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No reason to life without him. .


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Its been 4 months since my hubby passed away. .nxt month wouldve been 8 years that we r married. I feel so robbed of my life. .so robbed of my future. we have a six yr old daughter. shes non verbal and autistic. i jus feel life has been so unfair to me. i wake up everyday just to die all over again. i feel like im living in a nightmare i cant wake up from. i can't live without my husband. He was my everything. i keep waiting for him to wake me n say. ."its Saturday, wats for bfast?". .i wish this was all a dream. .i just want to die sometimes. .i do this thing called life everyday just for my daughter. i feel lost alone and so so broken. The day e died. .i died too. .

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I am so very sorry for the loss of your precious husband. Do you have anyone to reach out to for support? Friends? Family? Is there a group you can touch base with in person in your hometown? Perhaps a grief and loss group? Many funeral homes have support groups--please consider joining one. Also, perhaps you should consider talking to your doctor about  how down you are feeling.

Of course you are reeling from all this. It has to seem almost impossible at times. Talking about your loss or writing about it are ways to help you process everything. Please continue to come here and talk. There are many people who have experienced similar tragedies. They will be able to offer you support and encouragement as you steer through this journey.

We will be here with you,


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 I know how you feel.  I lost the woman I thought I'd be spending the rest of my life with three months ago.  Im not certain I would still be here if it wasn't for my kids.  I've mentioned on here before that I live life in a very basic definition of it.  I wake up, miss her all day while trying to work, come home and go to bed early just to get the day over with and do it all over again the next day.  I even wrote the same as you, when she died, she took, she took me with her.  

I hate the pain i am feeling and often wonder how much longer i can do this.  There have been some better days.  I wont say good days, just better.  I hear the better days will outnumber the worse days at some point and good days return.  Like you, im not sure i believe them, but im holiding onto hope that they will.  I'm not certain I have any encouraging words for you.  Just know you are not alone.  

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