have either. My husband died in my arms and I couldn't do anything about it. In less than 10 minutes. 

Don't keep your feelings inside. Let them out. You feel like crying, cry. You feel like talking about your fiance, talk about him. 

If I can do anything for you, let me know.

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That sounds like a good book.  I can sure relate to the title!


I agree with your advice.  It's so important to have our feelings validated and know they are normal.

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