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My cat, my everything


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Last November I had to have my best friend put to sleep. He had cancer of the tongue and when the vet confirmed what it was, everything just stopped. He was my best friend in the world and now, even though 98 long months have passed it still feels like it was yesterday. Many people say that their pet seemed to be almost human, the ways that they could understand their owner, but with my cat, his whole personality really was almost human in the way he could understand you. In these long months after what happened, I just can't go on, it has affected me worse than losing my best friend, my dad, even my niece, bad of me isn't it to feel that way? But I do, I can't stop thinking about wanting to hold him again, but until the day I pass could be another 40 years away, I'm trying to say, I am that sad and alone I have thought about just quitting this sad lonely world too.



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Rocky and Ginger's Mom

I am so very sorry for your loss. My cat Rocky passed away on 5/28. and I am still heartbroken and understand your feelings.I pray our animals will one day again be with us. Our pets are family so it's not bad to feel the way you do,yes the mourning can even be worse than some other family members death. Please don't give up on life,their is help out there to cope with what you are going through. You are in my prayers

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I am so sorry for the loss of your cat.  My "King George" was 19 when I had to have him put to sleep because of cancer (it went from the eyes, sinus passage, to the top of the throat/mouth area).  It's so hard making that decision, even though it's in their best interest, because we know it'll be the last time we get to hold them.  I, too, believe we'll be together again and that hope helps tremendously.

Less than seven weeks ago I lost my "Miss Mocha"...if only they could live longer and we never had to say goodbye.  Everything seems to serve as a reminder in these early days.  Hang in there, one of the main things I've learned about our grief journeys is that it does not stay in the same level of intensity forever but is ever evolving as we gradually adjust to the changes it brings.  We may not LIKE the changes, but we can learn to cope and coexist with our grief.

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