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I feel so alone

Mrs Pyp

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I come from a family of eight; Mom, Dad, myself and 5 brothers.  I lost my 85 yr old father, December, 2014, to cancer which was expected (he was in hospice).  His funeral service was to be at Arlington in June, 2015.  Before we were able to take care of that, I lost my closest brother, April, 2015, very suddenly and with no warning.  He was 58 yrs old (one of my older brothers).  His wishes were to have his ashes scattered in Kentucky, which we planned for the end of September, 2015.  Before we were able to take care of that, I lost one of my younger brothers.  He was 50 years old and was killed in a motorcycle accident caused by a deer running out of the woods in front of him.  Now my mother and three remaining brothers are battling over everything.  It is very ugly and nasty.  My other oldest brother is the only one that I am talking to.  My mother and the other two have taken sides are being so, so, so greedy and disrespectful of my father and older brother that passed last year.  I haven't spoken to my own mother in almost 5 months.  She has told my older brother that she is never speaking to me again.  I haven't done anything wrong.  Prior to all of this, I used to talk to my mother at least once a day for years, for forever.  I don't want to be a part of the ungratefulness and disrespect.  I don't see things changing or getting any better.  I feel so hopeless and alone regarding my family.  I do have my husband and our son, who is 29 yrs old and permanently disabled due to a drunk driver, 10 years ago.  Just looking for someone to talk to that understands what I am going through. 

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I am so very sorry you have suffered so much loss and tragedy. So, why is your mother not speaking to you? Did you have words about the greed? Was something left to you that she wanted? 

I've had a few battles in my family over insurance and inheritance, and it's always ugly in the long run. 

So, have you tried recently to reach out to your mother? What happens? 

We will be here with you,


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