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Loss of grandson


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Brand new here and do not know how to post and share. Would someone ease give me directions?

One month ago we lost our eighteen year old grandson. He was the only child of my son and we are all totally devastated, especially his father and me. We .need help, support and someone we can relate to that has or is going through this tragedy.

Thank you so much....

Jonne.......Ryan's grandmother

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I am so sorry for your loss. I am new here also and not quite sure if this group is very active or I am just in the wrong spot. I lost my 22 year daughter 19 years ago today and my husband on March 31st. It's a rough road. Good luck and I hope you can find some comfort.

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I am so sorry to read of your losses, it is such a difficult time.

I lost my 10 year old granddaughter almost ten years ago.  I found my site on the Loss of an Adult Child forum.  They welcomed me while I was at my weakest.  They continue to support me as I lost my mother last July.  The road is hard and lonely and it is a place you can go to scream, cry..  and learn to put your life back together.  I still have problems all these years later and they still welcome me.  It is a wonderful place to share your angel..  I feel so blessed for all the parents and angels...  knowing this group has given me support while I was at my worst.. If you don't want to share.. it is ok just to read.. go at your own pace, there are no rules for this journey.

May you find some peace in your heart, I know it isn't easy.. but your not alone

JaBoa's grandma... Leah


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