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New - how can it be true

Joanne's mum

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Joanne's mum

My beautiful daughter Joanne, you left me December 27th 2015, how can you be gone, a part of me went with you when you died. Struggling so much so proud of you sweetheart, love you to the moon and back


my precious daughter died from brain cancer, she had been diognoise 29th Dec 2014 and died 27th Dec 2015, I have no friends or family who will support me, people seem to think,6 months time to get over it. I just can't accept that she is gone, Joanne was my life how does anyone get passed this 

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Alina's mom

Sorry for your loss. I lost my beautiful daughter May 22. Crying with you.


You can write here and you can find mental support here.

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Trav's Dad

I'm so sorry for your loss. I lost my Son a month ago.

Sorry I don't have any answers for you, but stay strong if you can, talk to someone, it helps.

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I've lost so much it is unbelievable. 6 months isn't a lot time, at all. You deserve to grieve even if it is the rest of your life. How can anyone tell you how long it will take you to grieve? That doesn't even make sense.

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hi i am sorry for all your losses. i came here because of the title how can it be true? i don't know. it has been 5 years and my questions are still the same. i just wanted to recommend that you post in loss of an adult child if you haven't already. it is a very active forum with many loving helpful people walking in your shoes. they truly probably saved my life. also it doesn't matter the age of your child even though it says adult children.  you will find it under loss of a child

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I lost my wonderful son 5 months ago. I am in a fog, I go thru the day doing my daily routine, don't feel anything. Keep playing that horrible night over in my head. Police at the door in the middle of the night. I knew in my heart why they were there, I felt his pain earlier in the evening. I knew he was gone. I can't wrap my brain around it.....

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It's been over a year for me. There's still a part of me that thinks there's no way this can be true. He'll come home any minute now because of how much he misses me, and I'll be so glad he's home I'll forgive all that pain that followed his leaving.... I know I'll never "get over it".. he's my son. I never should get over it. People just can't understand... 

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