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Poem III.


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I don´t want to cry tonight,
I have the reason to be in right,
you came to me two days ago,
I felt a shiver up to toe.
The glockenspiel started to play
I bought you for a Christmas day,
it was here at one o´clock
making me a little shock.
I felt it as a grip such hot
telling you I miss you a lot,
I realized the time is up,
you went away,I took a nap.
Now you´re gone but it doesn´t seem sad,
because it feels still hot,you´re not dead,
go on writing for you,sweetest honey,
such a magic gift can´t pay the money.
I´ve got you and you´ve got me,
that´s the way the love should be,
it´s the most important precious gift,
we´ll be flying or is there a heaven´s lift?
I´m waiting for you to hold me forever
missing you even more than ever,
you´ll always be my only one,
my heart is beating for you,dearest Jan.
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