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Every day is the same !

Forever His x

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Forever His x

... i still feel the exact same since the day this horrible nightmare happened , i only get up in the mornings for our son , if i didnt have him i dont know what id be doing .

My heads all over the place i cant make any sense of my own head , still cant accept it , dont know what im doing what im meant to do now . 

everydays the same and i dont see how it will ever be any different , just cant see the point in this so called "life" now i dont have him . 

Arrrghhhh ! 

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This is just a soft and gentle reminder that you aren't that far along in your grief. Your brain is doing some amazing things to help you out, but that takes time. And it sucks, because in the meantime you feel like ****. But I promise you that your brain and your body is working really hard to get you to function everyday. Remember that, and know that some days are just going to suck.

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Forever His x
1 hour ago, claribassist13 said:

This is just a soft and gentle reminder that you aren't that far along in your grief. Your brain is doing some amazing things to help you out, but that takes time. And it sucks, because in the meantime you feel like ****. But I promise you that your brain and your body is working really hard to get you to function everyday. Remember that, and know that some days are just going to suck.

Thankyou for your kind words , in a strange way i understand what your saying , i have so much supportive family around me but i feel so alone and lost because i dont have him 
its all such a mess.

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I can relate. Be sure to take the support you need though. Unfortunately, we cannot have the people we want, so we have to settle for the people who want and are willing to help us!

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Forever His x
17 minutes ago, claribassist13 said:

I can relate. Be sure to take the support you need though. Unfortunately, we cannot have the people we want, so we have to settle for the people who want and are willing to help us!

as much as i dont want it to be true , everything that you are saying does make sense , its just hard to get straight in my head , 
Any tips on day to day living how to get by how to cope , im a stay at home mum and sometimes feel im going mad .

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I have yet to be a mother, so I cannot truly relate, but I would suggest doing things with you child to keep active while also taking the time to do things you and he might have enjoyed. Did you guys like to take walks? Maybe take your kid down to a park or on a greenbelt. Let the busy of they city or the serenity of nature calm you while exciting your little one. 

Honestly, you just have to get up and start doing something. I would take any opportunity to be outside though. Sunshine has a way of lifting your spirits and sometimes just the calm of nature can take you out of your own mind for a while. 
I would also recommend taking time for yourself. It's hard to grieve and heal yourself if you are always having to care for someone else. You have your child to care for, and I dedicated all of my efforts towards my fiance's mother. Trust me, I am already feeling the negative effects that disregarding my care in favor of hers has had on me. Have someone babysit for you so you can have some alone time. This will allow you to have time to do whatever YOU need to do to help yourself. When you go back to your kid you'll have a clearer mind and will be able to give more focus to her. 

Like I said, I am not a mother. This is just advice. 

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Forever His x
On 01/07/2016 at 9:05 PM, claribassist13 said:

I have yet to be a mother, so I cannot truly relate, but I would suggest doing things with you child to keep active while also taking the time to do things you and he might have enjoyed. Did you guys like to take walks? Maybe take your kid down to a park or on a greenbelt. Let the busy of they city or the serenity of nature calm you while exciting your little one. 

Honestly, you just have to get up and start doing something. I would take any opportunity to be outside though. Sunshine has a way of lifting your spirits and sometimes just the calm of nature can take you out of your own mind for a while. 
I would also recommend taking time for yourself. It's hard to grieve and heal yourself if you are always having to care for someone else. You have your child to care for, and I dedicated all of my efforts towards my fiance's mother. Trust me, I am already feeling the negative effects that disregarding my care in favor of hers has had on me. Have someone babysit for you so you can have some alone time. This will allow you to have time to do whatever YOU need to do to help yourself. When you go back to your kid you'll have a clearer mind and will be able to give more focus to her. 

Like I said, I am not a mother. This is just advice. 

i agree i dont know why but i feel a little calmer when im outside , im lucky and have a very big garden so its nice to just get out there sit about or go for a walk about . baby loves the fresh air too which is great . i will still do things with baby , but i cant help but feel guilty as he should be doing them with us and watching our little man grow , he was an amazing dad so proud its all just so gutting . 
but i also like the idea of getting a baby sitter for a few hours to just have that me time , as baby is very active now at 14 months . 
its just actually doing it rather than saying it ! . 

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It's just one step at a time.

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