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It was his funeral yesterday - so that means it must be true, its not a prank, or a cruel hoax, or a mistake.

My son is dead and that's the truth


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Alina's mom

So sorry for your loss. I lost my daughter May 22. The worst mental pain - to lose a child in any age...

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Trav's Dad

I'm so sorry, I feel your pain I think. It is difficult to believe that your loved one is actually gone, isn't it?

It does feel like some sort of joke, but it is not.

I have been through the funeral, twice, once for her side in a city far away, once for my side, in our own city.

I have his ashes with me, but cannot accept that he is gone.

I pray that you find some peace, talk to someone if you can, you'll know if they are receptive.


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Part of me still feels like it's a joke, even with his ashes on my bedside table. I'm waiting for "April Fools"

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It's no joke - I wish it were.

I miss my son so much I want to be with him.

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