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Ready to help others and asking for your input please.


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I have experienced several losses in my life in addition to both of my parents, I was also present for the death of my only child, my son Tristan in 2008. All four of my grandparents have died as well as two of my uncles and my aunt. I suffered abuse at the hands of my ex-husband also. Loss is a language I am now fluent in.


Since the death of Tristan, I have worked hard to find my way through the fog of grief and have managed to become genuinely happy and have a feeling of peace that is constant. It has been a long arduous road of trial and error, falling down, depression, dream seeking, goal chasing and more. 


You see I promised Tristan before he died, that I would figure out how to live well without him here. My father died a few years later and my mother, though she still lives, is not in my life and that is a unique sense of loss. 


There were days after some of these deaths that I couldn't function at all and I know you have all had those kinds of days. I recall occasions when friends would have to pull me from the shower floor, or brush my teeth for me when I couldn't stop crying. 


Once I was able to find a "retreat" kind of close to where I lived. It was two hours away but they didn't offer overnight accommodations. They expected me to drive, experience all that pain through group discussions and then drive home afterwards, for a week! I thought this was a dangerous approach. I tend to fall asleep after I cry and would likely have myself died in a car wreck had I chosen to try this program. 


I would like to put together a program to help people during their grieving process. I feel a DVD, video series may be an option and some audio CDs to listen to.  I would like to put up a Topic Poll here and look forward to your input. Only those of us who have suffered these heartbreaking losses know how it feels, how painful it is to live with and how hard it is to get back on our feet and function in the family, at work and socially. 


In the last couple of years, I have found a light in my soul that shines and guides me through every day. I still have difficult days but overall, I am happy and have found my calling. It is my hope that your input will be a great assistance to helping others find their way through grief and learn to live well in this new reality. 


What type of help or programs have you found that have helped you in your healing journey? 


What have you tried that definitely did NOT help?


What did or do you look for or want available in a product or a program?


What do you dream of?


What do you despise? 


What items, classes or programs might you pay for if they were a valuable* and helpful healing tool for you? 


What else would make your healing journey smoother? 


Who's books are you reading/who are you following on social media?


What do you type into Google when you are looking for help?


If you have any other ideas to add, I encourage you to. Thank you for taking the time to read this and help. I really appreciate you for your life's experience and all you are able to contribute. 


With gratitude, 

~ Catherine




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