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My bright little Angel flew to heaven on December 26, 2012. Janice was my light and reason for being, she could make anyone smile just by smiling at them. Although she had physical limitations from birth you wouldn't have known it from her determiniation. She was a smart and beautiful girl that had a spirit that I have yet to find an equal. Janice never let anything stop her. Janice loved her Care Bears and Cat in the Hat. Her spirit was as pure on the day she left as it was the day she entered. 

Janice was my Borrowed Angel and my Blessing. I felt so proud to be her mother, to just know her. She inspired so many and her light will shine forever. I just wish I could have one more kiss, hear her voice one more time, have one more hug, hold her just one more time; I would trade anything to have her back. 

I haven't dreamed much since I lost my angel but when I do it is of her. I feel so lost without her. How do people go on after such a devestating thing as loosing a child so young and full of life. For her to go from being so full of life and happiness as she was on Christmas Eve to the form I held Boxing Day afternoon seems like an impossibility. It makes no sense. 

My tears come in spurts and all I want to do is hold Grumpy, her favorite bear. Her daddy gave it to her but mommy is the one that bought it. She didn't go many places without him and I guess I feel if I have Grumpy then she is close by, don't know how much sense I am making. 

Janice's sister Abbygail was born January 2014. Abby(as we affectionately call her) is completely healthy and active 2 year old. Nothand no one can fix a fill the break in my heart from the day Janice left us, however Abby fills my empty arms and gives me the light I needto keep going when I stumble. Its kind of funny how after Janice was born with her uniqueness my mantra was "do it for her" and somedays I am back to that for her sister.

Some for such a long into.

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JD's Mom, Becky

Wrong thread, sorry!

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