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Saying goodbye


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We are losing our beautiful, spunky 15 y.o. Kelly. She turned 15 in March and we are so grateful to have had all these wonderful years with her, but the pain is breathtaking already. We got her as a puppy when I was in 8th grade...now I'm a year married and looking at her is looking back at half my life. She has been my best friend & companion, kisser of tears and bruises, my partner in sassy-ness. Since her birthday she has been slowing down considerably but the last two weeks, she has taken a real turn. Not eating, walking into a room and just staring blankly, not wanting to go outside or do anything. She will barely wiggle her tail. My poor sweet girl is a shadow of her former self and I know it's a matter of days or hours until we have to say goodbye. I keep telling myself that she had the best life and it was long and full of love. Somehow, those thoughts just can't touch the impending dread and crushing sadness. We lost our first Wheaten terrier in a tragic accident and I always thought how grateful I would be to get to say goodbye to Kelly on her terms and ours but now I would do anything for more time with her.

My mom called the vet this morning to update her on Kelly and the vet basically said if you want to bring her in you have to do it tomorrow afternoon, otherwise no appointments until next week. My mom took the appointment because she didn't know what else to do but we're going to cancel it. It was unbearable all day just having this time echoing in my mind that we were going to let her go. We found another place where you don't have to make an appointment in advance which is more tolerable. We won't let her suffer, but I don't want to give up on her either. Going to see how tonight goes. Any thoughts, etc. are most appreciated.


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I am so sorry. What a beautiful girl.  Her eyes are so expressive.

Just short of one week ago I lost my boy Bichon, 9 years old.  Sudden and unexpected.  A week ago at this time he was his usual dynamic self and Friday morning at 2:30 a.m. he was gone.  He was my companion, he came to work with me everyday and traveled with me in the air and on the ground nearly everywhere I went.  I was his protector but in the end there was nothing I could do.  I shall never forget the love, sadness and despair when I looked into his eyes for the last time.

I'm not being at all helpful.  But please know that you are not alone.  You will hurt.  A lot, as I do now.  And I believe we will get over the grief but it's going to take considerable time.

God Bless you and your beautiful girl.

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Thank you for your kind words, and please accept my heartfelt sorrow at the loss of your dear boy. I am so sorry, and so very sorry that it happened so suddenly. As hard as it is to watch our best loved pets grow old, we'll always choose more time over less. I appreciated your message very much, and it always helps to hear an encouraging word of support and understanding. 

We said our final goodbye to Kelly-girl last Wednesday morning. On Tuesday night she was struggling to do the basics, and wouldn't eat grilled steak. It was obvious we needed to say goodbye. We all gathered around her favorite spot to look into the backyard and she sat with us the whole time, as though she were saying her long goodbye to us. Taking her in to the clinic was one of the hardest things I have ever had to do, but it was a privilege to go with her on that journey. 

Our pets will be forever in our aching hearts, but our hearts won't ache so hollowly forever. Day by day, minute by minute, the pain ebbs just a little bit and the joyful memories take its place.

I am wishing you peace & healing energy. Bless you & your sweet Bichon. 

Peace to you. 

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She was beautiful and I am saddened by your loss.  I lost my Gracie on October 26 after a 3 day illness.  She was six years old.    I am heartbroken and still in shock.

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