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My dad


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My dad died Tuesday. I didn't realize it would be this hard :(. It has been hard to even get out of bed. I am crying less, but that is mostly because my head is so sore it hurts to cry now. I feel so lost and I can't believe I will never see him again :(. Just needed to say that I know people are tired of me being so down, but I really can't help it. Thanks for listening...

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I'm sorry to hear about your Dad. Don't worry about other people just look after yourself as best you can. It sounds like you're in massive shock.

My Dad died suddenly 6 weeks ago, the pain isn't any less than it was when he died. Not saying this to scare you, but from what I read online the pain doesn't lessen, you learn to cope with it and you've got to go through it to get through it.


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Mom of 2:  I know what you mean about people being tired of you being down.  I worry that my friends and hubby feel that way.  Hubby has been super supportive but I wonder if he wishes I would "get over it."  He hasn't given indication that he feels that way but I wonder...I'm having a hard time being open to intimacy because the most prominent emotion I"m dealing with now is sadness.    I also feel lost.  I feel like an abandoned child even though I am a 38 year old woman.  I miss him so much and feel lost without him.  

I want to be better but I'm having a hard time getting there.

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