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How do cope with the loss of 3 family members in 2 weeks of each other. I lost my mum 21 december 2015 my uncle  on 28 December 2015 and dad on Jan 04 2016 I'm not coping at all everyday I cry everyday I think about them everyday I wish I wasn't hear coping with this alone I have a daughter of 4 and I just always feel depressed I'm so fed up

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I'm no expert, but joining a support group is essential to getting through all of the losses you have suffered. It may even be a good idea to look into some professional help, such as a counselor or therapist. From what know, the best way to deal with loss is to talk about it. Talk about your feelings, talk about your loved ones and just talk about moving forward. 

Do you have any siblings? Friends? Other relatives to lean on for support? Many times, local funeral homes have grief support groups. Would you be willing to try one out? I am going to move your post to our "Loss of a Parent" forum where there are many others who have experienced similar losses. They may be able to offer you encouragement, advice and support. 

We will be here with you,


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